Learn this time management, you don't have to hurry up to Deadline anymore

Author:Zhanlu CHEERS Time:2022.07.13

Seeing the word "deadline", what is your first feeling? anxiety? A sense of suffocation? Still full of power?

Although the setting deadline can bring efficient behavior, this approach also has negative effects.

Because as long as you set the deadline, it is often easy to start preparing until the last moment, so the completion time of the work is easily delayed. This phenomenon is a "dead line effect".

How to avoid the negative effects of the deadline and complete the work efficiently? In the book "Dead Line Effect", Christopher Cosks gave the answer, revealing 7 help teams and individuals to make better and more effective decisions with the dead line effect, and to ensure that the plan is planned as planned. Moving a successful time management strategy.

Almost every page in the book is full of anecdotes and joy. You can say to anyone, "Oh, my God, do you know this?"

线 The following content is the recommendation preface of "Dead Line Effect". Author: Guan Su Zhe, the founder of Xinguan Point and the coach of the President of President Dada

New cognition of time management and efficiency improvement

Guan Su Zhe

Founder of Xinguan Point

Coach of President Dada

In daily work and life, do you often encounter these problems; confidently set up many goals within a week and be convinced that you can complete it, but you can only complete less than 30%after a week; The project, as a result, did not make you satisfied, and did not make you satisfied; to formulate several key work plans for the next quarter, because you feel that each job is important, the more you write, the more difficult it is to highlight the key points.

You will find that you are always unable to complete your work as planned. In fact, people often overestimate their time to complete their work. When we do not complete the work on time, we will feel that we have procrastination.

I have a private board entrepreneur member. He believes that his biggest problem is procrastination. In the term of the coaching industry, procrastination is also called lack of action leadership. At that time, I tried from the perspective of psychology to use some cognition of the coaching industry to communicate with him how to overcome procrastination. We also use the acting responsibility form set at the final formulation of each meeting to monitor the actions of his promised matters on the table by me or other entrepreneur members.

However, when I read the book "Dead Effect", I got new inspiration: For those who work "very busy", we not only need to overcome procrastination, but also need a method Come to help us effective management time and ensure that the work is completed as scheduled.

If you can't complete your work on time and affect personal development, then this book can be described as rainy in time. You can finish reading it in one breath, because the content of the book is strong, and the method behind the story is simple, interesting and practical. The author Christef Cobax has done a lot of interesting research, and he will tell you 7 methods to ensure that the work is completed as scheduled. These methods are simple and unique, without having to change people's mentality, only need to set the deadline for work tasks. The earlier setting the deadline, the higher the probability of completing the work on time.

The word "deadline" comes from the publishing industry. It originally refers to a line on the printing machine. This line is called the deadline, or the deadline. Once this line is exceeded, the word cannot be printed. The setting deadline can bring efficient behaviors, but do you know that this approach also has negative effects. Because as long as you set the deadline, it is often easy to start preparing until the last moment, so that the completion time of the work is easily delayed, which is a bit similar to that we can temporarily hold the Buddha's feet before our childhood test. effect".

For those managers with overwhelming work in the workplace, the loss of control over the deadline is the worst expression form of the deadline effect. Perhaps you have completed your work, but the process is very painful. Not only is you dissatisfied with the quality of the work you submit, but the plan submitted in the last minute is often difficult to reach consensus with colleagues.

How to set the deadline for important emergencies, while reducing the negative impact of completing the work at the same time? Here, I will share a few of my feelings for you.


The deadline for decomposition date into a shorter deadline one by one

Leave more room for the next job

Many years ago, I was responsible for the marketing work of a well -known Internet company. At that time, the team members planned a promotional activity for a member to buy 100 yuan to get a 20 yuan coupon. The use period of the coupon was 90 days. After I found out, I proposed that the use of coupons for too long is too long. You can re -issue a coupon with a period of only 21 days around another group of members, and you can try a shorter period of use. Yuan's promotional activity.

The final data showed that the redemption rate of the coupon with a minus of 20 yuan at 90 days was only 5%, and the coupon exchange rate of 20 yuan at 21 days was 12%. The exchange rate of 10 yuan was reduced by 10 yuan, but the exchange rate was as high as 15%.

