Strengthen the construction of disciplinary style to deepen the summer public security rectification to build the people's satisfaction with the people's satisfaction.

Author:Benxi Manchu Autonomous County Time:2022.07.13

——Trashi Public Security Bureau of Benxi County Public Security Bureau should "double -hundred actions" to create a new era "Maple Bridge Police Station" for the starting point

The Tian Shi Police Station of the Public Security Bureau of Benxi County has 8 policemen and 6 assistant policemen, including 4 leadership teams. It has 3 communities and 5 administrative villages, with an area of ​​136.6 square kilometers under its jurisdiction and a permanent population of 25,000. Since the launch of the "Double Hundred Actions", the police station has adhered to the "double -pronged approach", and the disciplinary style is concentrated and rectified as the strict management and tree image. Provide efficient and high -quality services at zero distance, and strive to create a new era "Maple Bridge Police Station" of "loyalty, clean, responsible, harmonious, stable, and satisfied".

1. Strengthen discipline style rectification, strict team management construction, and focus on forging the excellent team with strict discipline. In order to concentrate the disciplinary style of the "100 -day action" requirements, the police station combined with its own actual situation, insisting on starting from small things, starting from details, adopting "three strict and three improvements" to comprehensively strengthen the construction of disciplinary style construction in comprehensively Essence The first is to strictly grasp learning and enhance the cultivation of party spirit. The members of the team took the lead in organizing the auxiliary police of the entire institute, systematically studied the "Implementation Plan" issued by the Municipal Bureau and the County Bureau, completed two rounds of conversation, carried out three knowledge and knowledge tests, and watched 2 collectives collectively. Warning educational film. The 13th all filled out the "Personal Inspection Table" and wrote his experience. Combined with the drawing pens, mouse pads and learning manuals issued with disciplinary style rectification content issued by the Party Committee of the County Bureau, the team requires everyone to learn anytime, anywhere, keep in mind the "six regulations" of the Ministry of Public Security and "six will not allow them", "Nine will not allow" "Nine It is strictly forbidden to "four absolutes" and "four absolutes" and "four never". The second is to grasp the attendance and improve the effect of work style. Strictly arrested the attendance system. While insisting on brushing your face attendance, a system of getting -on -and -from -in -law sign -in system was formulated. The instructor was responsible for attendance management. It was promptly carried out in time for the signs of illegal attendance systems such as late, early departure, and absenteeism. , To prevent violations of the attendance system and the issue of the anti -selling system, and implement the implementation of the attendance system as an important basis for the appraisal of the year -end civil servants and evaluation of the first -year civil servants. The third is to grasp discipline and enhance the image of the team. The police station regulates the six aspects of "internal affairs hygiene, alarm discipline, work discipline, law enforcement duty, serving the masses, and eight hours away." The issues such as "Gun Cartwarm and Gambling Poison Network" are listed as the focus of investigation. At present, the police station has carried out "wine testing" three times and "poisoning" once. On the basis of deepening self -investigation and self -correction, we must grasp the rectification with the determination of "stepping on the stone and the trace of the iron", so that everyone can fully understand the principle of "strict love, loosening is harmful", and continuously enhance the self -province, self -warning, and self -discipline. Consciousness, unified thoughts and actions to the deployment requirements of the Party Committee of the Municipal Bureau.

