Summer anti -fraud strategy

Author:Peninsula Morning Post Time:2022.07.14

The summer vacation is the home of the students. There is no heavy schoolwork and constraints. The internet time is relatively free. The simple noodles involved in the world give more room for scammers.

What kind of deception has made students who are not wealthy worsening, and even emptied the bottom of the family?

4 middle school students a day were deceived

What did they go through

On July 11, according to the report of the Shenyang Public Security Anti -Telecom Network Crime Investigation and Control Center, on the same day, the Shenyang police received four alerts about middle school students who encountered cyber fraud. Among them, the two middle school students who were deceived were still classmates.

Short Video Praise Rebate

7,000 yuan to be deceived

The 12 -year -old Xiaoming (pseudonym) is a student of a middle school in Shenyang City. On the short video platform, you can see the advertisement that you can receive the red envelope with the "WeChat balance screenshot" video. In his private message, he added strangers as friends. After the steps of the other party taught, the other party said that because Xiaoming was a minor, the account was frozen due to the red envelope to Xiaoming, and threatened Xiaoming would "not turn" thawing fees ". Prosecution of his parents "" pay a fine. " Because of fear, Xiaoming cooperated with customer service to handle 7,000 yuan to the other party with his mother's mobile phone. When the mother found that it was wrong, it was too late.

Online transaction offline payment

Checked 3200 yuan

The 14 -year -old Xiaoliang (pseudonym) is the same middle school as Xiaoming. Xiaoliang saw a whole set of albums that love stars in "Turn to APP", and the price was as low as "指 小". Xiao Liang quickly contacted the seller and added the other party WeChat. The seller quickly issued a courier number to Xiaoliang and told Xiaoliang that if you transfer the payment offline, you can leave the postage. So Xiaoliang turned 3200 yuan to the other party with WeChat. As a result, there was no courier movement for a few days, and when he contacted the other party, he found that he had been hacked.

"Sweet" falls into a routine

Checked 9900 yuan

The 17 -year -old Xiao Liu (pseudonym) is a middle school student in a school in Liaoning District, Shenyang City. On this day, he saw an advertisement that could make money for short videos in the WeChat group. After a few short videos, the screenshot was sent to the "Single Staff" according to the requirements. His commitment gave Xiao Liu a 10 yuan red envelope. Xiao Liu came immediately when he was about to continue his dream of "lying and earning", the other party pulled Xiao Liu into a WeChat group, and the owner was introducing the business to everyone: download the app, invest in a small amount of principal, and you can earn a small amount of principal. Give high commission. Someone in the group began to show screenshots of the income. Xiao Liu began to invest 2,000 yuan in principal. In the end, he borrowed money from various ways and invested a total of 9,900 yuan, and he didn't get a penny.

Scan the code to get the "welfare" of the skin of the online game

100 yuan

The 14 -year -old Xiao Zhang (a pseudonym) is a student in a middle school in Shenyang. In order to make his game protagonist have better skin, he kept making skin fragments. Xiao Zhang saw a video shared by the game god in the short video. After a while, some people told him that paying attention to the anchor and like video can receive the skin for free. Xiao Zhang couldn't wait to add the other party's friends, and was then pulled into the welfare group. The owner sent a QR code to get the children who wanted to get the skin in the group to scan the code to receive the redemption code. "WeChat scan the code", you must use the adults to receive it. In fact, this QR code is a payment code, and Xiao Zhang paid 100 yuan to the other party with his mother's mobile phone.

Painful lesson

At the end of the period, there is no money to spend, a college student in Shenyang was cheated 70,000

Before the holiday, Xiao Li (a pseudonym) of a university in Shenyang was cheated by more than 70,000 yuan by the rebate scam.

At first, a person who claimed to be a courier plus Xiao Li's QQ pulled Xiao Li to a QQ group. On the afternoon of May 22, Xiao Li saw the download link of online part -time jobs in the QQ group. Xiao Li downloaded this software. Then there was a receptionist contacting him, briefly introduced the process and put forward related guarantees, and then introduced the mentor and the single staff to Xiao Li. At the beginning, Xiao Li tried it a bit, and he made a profit of 160 yuan and 400 yuan in two rounds. The instructor induced Xiao Li to increase investment. Although Xiao Li had doubts in the middle, when he saw that other people in the group had a successful withdrawal, he obeyed the instructions sent by a single member until he finally realized that this was a scam. At this time A total of more than 70,000 yuan has been invested.

