Laohu Town, Dongping County: Jiacun Party Building Leading Industry Rural Revitalization Spectrum New Chapter

Author:Dongping County Rong Media Cen Time:2022.07.14

In recent years, the "two committees" of Jiacun Village, Laohu Town, Dongping County have carefully sorted out their work ideas, paid close attention to the goal of "leading the party building, and the industry to the people", continuously coordinated the use of potential resources in the village, and actively explored the development model of the party branch to lead cooperatives. Combining party building work with cooperative construction and industrial development, the cultivation of the cultivation and development of the vegetable industry as the fist industry that increases the income of the masses and promotes the revitalization of the countryside. Continuously explore new roads for the integration of modern agricultural technology and industries.

The branch leads a navigation and plans to develop a new model. In the previous Jiacun's population loss, the awareness of development was not strong, and the lack of support and guidance of the characteristic pillar industry. The problem of "interested in doing things and no money support" in the village party branch was very prominent. Recognize that you are in the result of consolidating the results of poverty alleviation to promote the shortcomings of the rural revitalization journey, actively play the role of the battle bastion of the village party branch, and lead the establishment of Shiji and fruit and vegetable cooperatives. The model of planning, unified construction, unified seedlings, unified management and supermarket sales, and vigorously develop the characteristic industries of greenhouse vegetables.

Base construction, condense the development of new joint efforts. In accordance with the development ideas of "one village, one product", Jiacun Party Branch scientifically and reasonably plan the characteristic agricultural industry structure suitable for the development of the village, and conduct field surveys on the existing land resources of the village. In 2021 The current profit and fruit and vegetable cooperatives are organized to build fruit and vegetable greenhouses. In the first phase of the construction of 9 greenhouses and 1 thermal shed, it is mainly planting cabbage, eggplant, bean horn, amaranth, pumpkin and other vegetables. Many merchants have established cooperative relationships to achieve the annual collective income of helping the village of more than 100,000 yuan. Provide employment positions for more than 30 people in the village, and drives the villagers to actively participate in the construction of the vegetable industry with the concept of "introduction, retaining, working hard, and richness", and condenses the strong joint efforts of the whole people.


Long -term planning, building a new countryside. Since the party branch led the cooperative, Jiacun has been based on reality, with the development of characteristic agriculture, and actively creates village -level characteristic industries. On the basis of the construction of a greenhouse, it takes over the scales of the selenium -enriched greenhouse project to expand the planting scale and drive nearby nearby. There are more than 50 people with employment. At the same time, 6 plans to build a greenhouse in 2022; the third phase of the greenhouse is under plan. After the project is completed, it can resettle 200 employment population, and the annual sales of 560 tons of green non -harmful fruits and vegetables will be sold. It is expected to revenue 1.2 million yuan. Jiacun gradually moved into the "rich village" by provincial poor villages, and took a solid step in adhering to the leadership of party building and promoting industrial development to help rural revitalization.

In the next step, Jiacun will continue to lead the party building, focusing on agricultural efficiency and farmers' income goals, vigorously develop vegetable planting agriculture, strengthen the development of the excellent vegetable industry, drive more people to become rich and increase their income, promote industry, promote employment, and promote employment. Taking the rich, the high -quality development of the vegetable industry will promote the revitalization of the countryside, strive to be the vanguard of the revitalization of the old lake, and get out of a traditional agriculture to transform to modern agriculture. (Correspondent: Xu Wenguang)

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