"Be wary" of heat stroke!Hefei has "recruited" thermal shooting disease

Author:JAC Morning News Time:2022.07.14

Recently, the temperature in Hefei has not been high. On July 13, the reporter learned from many hospitals in Hefei that the hospital received a lot of patients who came to the doctor due to high temperatures. Among them, some of them were particularly severe such as fever. To this end, the doctor reminded that outdoor workers, those who are weak, and those with basic chronic patients should especially do a good job of heatstroke prevention when outdoor activities. If symptoms cannot be relieved, they should go to the hospital in time.

High temperature and heat stroke

Divided into three categories according to the degree of severity

In recent days, high temperatures have continued, and extreme weather has also been tested for people's body. On the morning of July 13, the reporter contacted Wen Yong, deputy chief physician of the Emergency Department of the Second People's Hospital of Anhui Province, who was busy on duty. He told reporters that because of the recent hot weather in Hefei, patients with heat stroke were sent to the hospital almost every day.

Among them, the patient type covers three types: threatened heat stroke, mild heat stroke and severe heat stroke. Two of the patients who have been diagnosed in recent days have been diagnosed as a thermal radiation disease. "Both patients are men. They are about 60 years old. They have symptoms on their way. A conscious disorder appeared, and the body temperature was even about 41 ° C. "The reporter learned in the interview that the two patients are still consulting in the ICU.

So which type of thermal radiation is a heat stroke? Previously, the reporter learned from Hefei Heache and control that the high temperature and heat stroke are divided into three categories:

Among them, threatened heat stroke is mainly manifested in a lot of symptoms such as sweating, dizziness, chest tightness, nausea, and limb weakness. The temperature of the body temperature is normal or slightly elevated. There are also symptoms such as flushing or pale, hot skin, hot skin, vomiting, faster pulse rate, decreased blood pressure, wet skin and other symptoms. The body temperature can reach 38 ° C or more. In addition to the manifestation of heat spasm, thermal failure, and thermal ejection disease, in addition to mild heat stroke manifestations, there are abdominal pain, collapse, high fever and fainting. The body temperature is often above 40 ° C. If patients do not treat patients in time, they will die. The elderly, infant children, pregnant women, patients with mental illness, patients with cardiovascular and cerebrovascular and chronic diseases are the most prone to heat stroke. In popular terms, fever is the most dangerous and serious heat stroke, and has a high mortality rate.

These people

In particular, "vigilance" heat stroke

The reporter found in the interview that among the heat stroke patients admitted to many hospitals in Hefei, there are still many situations of threatened heat stroke and mild heat stroke. Taking the Second People's Hospital of Hefei as an example, the Department of Emergency Department of the hospital has recently received 18 patients with light stroke symptoms with light stroke symptoms. After symptomatic treatment, they can go home. There are two other patients who are hospitalized.

Zhang Qi, deputy chief physician of the Emergency Department of the Second Hospital of the Municipal Hospital, told reporters that from the perspective of his own consultation for nearly a week, two patients with 2 patients have been encountered. When I was working outdoors, I felt dizzy, chest tightness, nausea, vomiting, and fatigue, and then I was sent to the hospital.

"Patients with heat strokes have basically been available every day recently. Most of the symptoms are relatively mild, and they are relatively timely. There is no need to be hospitalized. After the replenishment and cooling treatment, they can be improved home." Similar situations have also occurred in the Third People's Hospital of Hefei City. , Ni Junxi, director of the emergency department of the third hospital of the city, introduced that outdoor workers such as sanitation workers and construction workers have not done protective measures, long -term outdoor activities for the elderly, long -term outdoor activities, or inadequate heatstroke and cooling work at home. Low tolerance to heat, pay more attention to cooling and heatstroke prevention.

Thermal radiation disease can be said to be the heaviest stage of heat stroke. Patients will have typical symptoms such as conscious disorders, dysplasia, and ultra -high fever in the body.

Kind tips--

Preventing heat stroke common sense

When the sun is strong during the day, try to reduce outdoor activities to prevent sunburn;

At the same time, do a good job of preventing heatstroke and cooling, such as outdoor sports, try to choose morning and evening;

When going out, do a good job of protecting, such as applying sunscreen, trying to wear dark -colored clothes as little as possible, etc.;

Prepare watermelon, water, and mung bean soup daily foods that have anti -heat -cooling foods, and the diet is balanced;

Outdoor staff adjust the working hours appropriately, try to avoid the strongest and hottest time of the sun;

In particular, reminding the elderly and patients with basic diseases must reduce outdoor activities and do a good job of heatstroke and cooling;

If you have symptoms such as dizziness, panic, cramps, dry mouth and other symptoms during outdoor and exercise, stop the work in time, move to a ventilated and cool place, and drink water to rest and relieve symptoms. It should be noted that if the situation cannot be relieved, you must go to the hospital to prevent serious situations in time.

He reported all media reporter Tang Meng intern Wang Yumei Correspondent Xia Pengcheng Zhu Peiyan Hu Yan

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