Focus on digital marketing as the most valuable business service partner

Author:See Hunan Time:2022.07.13

——The leader of the Provincial Trademark Brand Association visited membership units search network

On the afternoon of July 12, Zhu Zenghui, president of the Hunan Provincial Trademark Brand Association, led the research team to visit the member unit search network to learn about the development of the search network. Well -known brands conduct on -site visits and make suggestions for their brand strategy, marketing, communication and intellectual property protection and application. Hu Zhixin, Secretary and Secretary -General of the Association's Party Branch, Feng Huibin, Li Weizhi, Peng Jun, and Assistant to the Association's assistant Liu Chao, the well -known brand review committee reviewers, accompanied the visit. Search Watch Discellaneous Performing Management Le Chao, Tao Qian, Zou Ding, Han Liuhui and other enthusiastically received the research team.

Established in 2016, is a wholly -owned subsidiary invested by Hunan Hanyu Watch Co., Ltd.. It is a high -tech enterprise specializing in the development of information services, e -commerce and application software. Based on the current actual Internet situation and development trend of the watch industry, the company uses the Internet and mobile Internet to integrate industry resources to provide a comprehensive one -stop service for each role of the watch industry supply chain. Receives CNAS's domestic and international certification, and obtained 17 software copyright certificates issued by the State Copyright Administration.

During the visit, the research team visited the office of the search network. Symposium was held later. At the meeting, according to the Executives of the search table, since its establishment, the search network has adhered to global companies, actively relying on the Internet, mobile Internet, big data, etc. to integrate industry resources, and provide professional IT from design, development, testing to maintenance maintenance. Services, and relying on deep industry accumulation and rich service experience, it will help the industry to implement the application of the industry, to accelerate innovation, help growth, optimize operations, and upgrade the four major commercial values.

After listening to the introduction of the Souwanet executives, the research team said that the search network team was young, energetic, cutting -edge Internet thinking and deep understanding of e -commerce operations. In the current era of the booming digital economy, focusing on the digital marketing of the watch industry, insisting on "supporters of corporate brand value growth" and "the most valuable business service partner", the operation has achieved steady growth and enjoys a wide reputation in the industry. A hopeful and future e -commerce brand. It is recommended to strengthen brand management and technological innovation in the future, maximize brand value, and make Hunan's e -commerce brands more influential.

Search Watching Web Denior Management Le Chao, Tao Qian, Zou Ding, and Han Liuhui expressed their gratitude to the research team for their care and guidance. They said that as a young team, they will continue to strengthen their learning and pioneering, and deeply cultivate their main business with a more solid work style, live up to the youth, live up to the era, and make greater contributions to the Huxiang brand to the country and the world.

News source: Hunan Trademark Brand Association

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