The concentration force of Xixian New District strengthens the construction of the smart medical system

Author:Xixian New District Time:2022.07.14

The key projects are the "strong engines" and "hard support" of accelerating regional development. Focusing on the construction of key projects, the Tongdong New City has gone all out to step up construction and continuously achieved new progress and breakthroughs. At the site of the Shaanxi Digital Pharmaceutical Industrial Park project, the construction workers were rushing to the motivation to accelerate the progress of various construction work.

Shaanxi Digital Pharmaceutical Industrial Park project construction site

As of now, some steel structures of the project No. 1 plant have been completed, the main structure of the No. 2 plant is capped, and the office building is undergoing the main structure of the basement. It is estimated that by the end of 2022, the first and second factories will be completed as a whole, and the main body of the office building is capped.

As a key medical industry project in Shaanxi Province in 2022, the Shaanxi Digital Pharmaceutical Industrial Park Project is located west of Tianzhang Avenue of Tianzhang Avenue, east of Tianzhang Road, north of Fuxing Road, and South Road. The project started construction in 2021, with a total investment of 1.05 billion yuan and a total construction area of ​​about 176,300 square meters. It includes the main body of the production center, the digital center and the security center. , Professionalism, number

Shaanxi Digital Pharmaceutical Industrial Park renderings

After the project is completed, the Smart Medical Headquarters Base will be established to create a smart pharmaceutical supply chain industry platform, the digital pharmaceutical circulation center and the import joint venture product circulation hub that meets the GSP standard, and actively introduce the leading enterprises of the pharmaceutical industry. The sales revenue is about 20 billion yuan, 2,000-3,000 employment positions are resolved, and the proportion of market size will exceed 30%of the province, becoming an industrial demonstration project in the field of pharmaceutical circulation in Shaanxi Province.

Shaanxi Digital Pharmaceutical Industrial Park renderings

In recent years, Lodong New City has continued to strengthen the construction of smart medical systems in the jurisdiction, and actively deploy large health industries featuring digital medical care. In addition to the introduction of Huada Gene, Bimei Gene, Berry and Kang, Di'an diagnosis, etc. Based on the professional capabilities of Medical Technology Co., Ltd., the "Internet Medical Innovation Platform" created by Johnson Medical Group has opened up a new way for digital medical intelligence and convenience. At the same time, the implementation of a number of digital medical projects such as the Xi'an Regional Medical Inspection Center allows patients to enjoy low -cost, high -quality public health services at their doorsteps, and to continuously promote regional smart medical development to a new level.

Core Laboratory of Xi'an Regional Medical Inspection Center

As a new retail industry gathering place for pharmaceutical e -commerce, Xiangyu Modern Pharmaceutical Industrial Park, which is striving to build a new retail industry, has also attracted the entry of many well -known pharmaceutical companies and e -commerce platforms with its complete infrastructure facilities. At present, the service scope of the park covers Shaanxi, northwest and the country, and has settled in seven well -known pharmaceutical companies such as Pharmacy and Tazhi Pharmaceuticals to lay a solid foundation for the closed -loop industry chain.

In addition, the entry -regional enterprise, Luodong New City Haitong Pharmaceutical Company, also cooperated with 3,000 pharmaceutical companies across the country to create a panda pharmaceutical platform of 1 million SKU Yuncang supply chains in the pharmaceutical industry. As the first domestic pharmaceutical industry professional industry chain S2B2C marketing and service platform, Panda Pharmaceuticals uses "product+tool+model" to unite national pharmaceutical companies, commercial companies, stores and pharmaceutical industries all SMEs to provide consumer services for doctors and patients across the country. Essence By supplying the chain Yuncang platform, the new retail system has realized the personalized intelligent and intelligent operation of new retail platforms, and continues to build an ecosystem of the pharmaceutical industry industry in the intelligent needs of the C -end large health industry.

In the next step, the Tongdong New City will accurately plan to promote, fulfill its service guarantees, accelerate the progress of key project construction, concentrate their strengths, and ensure that the node tasks that complete major projects should be completed on schedule. At the same time, give full play to the superimposed advantages of location transportation, industrial support, free trade demonstration zone, service trade pilot, digital economy demonstration pilot, etc., driven digital scientific and technological innovation as a driver, enhance the technological content of the construction of the public health system, strengthen the construction of the smart medical system, attract attraction More high -quality resources settled in Lodong, bringing new opportunities for the diversified development of the large health industry in the jurisdiction and new vitality.

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