The man in Foshan, Guangdong was killed after being beaten due to a suspected dispute between the vehicle.

Author:Red Star News Time:2022.07.13


▲ Notice of Fingering

Red Star News Intern Reporter | Li Yida Reporter | Zhang Qian Intern | Ou Jiazheng

Edit | Pan Li

Chen from Foshan, Guangdong told Red Star Journalists that on May 1 this year, due to the vehicle stubbornness and the two people, his father was hit by the person in the car with the insulation cup several times and was taken to the hospital for emergency treatment. Later, the hospital announced the death of the brain and eventually died on June 28.

Chen told reporters that one of the criminal suspects who hit his father's head with a thermos cup at the time of the incident was a legal person in a tea industry Co., Ltd. in Foshan, and he smelled the taste of wine from the two at the time of the incident.

On May 3rd, the Nanhai Branch of the Foshan Public Security Bureau made the case as a deliberate injury case, and on May 4, 2022, Huang Mou, a suspect of suspected intentional injury, was criminally detained. However, on May 18th, Chen received a notice from the police. Due to insufficient evidence, the suspect Huang, who beaten his father, had been picked up for a bail pending trial. It is understood that the case has been intervened by the Guangdong Provincial Public Security Department, and the case is still under investigation.

Vehicle Display Disputes

The victim's family is named after being hit

On May 1, 2022, Chen's 61st birthday was Chen's father. At night, he took his wife and two children to his sister's house to celebrate his father's birthday. According to Chen, about 10 o'clock that night, after his father's birthday party was over, he drove to a bus station in Shishan Town, Nanhai District, Nanhai District, Foshan. There was a car in the lane and slightly friction with its driving vehicle. "It was just a rear mirror hitting. It was a bit damaged, not very serious."

Chen said that at that time, he took the initiative to get out of the car to apologize to the other party, hoping to negotiate compensation or report insurance treatment, but after the two people in the other car got out of the car, they directly abused them and beaten. The car blocked in front of Chen to discourage, and the suspect Huang continued to hit his head with the insulation cup. The whole process Chen and his father did not fight back. Subsequently, Chen called the police and called the 120 emergency call to send his father to the Nanhai District People's Hospital of Foshan for treatment.

In the early morning of May 2nd, Chen received a call from the hospital at the recording of the recording of the police station, saying that his father is currently an acute myocardial infarction. On the 4th, he received another notice of illness (weight) notice to diagnose his father as an in -brain bleeding. On May 5, his father had no breath, and the hospital announced his brain death until he died in the hospital on June 28. The cause of death was central circulation failure.

The case was established as a deliberate injury case

The suspect is currently obtained by the bail pending trial

The notice issued by Chen showed that on May 3, 2022, the Nanhai Branch of the Foshan Public Security Bureau established the case as a intentional injury case, and on May 4, 2022 Criminal detention.


▲ Foshan Public Security Bureau Nanhai Branch 12345 Reply

However, according to a recording of a police officer provided by Chen and the recording of the recovery of the South China Sea Branch of the Foshan Public Security Bureau through the recording of the 12345 Mayor's hotline, on May 18th, the People's Procuratorate of the Nanhai District People's Procuratorate did not constitute a criminal facts because of insufficient evidence. Huang made a decision that did not approve the arrest. The South China Sea Branch changed the mandatory measures to change Huang to the bail pending trial in accordance with the law, and stated that the case was still investigating.

Chen told the Red Star News reporter that he smelled the wine on the other's car at the time and suspected that the other party was driving after drinking. The police responded that the case was still investigating. detail.

In this regard, the suspect Huang told Red Star reporter that he has indeed been taken for a bail, but he did not drink alcohol on May 1st, and did not hit someone. The reporter said he suspected that the other party drank. When the reporter asked whether the police had conducted alcohol testing on the police and the driver on his car on the day, he said that the situation was not convenient to disclose, and then hung up the phone.

Red Star reporter called the Shishan Police Station of the Nanhai Branch of the Foshan Public Security Bureau. The other party responded that the case had been transferred to the task force for processing. It is currently under investigation and it is inconvenient to disclose more information. The staff of the Public Relations Section of the Foshan Public Security Bureau told reporters that they already knew the public opinion and reported it to the leaders. The case will be further dealt with according to the facts.

Chen said that since the incident, the two of the other party and their families have never visited his father at the hospital, and never apologized and compensated for medical expenses or other expenses. All costs were borne by themselves.


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