Two patients with brain death in the United States accept pig heart transplantation
Author:The official account of Xi'an Time:2022.07.14
A research team of the Langgong Medical Center of New York University announced on the 12th that they transplanted the hearts of the two genes to the hearts of the two genes to two patients with brain death, and no rejection reaction occurred in the short term. Transplantation surgery has further accumulated experience for the study of heterogeneous organ transplantation.
【No rejection】
According to the United States Cable Television News Network, the research team was transplanted with a 72 -year -old patients with a brain -dead patient in June. Kelly died of a brain accident in a car accident. In early July, the research team was 64 -year -old patients with brain death, Alva Cap Arno, the same surgery.
The pig heart used in the two cases comes from genetically modified pigs, involving 10 genetic modifications. It aims to make pig heart transplantation and prevent the human body from generating rejection.
Researchers maintain their physical survival by equipment such as ventilator and other equipment. After transplantation, they monitor their physical condition for 3 days each, and they found that both their bodies did not have a rejection reaction.
Langgong Medical Center said that the pig's heart function was normal after transplantation. Patients are commonly used for organ transplantation and do not use additional medical equipment.
【There are limitations】
Researchers say that there are two limitations of the study. The first is only 3 days of monitoring; the second is that the transplanted person is a patient with brain death, not a real living person.
Nadil Muzami, an expert at the Langgong Medical Center for transplantation surgery, said that the postoperative monitoring was only 72 hours. One of the reasons was to return the patient's body as soon as possible to the family.
Mujami said that in terms of short -term research, the information obtained in 72 hours is not much different from the monitoring (such as 5 days, 7 days), but there is a difference from 1 month monitoring.
American man David Bennett was the first patient in the world to undergo genetically modified pig heart transplant surgery. On January 7 this year, 57 -year -old Bernett underwent pig -heart transplantation at the University of Maryland Medical Center, died two months later.
Researchers found the deoxyuraotosacid acid of pig giant cell virus in the pig's heart, suspecting that this virus was related to the death of Bennett. Recently, before the two cases of pig -hearted transplantation surgery, the pigs were tested by the surgery, and no pig giant cell virus was found.
Researchers say that heterogeneous organ transplantation still has a long distance from research to clinical applications. The transplantation of heterogeneous organs is particularly meaningful to children with children, because there are fewer sources of children's organs. The transplantation of heterogeneous organs can also play the role of "bridge" and take it out when the patient gets the matching human organs. (Xinhua News Agency special manuscript)
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