Second, deepen the improvement of the summer public security, implement the measures for prevention and control, and focus on forging for the excellent team that dares to win. The police station adheres to the concept of "small cases", "people's livelihood without small cases", resolutely combat illegal crimes such as stealing and robbing, and concentrate on governing people's livelihood cases such as "yellow gambling poison" and "food and medicine ring", and actively curb fighting fights, provocation, etc. Seasonal cases, maximize the sense of security and satisfaction of the masses. The first is to strengthen patrol prevention and control and weave a security network. Combined with the actual situation of the jurisdiction, scientifically arranges police forces, focusing on commercial outlets, residential communities, corporate surroundings, singing houses, barbecue shops, and forming a complete closed -loop of patrols along the construction of East Road, Galaxy Middle Road, National Highway 504, and Tian Fang. Police walk patrols, combined with police car patrols and video patrol methods, to maximize the coverage of coverage and improve the alarm rate. With the strong support of the town party committee and government, the police station established a voluntary patrol team with 62 forests and 10 non -inspectors as organizational structures, which woven the prevention and control network of police -civilian linkage, special group combination, and complementary advantages. The second is to maintain a high -pressure situation and crack down on outstanding crimes. During the 100 -day operation, the police station arrested one suspect of helping the letter, 2 theft cases, and three suspects were arrested. At the beginning of the year, there were 13 criminal cases and 10 people. They accepted 57 administrative cases and punished 33 people. Inspection of 240 three -level management units, ordered 315 hidden dangers, and transferred 8 illegal clues to the fire department. Especially in April of this year, the police station also detected a series of stolen motorcycle cases, arrested 3 criminal suspects, and broke 10 cases. United Nantian Police Station, cracked 10 cases involving yellow, and handled 12 illegal actors. The third is to strengthen the source prevention and do a good job of petitioning. Tian Shi Fu Town's demand group and individuals are mostly difficult to handle, controlling and persuading visits in the mining area, shantytylum transformation, and national project construction. Faced with all police officers in difficult police stations, they went to know that they were in trouble. They insisted on touching the truth and knowing the truth in their work. At present, the police station has all implemented control measures for key groups, key areas, and industries to ensure that there is no leakage or out of control.

Third, gather effort to practice the experience of Maple Bridge, build a harmonious police -civilian relationship, and strive to forge the strong team that the party and the people are satisfied with. During the work, the police station worked hard to cultivate the spirit of "a party member is a banner, a position is a responsibility". He adhered to the "Fengqiao Public Security Police Station" of the grass -roots police concept of "small defense and small knowledge". The first is to adhere to the diversified resolution of contradictions and achieve contradictions. In work practice, the police station has the courage to innovate, and established 1 (police) +1 (auxiliary police)+N (members of the village committee, community cadres, enthusiastic people, and rural people). The hidden danger investigation team carried out contradictions and disputes through the village households. At the same time, led by the police station to jointly participate in comprehensive governance, petitions, judicial, civil affairs, communities, village committees and other departments to participate together, eight "contradictions and disputes joint mediation studios" were formed in various communities and village minists in the town to ensure that the handles are ensured Contradictions are resolved in buds and solutions at the grassroots level. As of now, the police station has resolved 65 contradictions and disputes, and the cases of "civil punishment" and "punishment" have not occurred. affim. The second is to persist in consolidating the grass -roots level and achieve peace. The police station adheres to the grass -roots police model of "police force follows the police", implements "grid" work measures in the area, effectively integrates police forces, gives full play to the subjective initiative of the auxiliary police, grid staff and the masses in the area under the jurisdiction. , Encourage the cadres of the village committees, public security activists, and enthusiastic people to help the public security organs, forming a comprehensive governance pattern of "everyone is pioneers of public security and all of them for peace", and has reached the "good order, less cases, less cases, and fewer cases. The social effect of the masses is satisfied. " "Taiping Village" and "Weibao Village" have been sent to Ping An Village, where the police station has been created as a "zero case". The third is to serve the masses at zero distance, and there is no shortage of services to achieve services. The police station firmly establishes the idea of ​​"people -centered", and solidly carried out a new "five small projects" focusing on "breaking small cases, doing small things, solving small worries, helping small, Hui Xiaoli". By optimizing the service process of the household registration window, reducing service links, and reducing unnecessary proof of unnecessary proof, on -site services for the people with inconvenient movements and people with inconvenient actions, actively exploring the zero -distance service mechanism, ensuring that the service is not missing, so that the people in the area under the jurisdiction can really feel the safety of safety. The service is around, and satisfaction is around. Since the beginning of this year, a total of 344 ID cards have been issued for the masses and issued ID cards. The household registration police have visited more than 20 cards, 12 persons were delivered to the door, and more than 80 things were done for the masses in the jurisdiction. Yu Yuan's life materials were widely praised by the people in the area. Over the past three years, Tian Shi Fu Police Station has successively established a collective third -class merit and awarded 3 times. The police personally honored the third -class merit of 4 people and awarded 5 people. In the new journey, all police officers of the police station will take the "Double Hundred Actions" as a new starting point to create the "Maple Bridge Police Station" as an inexhaustible motivation. The victory was held.

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