The 11th BRICS State Trade Union Forum was held

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.14

Yesterday (July 13), the 11th BRICS Trade Union Forum hosted by the National Trade Union of China was held in a video.

The theme of the forum is to "deepen partnership and create a better future". The participants exchanged issues such as "improvement of workers' skills", "union and employee development rights", and "building high -quality partnerships of the union of the BRICS".

This forum opened a new model of "BRICS+" cooperation in the Union Forum. Leaders of the BRICS trade union organizations participated in the forum seminars. Observer attended the meeting. The forum passed the "2022 Vancouver State Trade Union Forum Declaration", which conveyed the common voice of the BRICS trade union organization and workers willing to contribute to the cooperation of the BRICS.

The BRICS Trade Union Forum was jointly initiated by the BRICS Five Kingdoms Trade Union in 2012. It is an important communication platform between union organizations under the framework of the BRICS cooperation.

(Source: CCTV News client reporter Gao Lei, Wei Gang, Zhang Yi Dan)

【Edit: Shang Pei】

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