How to make a public account, how to do a good job of system content?

Author:Everyone is a product manager Time:2022.07.13

Edit Introduction: There are all kinds of public accounts of all types of public accounts today. It is not a simple matter to stand out from many public accounts. Only with good content can attract more users. Woolen cloth? This article explains from the three major aspects. Let's take a look together!

No accident, many people joined the public account to operate this ranks. Recently, many people are asking "How to make a public account content planning?"

To this day, doing new media operations, content creation is still the core.

Good content brings fans, good content forms products, and good content builds the core competitiveness of an account.

But many public account operators are inertia to find topics, write articles, and polish title every day, one by one ...

Focusing on writing good content, this is definitely not right, but the content operation of the public account is by no means a text. While concentrating on content, the system content planning must be necessary.

So how should we do a good job of system content?

1. Positioning of the overall content direction

1. Account positioning: The public account without clear positioning is like shooting the bullets that are not allowed to be accurate.

Every day, too many people want or have already begun to be a public account, but most of them are rising for a while, writing and writing.

I do n’t know what to write every day, and no one reads it. Continue in difficulties and give up after continuing.

The root cause lies in lack of positioning for your own public account.

There is no need to talk about special talks, nor do you need to understand the positioning too much academic and theory. For the vast majority of people, just make it simple, think about the 4 questions:

who I am? Who is my target crowd? What vertical content can I provide for them? What are the unique value of these contents to them? for example:

who I am?

——The entrepreneurs, college students, advertisers, health consultants, Baoma, or music lovers?

What areas I am good at?

——The commercial economy, advertising copywriting, emotional psychology, workplace social, or fashion beauty, financial management, personal financial management, or writing experience?

What direction I am going to write?

—— News information, emotional comfort, dry goods experience, or skill knowledge, inspirational story?

What is my unique value for readers?

——On help to grow, get the latest information, or provide emotional resonance and relieve anxiety?

Thinking about these is the first step to start the public account.

A boat cannot rotate the steering wheel to meet each new wave, but must move in the right direction.

If you want to be everything, you will only be nothing in the end. In addition, if you are the public account of the operating enterprise, you must first understand the company's current status, demand and available resources. Going out of the enterprise itself to position the public account is a hooligan.

2. Competition analysis: Knowing and knowing that they can choose to throw themselves.

After determining the positioning, you know where you are, the battlefield is determined, and his opponents know.

At this time, don't rush to panic, start making public account content planning, first do competing analysis to understand the status quo of the industry.

Including competing target groups, service types, positioning, function introduction, menu bar settings, content planning, content characteristics, user interaction, activity type and update frequency, pink rising channels, and so on.

Think about it: Why do the target users choose my public account instead of paying attention to similar public accounts? If I want to be the first choice for the target user, is there any reason he must come to me?

Believe me, the more you know about your peers and even the industry, your head will be clearer, the inspiration will be more, and the content direction will be clear.

3. Column planning: fixed column operation to form a specific style of content collection.

When planning content, it is best to consciously attribute similar themes as a category. The planned column name and the direction of topic selection form a specific style collection.

This will make the user's reading more stronger, and once the fixed column is formed, the power of the content will be superimposed, creating the content symbol of its own platform, and playing the effect of "four or two pounds".

For example, the "GQ DAILY" column of the GQ laboratory, the "Financial Daily Review" column of the Wu Xiaobo Channel, and the "Seven -character" column launched by the visual mind and so on.

When planning content, you can consider columnization. A column corresponding to a type of content is a product. We can jump out and use product thinking to make this column.

Among them, it needs to be determined:

The theme of the column, style tone, corresponding topic selection, visual presentation; the content of the column content is text, pictures, audio, or video; the source of the column content The integrated record forms form; the number of documents, push frequency, and update time of the columns are required;

A simple sentence is: content columnization, column productization, product branding.

