Do a good job in the production of pigs to ensure stable supply

Author:Guangming Daily Time:2022.07.14

Our newspaper, Beijing, July 13 (Reporter Chen Chen) The reporter learned from the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Ministry that the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Ministry held a symposium on pig production in Cangzhou City, Hebei Province to analyze the current situation of pig production, study the pig -stabilized production guarantee for key tasks in the second half of the year Essence The meeting emphasized that all localities should conscientiously implement pig -stabilized production insurance for the responsible requirements of the province and the "vegetable basket" mayor's responsibility system, take strong and effective measures to do a good job of pig production to ensure the stable supply of the pork market.

The meeting believes that the current situation of pig pigs is generally stable and good, and the amount of pigs in the pigs remains stable. The production capacity of sow can be in a normal and reasonable area. Affected by factors such as sales and secondary fertilizers of some breeding farms, the prices of pigs increased significantly at the end of June and early July, and the recent shocks have stabilized. Due to the sufficient production of sow pigs, there is no basic condition for continuous rise in the later period.

The meeting emphasized that it is necessary to adhere to the word "stability", stabilize policies, stabilize expectations, produce, and supply. Strengthen the construction of monitoring and early warning capabilities and improve the quality of monitoring data. Stable and implementing long -term basic policies such as finance, land, and environmental protection to prevent the policy from "turning cakes". Implement the regulation of pig production capacity to keep the pig production capacity continued to stabilize in a reasonable range. Grasp the normalization of African swine fever to ensure that the situation of the epidemic is stable and not rebound. Vigorously develop facilities for large -scale farming, continue to promote the use of manure resources, continuously improve the modern pig circulation system, and promote the high -quality development of the pig industry.

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