alert!"Hot Dead" is not a joke.

Author:Jinan Times Time:2022.07.13

In the continuous high temperature and sultry weather, people often say "hot death". Sometimes this is not a joke. Due to the case of "fever" and even death, there have been many in the summer of this year.

According to surging news reports, many hospitals in Zhejiang have continuously sent patients with heat stroke for medical treatment, and many people have diagnosed thermal radiation disease and have already had death cases. In addition, there are people diagnosed in Nanjing and Sichuan. What is thermal radiation disease? How to defend?

Some people have been diagnosed with heat irritation in many places

According to the surging news report, Wu Jianrong, a doctor of emergency department of Lishui City Hospital in Zhejiang Province, told reporters that "A 49 -year -old male patient was sent by workers on the afternoon of the 6th. He suddenly fainted while working in the workshop. ","

After examination, the patient's multiple organ failure was accompanied by a diffuse intravascular coagulation. After 31 hours of rescue, he died in the early morning of the 8th. The hospital has been diagnosed with 3 patients with fever in the past week. A 70 -year -old woman did not pay attention to heatstroke at home. High fever and consciousness occurred at a nap. When they were sent to the hospital, the body temperature reached 42.5 ° C. She had an organ failure and was still rescued.

Prior to this, a man in Zhengzhou, Henan Province suddenly coma because of heat stroke. When he was rescued by the ICU ward of the hospital, the doctor monitored the core temperature of his body had reached 42.3 degrees. All the organs in the body were like in the water. " "Cook the same.

According to the Modern Express, on July 12, the reporter learned from Jiangsu Provincial Hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine that a 37 -year -old decoration worker continued to work for 4 consecutive hours, dizziness, frequent vomiting, and was diagnosed with fever. It is understood that this is the first patient in Nanjing this year.

In addition, according to the Red Star News report, the reporter learned from Huaxi Hospital of Sichuan University that on July 10, the hospital had continued to treat three patients with heat radiation. When the breathing heart was stopped, although he was rescued, he died unfortunately.

What is fever?

To understand thermal radiation disease, it is inseparable from the keyword "heat stroke". It is popular to understand that thermal radiation disease is the most dangerous and serious heat stroke, and has a high mortality rate.

According to the online version of "The Consensus on the Diagnosis and Treatment of the PLA Medical Magazine" first published in the "PLA Medical Magazine" in 2019, thermal radiation disease is a serious fatal disease caused by thermal damage factors to the body. The body's heat production and heat dissipation imbalance caused by the severe exercise. The typical symptom is the core temperature of the core.

Labor -type fever is mainly due to high -intensity physical activity that causes the body's heat production and heat dissipation. Healthy young people who are common in summer strenuous exercise, such as officers and soldiers, athletes, firefighters, and construction workers in summer.

Picture source: Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Ying Photo

Classic thermal ejection diseases are common in young people, pregnant women, and elderly body declines, or individuals with chronic basic diseases or immune dysfunction. They are usually passively exposed to the heat environment and cause the body to produce heat and heat dissipation imbalance.

High temperature and high humidity climate and high -intensity physical activity are the most important risk factor for thermal radiation disease.

How to treat and prevent?

According to Wenzhou Daily, according to Kong Wanquan Kong Wanquan, deputy director of the emergency department of the second hospital of Wen Medical University, the fever is severe heat stroke. If the treatment is not timely, the mortality rate is as high as 60%. In an environment of high temperature, high humidity, and non -ventilation, it is more likely to occur. Every year, the high temperature season, the workers who work outdoors and the personnel who conduct physical training outdoors are high -risk groups of thermal ejection disease.

"The treatment of fever, early treatment and early treatment, the cure effect is completely different." Kong Wanquan explained that the longer the core temperature of the human body exceeds 40 ° C, the heavier the degree of damage to the organs, such as the liver, kidney, myocardium, skeletal muscle muscle And brain. In severe cases, delay treatment may have severe sequelae even if they rescue their lives. Therefore, the doctor reminded that in the hot summer, if there are people in the surrounding people who are hot, sweatless, and conscious disorders, don't hesitate to take the doctor immediately.

How should ordinary citizens prevent fever? Outdoor operators should rest properly when working at high temperatures, and the intensity of labor should be gradual. After a large amount of sweating, water must be supplemented in time. Try to minimize the long time to stay outdoors in the scorching sun. In addition, the elderly and children who stay at home have some groups with basic diseases, and they are also high -incidence groups with hot ejaculation. They should pay more attention to heatstroke prevention. Under the condition of conditions, you can turn on the air conditioner to cool down at home, or open the window to ventilate.

Liu Hong, deputy chief physician of the Department of Emergency Medicine of the Second Hospital of Zhejiang University, reminded that outdoor workers should pay attention to avoid operations at high temperatures for a long time, and timely hydration and fluid. If physical discomfort occurs, it should be transferred to a cool place, reducing body temperature, and being transferred to the hospital as soon as possible.

In addition, you must pay special attention to the elderly who live alone. The elderly do not like the air conditioner. The environmental temperature and humidity are high, and it is prone to heatstroke. Children should try to help the elderly do various heatstroke prevention and cooling work in advance, prepare a cool drink at home, prepare drugs for preventing heatstroke and cooling, and persuade the outing activities.

Source: Surging News, Qianjiang Evening News, Modern Express, Red Star News, Wenzhou Daily, Xiaoxiang Morning News, Daily Economic News

Edit: Weekend

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