4. Content style: Determine the way to get along with users, and create an exclusive personality.

The problem of homogeneity of public accounts has become more and more serious, not only the homogeneity of the category, the homogeneity of the topic selection, and the homogeneity of the vision, and the homogeneity of the content.

However, the category can be the same, and the topic can be the same, but the account style is difficult. A similar public account, a similar article, why do users choose to follow you instead of others?

The most critical of these is the personality of the public account, which makes the account make a person, not the one -way text output.

Many readers' needs, in addition to content counterparts, also pay special attention to whether they are their favorite style, just like making friends, they will find themselves and counterparts.

So, if your public account converges into a person, what kind of person will it be?

Humor, funny or cold? Friends, loved ones or teachers? Experts, assistants or masters? Middle -aged, slash youth or girl? Native

5. Content visual presentation: Uniform content presentation visual, enhancing brand sense transmission.

A public account is a brand, and visual style is equivalent to your brand VI.

When the user looks at your public account, the text needs to be transformed into a language into the brain, while the vision is directly conveyed, which can occupy the user's mind faster.

Every aspect of your head map, content typesetting, color matching, etc. should try its best to form your own unique style, and almost all big Vs do this.

Fortunately, the creation of this visualization does not require you to spend a lot of energy, and the change of a small point will also bring differentiation, once and for all.

Including but unlimited: different fonts, font samples, and spacing from the main standard to the content of the text; what color is the main Vi color of the user as a whole; the unified design of the head diagram, attention guidance, watching guidance, and configuration of the two -dimensional code at the end of the text ... Mowing

I have a principle of the public account vision and content layout: everything is around to improve the reading experience, and those who cannot be passed.

Well, you have a clearer understanding of the direction of the content. I will add some tools to you "28 Master Tools for New Media Operations"

2. Establishment of topic departments

Rumors of rivers and lakes, 80%of the success of an article depends on topics.

It is natural for the system content planning and establishing a topic selection library. Every team and individual should do it. The title selection is not separated, so I suggest that there are at least 3 libraries:

1. Title material library

I only give you 1 second. If you want me to read the article, your title has to give me a strong stimulus.

There are many practical skills to write the title, such as dramatic conflict, knowing the body, using specific numbers, chasing hot spots, using comparison, stimulating pain points, highlighting benefits, creating urgent atmosphere, direct indication of beneficiaries suspense……

too much! And useful!

I have also analyzed a large number of explosive articles before, and sorted out some key points to write the title:

It is closely related to readers, insight into life details, identity labels are important, more direct, strong, and emotional outbreak. The hot spots and hotspots of the eyeballs, the hotspot is to use "I", "You", "TA". The story is new and novel. You can give more attention in the future. However, the skills are on one aspect, and more importantly, find the feeling of taking the title. This requires us to establish a good title material library.

Save all kinds of good titles, or the title of the collection of burst, to sort out, analyze and learn. If you have time, you can also deliberately practice and find feelings.

You have to admit that the imitation of the title is very strong, and some can even be used directly. Thinking about it than you want to use it.

It is recommended to see:

"How to write a new media title? After watching the hundreds of explosive models, give you 8 practical methods! "

2. Selection material library

No one will doubt the importance of topic selection. The direction is wrong, try hard. The more tragic thing is:

Many people don't know what to write every day.

Of course, there are many practical methods for how to choose topics, such as:

Temperature selection in time to cut into hot spots in time is easier to become explosive to find those emotions to gather topics, stimulate high wake -up emotions, do not look at the moderate point of view, it must be sharp and tricky. Strong views are the explosive point to subvert the inherent common sense. Knowing differently on the dispute points of the event, or on the opposite side to find selection questions to satisfy strong curiosity, stimulate the satisfaction of satisfaction and sharing to help readers express their ideas, say that they want to say but have been pressing in the deep inside heart It is valuable and profound insights. It is a very reliable topic in providing social conversation for others. Numerous people have made good articles from these perspectives. This is certain.

The more "convenient" method is to establish a rich topic material library.

