Shenmu: Industrial development leverage the revitalization of the countryside

Author:Cultural and Art News Time:2022.07.13

Culture and Art Network-Culture and Art Daily (Ren Xin) "The prosperity of the industry is the prerequisite for solving all problems in rural areas." In recent years, Shenmu City has vigorously cultivated various types of agricultural business entities through industrial assistance, funding support, and project driving. The common development of a variety of production and operation entities helps rural rejuvenation.

Strong root solid -based party building leads to promote development

"I was selected by the Shenmu Agricultural and Rural Bureau in 2021 to send it to Yilin Rabbit Town to the first secretary of the village. The biggest feature of this village is the pure agricultural village. Zhao Jianhua, the first secretary of the village in Kentera Village. In order to effectively solve the problem of "dry fields and paddy fields to become high" in the village, the village work team and the village three committees team visited and investigated on the spot. 800 acres of sand in the mud, 800 acres of red cemetery in sand, 22070 meters of underground pipe irrigation pipes, 4750 meters new underground drainage water pipe, 5 new machine wells, and 13 new pipe wells. Outstanding production, increasing villagers' income also laid a solid foundation for better development of agriculture in the future.

The village of Yickera is located 13 kilometers southwest of Erlin Rabbit Town. It belongs to the typical wind sand grass beach area. It is flat and suitable for the development of breeding industries. Measures such as meat sheep breeding projects are expected to increase per capita income of about 1,000 yuan.

"This year, I planted 50 acres of corn. The growth is very good. It turns out that this piece is sandy, and it can not be a crotch at all. Through the village, the" sand modified mud "is transformed. The yield per mu can be increased by about 400 pounds, "said the villager Li Zhishu.

In 2022, the work team of the Yikkera Village Committee and the village team actively strived to 4.1 million yuan from the Shenmu Agricultural and Rural Bureau, and implemented 4,300 acres of "high -efficiency water -saving irrigation — integrated water and fertilizer integrated project". Infrastructure houses, replacement of water pumps, and 2 transformers, etc., the implementation of the project has greatly saved agricultural water for agricultural water, reduced the labor force of farmers, and allowed farmers with labor to increase their income in the nearest work.

"In the traditional breeding industry, the village of Yikera is the main breeding industry. In order to effectively increase the villagers' breeding income, in 2021, with the support of the Municipal Agricultural and Rural Bureau, it invested more than 2.8 million yuan to implement the push -sheep village promotion project." Zhao Jianhua said, stationed in the station, stationed in The village work team combined with the actual situation of the village, taking the development of sheep breeding as the breakthrough, promoting the development of sheep circle to raise the breeding industry, introduced 860 ewe, 43 rams, and supported construction facilities such as circle houses, silage cellars, and straw sheds.

"咩 ..." Outside the villager Duan Ruiyuan's hospital, the cry of the sheep was one after another, and Duan Ruiyuan was busy feeding her sheep. "It is still cost -effective, the cost is low, it is not effortless, and the sales are not worried. I heard that the whole village promoted the meat sheep breeding project, so I went home to buy 20 ewes and a ram. The subsidy is 3,000 yuan, as well as a circle, a straw shed, and a silage cellar, a total of 74,000 yuan. "The villager Duan Ruiyuan pointed at the sheep in his sheep ribs with satisfaction.

"I bought 60 fine -haired meat sheep, which is more worry -free to breed, and sheep's meat is high, and the price of wool is several times more expensive than ordinary wool." The villager Cao Huaibiao said that the sheep he bought last year produced a dozen dozen this year. Only lambs, only wool income is nearly 5,000 yuan.

"Promoting projects in the whole village of meat sheep have been initially recognized by the villagers. Now 109 villagers have the intention of breeding." Zhao Jianhua said that in the next step, the village of Yikutilla will introduce a group of meat sheep species within the wishes of the villagers. Sheep, expanding the scale of breeding, allowing villagers to have reliable industries, stable and sustainable income, and inject continuous vitality for rural revitalization.

