Four hundred meters long "Red Lane" exhibition city embroide

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.14

On the 5G live car, the anchor of the Yangtze River Daily interviewed Wang Youcan (left), director of the Zhonghua Road Sub -district Working Committee of the People's Congress of Wuchang District. Reporter Liu Bin Photo

On July 13, the 5G live car of the Yangtze River Daily drove into the Dufu community of Zhonghua Road Street, Wuchang District to move the "Beautiful Wuhan Embroidered" city management and refined live live interactive activities to the scene.

In April of this year, the "Three -year Action Plan for Improvement of Urban Construction Management (2022-2024)" was released. The plan proposes that it is necessary to carefully depict the "face value" of the city, carefully portray the "expression" of the city, and exquisite the "temperament" of the city.

The operation has been implemented for more than March. The Yangtze River Daily and the Wuhan Urban Management Law Enforcement Commission and the Wuchang District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau moved the first stop of the live interactive event of "Beautiful Wuhan Embroidery" to the first red street in Wuhan. Listen to your own ears and see how refined it is.

Dufu Di Community is located in the famous Hongxiang District of Wuchang and is the famous red tourist district. As one of the 100 cities and environmental demonstration areas of our city, the Dufu Di Community has improved the level of the city's capacity environment through refined management, promoted the classification of garbage and the beautification of the cabinet, and realized the "opening of the door to see the green". The service team and other governance.

"Grandpa Hongxiang" and "Community Planner" participate in community construction management

"Grandpa Hongxiang" Deng Guangdong was interviewed by the anchor of the Yangtze River Daily. Reporter Liu Bin Photo

At 8 am on July 13th, Deng Guangdong, 72, wore volunteer vests in the 72 -year -old "Hongxiang Grandpa", and came to the door of the five major conference halls of the Communist Party of China. He walked along Dufu Di Road, while paying attention to the surrounding environmental hygiene and helping foreign tourists.

"It's hot today, I came out in the morning and took a look." Deng Guangdong said with a smile to the reporter from the Yangtze River Daily. "Grandpa Hongxiang" is a volunteer service team composed of the elderly residents of the community. The elderly not only obliged to lead tourists to travel to Hongxiang to talk about the party history, but also active in street communities, participate in community service management, plan for community planning, solve neighborhood disputes Essence

Deng Guangdong said: "The construction of the capital and embankment communities is getting better and better, the environment is becoming more and more beautiful, and the convenience facilities are getting more and more complete. In just 417 meters, a number of public toilets are built along the way to facilitate residents and tourists. After visiting the tourists, they said that the old building is as old as the old, and the original architectural style is maintained.

Yang Lei, secretary of the Dufu Di Community, introduced that the community currently has volunteer service projects such as "Grandpa Red Lane", "Red Lane Miao Miao", "Red Shinkansen", "Time Bank", "Old Secretary Salon", and "Community Planners" and other volunteers to allow residents to participate in the community Refined construction management to achieve co -construction and co -construction.

Wang Youcan, director of the Zhonghua Road Sub -district Working Committee of the Wuchang District People's Congress, said that in order to balance the demands of tourists and residents, they adapt to local conditions and put forward the development goals of the green mountains and green homeland in the Dufu Di community. Since the beginning of this year, in terms of neighborhood governance, it has fully played the role of party building leadership and engine. Created a series of red cultural brands such as "Grandpa Red Lane" and "Red Lane Miao Miao".

Pocket Park opened the door to see the green box landscaping enhances the city's face value

On the 5G live car, the anchor of the Yangtze River Daily interviewed Huang Tinghui (left), head of the inspection office of the Urban Management and Law Enforcement Bureau of Wuchang District. Reporter Liu Bin Photo

Walking on the Dufu Road, although there are only 417 meters, there are parks on one end and shaded trees on both sides. Early in the morning, many residents were sitting under the tree at the pocket park at the intersection of the intersection of Dufu Di Road and Hongxiang.

Zhang Rongsheng, staff member of the Greening Department of the Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau of Wuchang District, introduced that Hongxiang Pocket Park is based on Dufu Di Road, divided into eastwest two parks, and the green space area is about 500 square meters. There are garden roads and casual seats.

"In the design and management of pocket parks, we have adopted a garden and one strategy. There are tourists visiting the Red Lane Pocket Park all year round, so many evergreen tall trees are planted. There are many tourists and elderly people who come to play. There are many casual seats. "Zhang Rongsheng said that in refined maintenance, due to the planting trees, aphidal harm is prone to occur in spring. They prevent and control early to avoid insect pests.

The reporter walked while walking, and found that several cabinets on Dufu Di Road were specially designed. The main theme was gray and red, and there were "Red Lane 1927" on it. Cheng Chuanbin, deputy director of the command and coordination center of the Wuchang District Urban Management Law Enforcement Bureau, introduced that the cabinet of the Hongxiang District has fully combined with the culture of Hongxiang, and the blue brick pattern on the box surface matches the surrounding blue brick gray tile architectural style. In 1927, Wuchang Hongxiang left a heavy mark in the history of the Chinese revolution. Therefore, the box was printed with the words "Red Lane 1927", showing the unique historical and culture of Hongxiang. "In addition to the beauty, the surface resistance of the box on the surface of the box makes the small advertisement difficult to attach. The traces of paint can be easily erased. The daily maintenance is convenient and easy to clean."

"We use exquisite sanitation to wash the city's face, carefully control the protection of urban safety, boutique gardens to add urban greenness, exquisite layout to shape urban taste, and accurately govern the order of harmonious cities."Under the guidance of the Municipal Urban Management Law Enforcement Commission, Wuchang Urban Management compared with the "one district, one table", combined with the "double hundred" demonstration creation and rectification activities, and improved the level of construction management through embroidery -like carefulness, patience and ingenuity.(Changjiang Daily reporter Tao Changning correspondent Yin Lihong Zhang Shenglei intern Tan Chang)

【Edit: Wang Yujin】

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