Including the core pain points of the target group, the issues that all ordinary people care about, those eternal topics, including the topic selection of their own accounts, the hot topic selection, the topic selection of competitors, and the good on each platform Topics selection should be collected.

As long as you have enough material selection library, you will not really miss the topic. For how to choose a topic, you can refer to:

"This may be the most effective and practical problem selection method of the current public account"

3. Reprinted the material library

Content creation needs to have the title library and the topic selection library, and the reprint also needs to be reproduced.

Reprinting is not a shame. On the contrary, you can watch some large numbers. They need to reprint every day, and even more reproduction capacity than the original amount.

In addition to a few individuals' self -media and professional content teams, for most of the public account,

The reprint article must be just needed.

Many public account editors waste a lot of time to authorize reprinting every day because they have not established a reprint material library in advance, and each time I temporarily find articles for reprinting. Doesn't this delay? Establishing a reprint library is to find those styles, values, target crowds, articles, etc., and position with your own account positioning.

Every time the blind cat touches the mouse to find an article suitable for reprinting, of course, it takes time and effort. And finding a suitable account and finding an article through the account is more reliable.

There are not only public accounts such as the new list and watermelon assistant, but also various lists, which can find the number directly.

Then observe the past articles data, content quality, style tone of these accounts, and ask if they can be authorized, what are the requirements, etc., so as to sieve out part.

Finally, through the actual effects of long -term reprints, which accounts need to be eliminated, which accounts are more suitable for reprinting, and this library is improved step by step.

3. Content material source planning

With the topic, the most headache is to present the views you want to express wonderfully. Writing an article is not a imagination, nor is it out of nothing; the content cannot be written, it is a high probability that the brain is empty.

In fact, there are still many sources of the content of the article. Don't be limited to digging in your head.

As long as you gradually plan the content of the source of the content material, I believe that after the topic is selected, the content output will be smoother.

1. Work and life experience yourself

The experience of new media in work and life must be the best material for writing. Not only is it true, but also unique and affectionate.

Combining your observation and thinking on life, there will be a steady stream of writing materials.

Many self -media big V often writes their own growth history and life experience. They are very popular. They write three points in wood, and they are also empathetic.

The powerful self -media people win the sensitivity of the world, thinking about life, unique insights, special experiences, and accumulation of life accumulation for many years ...

2. Social chat content integration

There are people in the place where there are people, and there are materials for chatting. Believe me, you should pay attention to those QQ groups, WeChat groups, forum essence posts, etc., naturally produce a lot of topics and content materials, and all readers are concerned.

You can also take the initiative to discuss one or more WeChat groups on a certain theme to stimulate everyone to speak freely together. This is the material. Sometimes it is a good article to organize the chat history alone.

3. Borrowing hotspots and output views

Needless to say hot spots, it has always been the favorite of content creation. Not only has its own traffic, but also high attention, people who watch are willing to forward.

Almost every mainstream platform also has a hot list, it is not difficult to find. (You can also use today's hot list website)

For example, there are hot lists on the entire station, as well as hot lists in science, digital, sports, fashion, film and television, campus, Zhihu Daily, etc., which contain endless content materials.

The only thing you need to do is to dig out useful information from these hotspots, repeatedly exercise your sense of smell and unique views. If you are used to it with hot spots as materials, you will never be short of writing.

4. Other people's experience

Your own experience and stories are definitely limited or even poor, but this world has a variety of people and strange stories.

Friends around you, your family, your colleagues, or the stories of others you see on the Internet can be your content material.

New media people should be good at digging these people and things. They have keen insights and different thinking, standing from their own perspective to tell readers to express your feelings and values.

5. The article I have written is also the stock material

When writing a public account, if you insist on writing, a lot of historical content will be precipitated.

If these stock content is over, it is really a loss to the author.

And with the growth of individuals and horizons, many views will change, so it is better to renovate some of the previous high -quality articles, add new thinking, viewpoints, or cases, and send it again.