Building the nest and attracting the Fengfu people for the revitalization of the village

"I have been poverty alleviation in 2018. It is the fourth year to work in Nongfeng Agricultural Co., Ltd. this year. I am also the first batch of villagers in the company's" work "in the village." Niu Bian said that since the introduction of a number of agricultural -related companies in the village, many villagers in the villages and him can choose to work in the factory near the factory, and the annual income can be maintained at about 60,000 yuan.

Employment at the door of the house and stable income. In Nalin Cai Village, Nalin Town, Zhongji Town, there are 30 farmers like Li Xu. Such a good day is due to the investment promotion work carried out a few years ago in the village. In recent years, Nalin Caidang Village has taken the initiative to integrate the "waste" land resources in the village, and "come to the door to find relatives". Vitality.

"While our company is developing and growing, it gives priority to the village and surrounding farmers in terms of employment, so that farmers can employment at their doorsteps." Qiao Huntang, general manager of Nongfeng Agricultural Corporation, Shaanxi Hengyuan Investment Group, said that since the company's investment in 2016 Since the establishment of the factory, the poverty alleviation base has invested more than 90 million yuan in assistance funds. While the company has giving full play to the company's drive, the company actively mobilizes farmers to participate in agricultural production. The pattern has promoted the employment of farmers in the village and surrounding villages in Nalin Cai, driven the enthusiasm of farmers to develop the agricultural industry, and promote the increase in yield and income of farmers. "Last year, the lambs sold more than 40,000 yuan. Hengyuan Group helped 80 sheep and also repaired me. The house is more beautiful now." After entering the courtyard, dozens of lambs born in the spring of the sheep are growing up. Lan is telling reporters that she has suffered from illness for many years, and the family has no stable income. Now there is a stable sheep breeding industry, and when the farm is leisure, you can also work in Hengyuan Group.

"Nalin Caidang Village is a poverty -stricken village to build a file. Since the implementation of targeted poverty alleviation, in accordance with the goal of" party building leadership, Fu Meiqiang and prosperity ', it has explored a' China Merchants Capital+Transformation and Upgrade+Fumei Village+Collective Economy+Double Support The "seven -dimensional integration" development model of Shuangchu+Happiness Caiyang+Cultural Tourism '. "Han Huachun, the first secretary of the village in the village in Narling, said that the village was the only" four -none "poor village in the town to the villages in the city. In just a few years, through the introduction of industrial projects and developing collective economies, the per capita annual income of villagers has been increased from about 3,000 yuan 5 years ago to 15,840 yuan. Increase the land rent of nearly one million yuan.

In 2017, Shenmu City set up Nalin Cai Village as the first batch of pilot villages of the property rights system reform, and registered and established the city's first stock economic cooperative. The village actively carried out reform work in combination with its own resource advantages. Cooperative equity mainly distributed equity distribution based on population stocks, capital stocks and land stocks. "Village collective cooperatives have invested more than 4 million yuan to build 34 large sheds, of which 30 are grown grapes and 4 planting fruits and vegetables; more than 2180 square meters of standardized sheep houses, nearly 500 sheep storage columns; flower fruit trees and watermelon seeds 10 acres "Han Huachun said that the development of the industry not only broaden the road of revitalization, but also supports the dream of the villagers. In the next step, Nalin Caidang Village will cooperate with Shenmu Changqing Food Co., Ltd. to invest in the establishment of a cultural tourism company. , Strive to create rural tourism projects such as tourism, amusement, leisure, vacation, picking, agricultural experience, etc., fully mobilize the autonomy of the villagers, increase the "independent hematopoietic" function to the rural industry, and help rural agriculture and extend the rural industry chain through tourism. To achieve multi -production integration, allow villagers to move forward on the road of rural rejuvenation.

Realizing the prosperity of the industry is the primary task of rural revitalization. This year, in accordance with the "136" strategy, Shenmu City relying on the "precise, effective, and adapting industrial development" ideas, in -depth implementation of an innovation and development of production, working on the cultivation of traditional industries and guiding characteristic industries. The advantageous industries, continuously developing and expanding the rural industries, consolidating the results of the results of poverty alleviation and the effective connection of rural rejuvenation, and continuous vitality for the effective connection of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization.

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