The 8th Caring of the Rural left -behind children's public welfare summer camp opened by Zhuzhou City

Author:Zhuzhou News Network Time:2022.07.13

Zhuzhou News Network July 13 (Correspondent Feng Hao Jiang Bowen Liu Yuwen) The summer vacation is the most anticipated and happiest time for children. Recently, in 2022, there was no lonely "Furong Student · Village Revitalization" in the eighth care of the rural left -behind children's public welfare summer camp in Zhuzhou City, and launched at Baiguan Painting and Calligraphy Academy, the social practice base of the minor of Zhuzhou.

The event was directed by Zhuzhou Civil Affairs Bureau, Zhuzhou Women's Federation, Zhuzhou Cultural Federation, hosted by Zhuzhou City Rescue Management Station (Municipal Udn Protection Center), Hibuan Town People's Government, Zhuzhou Cultural Museum, Hunan University of Technology, Zhuzhou City Family Service Industry Co -hosted by the association. Four1 young volunteers from Hunan University of Technology will accompany 40 left -behind children in rural areas to spend seven days of happiness. Jiang Guangzan, the director of Zhuzhou City Rescue Management Station and the fourth -level investigator, Liu Hong, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Packaging Design of Hunan University of Technology, Tang Ning, member of the Party Committee of Baiguan Town, and the Minister of Organization, Li Bitian, Secretary of the Lusong District Youth League Committee The person in charge attended the launching ceremony.

As the campaign that was familiar with the opening ceremony sounded, the small campers' small bodies stood upright and sang the national anthem together. The opening ceremony of this summer camp event also kicked off.

At the launching ceremony, Tang Ning, a member of the Party Committee and Minister of Organization of Baiguan Town, Lujing District, said with emotion: "Since 2014, the public welfare summer camp of the Baiguan Painting and Calligraphy Academy has successfully held seven sessions. Multi -peers. Everyone picks firewood and flames. I believe that with the strong support and joint efforts of all sectors of society, caring for left -behind children's activities will be carried out in depth and lasting. Complete academic, healthy growth, and move towards the society during the operation. "

At the ceremony, Mr. Zhu Heping, the national outstanding teacher, the national "Ten Thousand Talents Plan" teaching teacher, and the dean of the School of Packaging Design of Hunan University of Technology, introduced that this project was selected as the first "Furong Student · Rural Revitalization" public welfare program funding project. The purpose is to make full use of and give full play to the advanced disciplines and professional advantages of our college, and take sand painting teaching as the lead. By setting up the "Sand Painting Base of the School of Packaging Design Art", the theme lecture hall of "Caring for Rural left -behind children" The classrooms are fully carried out to form a cultural education classroom system that integrates cultural learning, social practice, and results exhibition.

Subsequently, the Hunan Youth Development Foundation was awarded the "Furong Student · Rural Revitalization" public welfare plan for Hunan University of Technology.

The volunteer representative Lan Ming also put forward hope to all volunteers. Hope that students can take society as a large classroom, to give full play to their professional advantages in practical activities, and lead by example, infect local left -behind children with a positive attitude of life, and help help to help to help to help help and help help. They establish the correct ideals and beliefs.

At this moment, the small campers are more unable to hold their inner excitement, and look forward to the grand event of this study. Fu Jiayu, a child of Bai Guanzhen, promised: "Here, we will study carefully, continuously improve our learning ability, develop good living habits, make full use of this rare opportunity, communicate with each other, learn from each other, learn from each other, learn from each other, learn from each other, learn from each other, learn from each other, learn from each other, and learn from each other. Continuously absorb the essence of knowledge and art. "

This year, the lovers of the Zhuzhou Family Service Association still accompanied the small campers and volunteers to provide them with delicious meals and spend a happy holiday with them. Yu Shizhen, vice president of the association, said that their persistence for so many years is to pass the love to the love of love and let the left -behind children in the countryside feel the warmth of society.

At the scene, volunteers also raised their right fists, solemnly vowed: do their best, do not pay attention, help others, obey arrangements, serve the society, dedicate sincerity, and take educating people as the core ideas first. As a leading style, practice the spirit of volunteer, and promote traditional virtues, and successfully complete this public welfare love activity as the ultimate goal.

Subsequently, Liu Hong, Secretary of the Party Committee of the School of Packaging Design of Hunan University of Technology, and Li Bitian, deputy secretary of the Zhujing District Youth League Committee of Zhuzhou City, awarded the title of "Sand Painting Base" of the "Packaging Design Art College" of the Bai Guan Painting and Calligraphy Institute to form the theme of "Caring for Rural left -behind children" Sexual Public Welfare Lecture Hall.

Finally, the representative of the left -behind minor children in Baiguan Zhen came to power to wear the most bright red scarf to attend the event and respect the young pioneers. Jiang Guangzan, the director of Zhuzhou City Rescue Management Station and the fourth -level investigator, announced that the event officially started.

In July, young volunteers will complete a 7 -day closed summer camp with children. By carrying out volunteer service activities such as puzzle classrooms, quality expansion, happy farm, Chinese classroom, field classroom, gala, visits to universities, academic and psychological counseling, etc., students can spend the summer of art rich life.

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