I will write the old content until now. Historical content is the best content material.

6. Pay attention to similar accounts, KOL

Learning from peers and reference to reference to excellent players are worthy of being advocated by every industry, and new media people cannot be too negative.

After writing an article on the same article, it is probably worth your reference to try to write from your perspective and entry point.

You don't agree, you can also write from the opposite perspective. Take a step back, the articles of the peers itself can let you see the way they dig materials, pay more attention.

7. Books, film and television, variety shows

Books, film and television, and variety shows are definitely a popular and huge content material library.

Writing is a process that needs to be continuously entered. When reading books, watching film and television, and watching variety shows, you can read and feel it. After reading it, you can reflect on reading, watching short reviews, and recording impressions. Best habit.

Like TED, BBC, the best movie TOP 100 in global history, "Summer of the Band", "Tucao Conference", "Youth Have You", "Round Table", etc. As long as you have time to watch, there will be rich materials Can be written.

8. Third -party platforms dig deep

There are too many good content platforms this year. Wherever there are good content, there is material. Like Zhihu, Douban, Today's Headline, B Station, Weibo, Jane Book, Douyin, Tianya, Tiger Flutter ... There are also some not so popular like fruit shell nets, surging, translation schools, fried egg nets, curiosity, curiosity Daily, Curiosity Daily, Snowball, Fun, Acfun ...

For example, the translation hall, all video content comes from foreign websites, the key is that Chinese translation is performed. The category includes: popular science, technology, film reviews, food, business, society, tourism, animal, psychological, interesting, workplace, fashion, etc.

Do you say no show? I casually say a few topics here have materials here:

Why is the behavior of cats so weird? How to reply to apology? What is the obesity? What will happen to constantly eating?

9. Ear from the popular comment area

From the BBS era, I have always thought that there are many great gods in the comment area. There are a lot of sharp views, short and profound, and there will be countless angles you did not expect at all. This is a good content material.

When I brush the hot spot of Weibo, I often see a lot of popular Weibo comment areas more exciting than this Weibo itself.

There are many professional team creation teams that often integrate the content of the Weibo comment area, and with some pictures, it becomes a explosive article.

10. Industry report

There are professional research reports in each field, rich in content, and many analysis points. Then we can analyze the overall or one point of the report, which is well -written.

Like 199IT, Penguin Think Tank, CBNDATA, Plum Blossoms, Iri Consultation, Ali Research Institute, TalkingData, CNZZ, Datahoop Big Data Analysis Platform, Prospective Network, Data Concept, China Statistics Network, DCCI Internet Data Center, 36 big data, etc. You can find a report.

Find the entry point to analyze.

Well, there are so many enumerations. In fact, there are many sources of content materials. As long as you like to find it, persist in accumulating, and form a certain channel planning. The source of the material is endless.

Remember, the material was exhausted over time, and it was stored if you saw it.

Form the team's content planning standard SOP, which is convenient for continuous continuation, which may also be the most precious wealth of the content team.

Maybe a manual PPT in the early stage is only pages 8 or 9, but he will make you feel the public account content operation faster. In the later period, this PPT will reach 30 pages, 50 pages, 80 pages, or even more than 100 pages. Your manual will become your most irreplaceable work achievement.

I must believe in me. This manual will be 100 times more exciting than you take a few lessons. Well, share here today.

Indeed, the system planning of content will spend a lot of time, consume countless brain cells, and experience countless failures and improvements ...

However, the land of high -rise buildings is up without no engineering drawings.


Mumu old thief, WeChat public account: Mumu (ID: Mumuseo), everyone is a product manager columnist, the 2019 author of the year. The brand director of the well -known listed education group focuses on continuously producing fresh and expected brand marketing, new media operations, and advanced techniques for copywriting.

This article was originally published in everyone's product manager, and reproduced was prohibited without the author's permission.

The question map is from UNSPLASH, based on the CC0 protocol.

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