Zhang Xiaoquan live room netizens swiped the screen, "Can you shoot garlic", customer service: can not be shot by its kitchen knife

Author:Pole news Time:2022.07.14

Jimu Journalist Liu Yerui

Video editing Yin Yue

"Zhang Xiaoquan kitchen knife took the garlic and it was broken." On July 13, the well -known kitchen knife brand Zhang Xiaoquan kitchen knife caused heated discussion among netizens. On the 14th, Jimu Journalists noticed that in the live broadcast room of the official flagship store of Zhang Xiaoquan, netizens were almost asking whether they could shoot garlic. In this regard, the official customer service stated that it is not recommended to use Zhang Xiaoquan kitchen knife to shoot garlic and cucumber.

Zhang Xiaoquan's kitchen knife purchased by Ms. Wang was broken after patting garlic (picture source: upstream news)

Netizen Ms. Wang said in an interview with upstream news that Zhang Xiaoquan's kitchen knife she purchased was broken while shooting garlic. Subsequently, Ms. Wang contacted Zhang Xiaoquan's official customer service, and the customer service said that the knife could not shoot garlic.

Ms. Wang has caused heated discussion among netizens after posting her experience. Some netizens are very puzzled. "Looking at the Chinese food documentary, all chefs are a kitchen knife to engage in all steps.

Netizens in the live broadcast room of Zhang Xiaoquan's official flagship store are asking "Can you shoot garlic" (screenshot of online video)

At about 8 am on the 14th, Ji Mu journalists noticed that Zhang Xiaoquan's official flagship store was conducting live and cargo. When introducing a kitchen knife price of 738 yuan, a large number of netizens sent barrage to ask whether the relevant kitchen knife could shoot garlic.

Customer service response (picture source: reporter interview screenshot)

Subsequently, the reporter consulted Zhang Xiaoquan's official customer service and asked if the kitchen knife in the store could shoot garlic. The customer service said that it is not recommended to use Zhang Xiaoquan kitchen knife to shoot garlic and cucumber. Those who want to shoot garlic in the family can put the tool on the garlic and gently press the knife surface with the palm to achieve the effect of shooting garlic.

Subsequently, the reporter asked if all the kitchen knives sold by Zhang Xiaoquan could not shoot garlic, and received a positive reply from the customer service.

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