You can find many similar cases in this book. The author believes that the psychological mechanism of procrastination is easier to understand: the longer the time, the more tendency to underestimate future benefits. This psychological process is called "bisoded discount". For many people, it is not comparable to the reward that can be obtained immediately by working hard to complete the future satisfaction obtained by a project.

People are prone to fall into a time -range decision -making trap. Studies have shown that willing to get 100 yuan today, or 102 yuan tomorrow, many people will choose the former, because most people are short -term thinking people, and they are quick -term when making decisions. This tendency is usually called reality bias. The deadline will promote the task as scheduled. 02

Set the middle deadline

Get a small goal first

In an article in "Harvard Business Review", scholars Teresa Amabier and Steven J .. Cremer discussed the team's psychology of achieving their so -called "small goals" in the process of implementing the project. effect. They wrote: "When we think of progress, we usually think of how excited when achieving long -term goals or getting major breakthroughs. It is good to achieve these big goals, but the probability is relatively low. The goal can also greatly improve work satisfaction.

For a case that is easier to understand by Chinese readers. At the end of August 2016, Wang Jianlin said in an interview with Chen Luyu: First set a small goal, such as I earn 100 million first. As soon as "a small goal of 100 million" came out, netizens teased and took the "small goals". Regarding the small goal, one suggestion of the author is to set the checkpoint to ensure that each node is completed on time. And setting the middle deadline and completing a small goal are one of the most effective ways to achieve good results.

Do not accumulate, there is no thousand miles, do not let the pursuit of perfect hinder us to make decisions. The concept of "Lean Entrepreneurship" that entrepreneurs must see that the concept of MVP (minimal feasibility product) is that entrepreneurs should realize the functions of product available as soon as possible, and then improve the product and services by continuous iteration. This concept is also the author of "From Outstanding to Excellence", Jim Collins said: first firing bullets, and then firing shells. Any big goals are actually composed of small goals of milestones.


Overcoming the plan of planning

Constantly modify the timetable

As the author said, most of us are optimisticists, and we tend to underestimate the time that costs to complete the work. Similarly, if a project has a budget, we will underestimate its ultimate money.

The most famous case may be the construction of the Sydney Opera House. It was planned in 1957 and was expected to be completed in 1963 with a budget of $ 7 million. However, it was not until 1973 that the opera theater was completed, and even if the most distinctive design part was reduced, the final construction cost was still as high as A $ 102 million. Similar examples are endless. There was a global research inspecting 258 traffic infrastructure, which showed that 86%of them exceeded the initial budget.

Amos Twuski and Daniel Caniman once referred to this too optimistic tendency as "planning fallacy" in a paper, that is, the most optimistic attitude for completing projects and funding estimates on time, thus Ignoring any information that might correct the timetable.

When we make decisions on weekdays, excessive self -confidence is one of the famous decision -making traps. In addition to overestimating their ability, the so -called over -confidence will also be too optimistic about the future. There are two main forms of excessive optimism. One is that people who cannot be controlled in the future are often given very optimistic predictions, and the other is planning fallacy.

When we formulate a work plan, we may not be able to think of all reasons for failure or postponing. We ignore a fact: success requires a lot of favorable conditions to cooperate with each other, and a small error may deviate from everything. There is a way to help overcome or slow down the planning errors, which is a key question in the definition of the problem: in the past similar projects, what time and budget of us or others actually needed. According to the past, the project completion schedule is constantly amended. For the future, the best prediction can be made based on past experience.

Not all tasks extended are related to procrastination or pursuit of perfection. The 7 methods of the book "Dead Line Effect" will help those who cannot ensure the quality of quality on time, so that you will improve time management and efficiency improvement. There are new cognition.

If you want to complete something, you will give it the busiest person in the office, but if you want to know how to complete it, you will give it to Christopher Cobax.

The author Christef Cobax has done a lot of interesting research. In this book, he will tell you 7 methods to ensure that your work is completed as scheduled. You can finish reading it in one breath. The content of the book is very strong, and the method behind the story is simple, interesting and practical. Almost every page is full of anecdotes and joy. You can say to anyone, "Oh, my God, do you know this?"

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