Police analysis two types of new types of Internet fraud for students

You can make money if you try to take pictures for free

When Yunyun (pseudonym) brushed the video, I saw a part -time advertisement. After adding a friend, the other party claimed that it would be a tester to collect various express delivery for free, and it can also enter tens of thousands of time. Yun Yun was so excited that he decided to make money part -time. Later, the customer service said that the first application for logistics was slow, and he could make a small money for subscription tasks. Yunyun received two small tasks and made a net profit of 300 yuan in less than half an hour.

After brushing the two orders, the customer service means that Yunyun is well reputable, and you can earn more. She believed that it was a real recharge of 5,000 yuan, but the other party said that the operation error needed to make a 9,000 yuan repair form. In just three hours, Yunyun's pocket money for many years was ransacked.

Police analysis: In such scams, criminals attract attention through high salary recruitment test clothes, and then proposed that they can make dual money during the waiting period. In the early stage, the commission was further acquired. After the victim increased its investment, he lied that the operation error induced the repair order and the integration form, and even threatened the loan to do the task on the grounds of prosecution. The reason why scamming succeed is mainly to use the psychology of students who want to make money. Based on this, everyone must be vigilant, do not trust part -time information on the Internet, and do not easily generate funds with strangers. High -level game account designated platform for sale

Xiao Zhang (pseudonym) wants to acquire a game account, so he searches the seller online. After adding friends, the two of them quickly finalized the price. The seller said that the value of the game account was high. In order to ensure security, it was required to trade on a platform. Xiao Zhangzhang's platform paid to buy, but the other party said that he did not see the order and guided him to the platform customer service place. The customer service stated that his first trading reputation was insufficient to pay a deposit of 1500 yuan, and then he asked for money again on the grounds of order over time. Xiao Zhang realized that he was deceived and asked to be black when he refunded the money.

Police analysis: Such scams are not only scammers, but also apply to sellers. The scammers are pretending to be buyers, and the seller is required to be traded on the designated platform on the grounds of ensuring the security of their funds. Then he lied that he could not buy it, induced the victims to contact customer service to pay the security deposit. The two are in common: specify the platform, sell/purchase failure, false customer service, and multiple money. If the above key steps are met at the same time, they are fraud. Everyone must raise a sense of safety to avoid falling into the scammer trap.

Student self -report: I encountered

What is network electrical fraud?

Not long ago, the Shenyang Public Security Anti -Telecom Crime Investigation and Control Center issued a "anti -scammer" solicitation order, and many students contributed to the real experience and anti -fraud experience when they encountered telecommunications fraud.

Hao of the School of Metallurgy, Northeast University:

The day before yesterday, someone added my QQ and pulled me into a group. The owner first sent a red envelope, and then began to lead everyone in the group. After a few orders, members of the group are induced to download the so -called "charity" app.

The scammers pack themselves into a charity company, and there is usually a single task for you to donate. There are many people in the group who believe in this statement. I told some people who are ready to continue doing the task through private messages. At the same time, see what these scammers are going to do some new tricks.

After doing a few orders, the scammers issued a padding task in the group. I did not transfer money this time. I chose to continue to deal with the scammers. Use PS to make a screenshot of 1 point of transfer into 100 yuan. Give me 150 yuan. During this time, I persuaded several groups to stop transferring to the scammer and avoid property losses. After that, the scammer began to urge me to transfer 1,000 yuan, so I took a screenshot of 1,000 yuan in the past. This time, the scammer checked and found that it was wrong. I shocked my P picture technology.

Song of the School of Mechanical Engineering, Shenyang University of Technology:

I received a message from a friend on QQ. This person said that my friend was sick and needed money, but now my WeChat is limited, asking me to help the sick friend transfer 5,000 yuan. The other party seemed to be anxious. In order to dispel my doubts, he also said that he could transfer the money to me first, and asked for my bank card number and attached a transfer voucher, but also emphasized that the transfer was delayed.

I asked my friend's condition. The other party could neither say accurately, nor the accurate money they needed, but just emphasized urgent use. At this time, I realized that it might have encountered online fraud. The scene and the "pretending to be acquaintance borrowed money fraud" in the school's anti -fraud propaganda in the school were very similar.

Then I pretended to cooperate. I said that I did n’t have as much as 5,000 yuan in the card, but I could ask my parents to go to the bank to send money to the other party. The remittance requires the other party ’s account number and account opening name. It facilitates the bank account and account opening name of a so -called "hospital" to me. Get the scammer's related account information, I opened the "National Anti -Fraud Center" APP, click "I want to report", and feedback my experience to the police. In the end, I contacted my friends directly and learned that my friend's QQ account was stolen, and confirmed that it was a fraud.

Source: Liaoshen Evening News

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