Dongguang Town, Dongguang County Carry out "Star Civilized House" selection and commendation activities

Author:Dongguang Rong Media Time:2022.07.13

Further promote the construction of rural civilization, promote the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, and give full play to the role of moral model demonstration. On July 10, Bai Ma Liu Village, Dongguang Town, Dongguang County, under the guidance of the new era of civilization in the town, launched a "star civilization household "" Good daughter -in -law, good mother -in -law "selection and commendation activities, Pei Shu is typical, promoting the new style of civilization.

This commendation candidate has been evaluated by farmers' self -recommendation, mutual evaluation of the masses, members of the village "two committees" and party member representatives and mass representatives. "6 households, 2" good daughter -in -law, good mother -in -law ". Li Wenguang, secretary of the village party branch, said: It is hoped that this event will stimulate the inherent motivation of villagers to talk about civilization and new trends, strive to promote the village to move the customs, create a village atmosphere of unity and hard work, and contribute to the civilization of the township style.

Dongguang Town has carried out the selection and commendation activities such as "Star Civilization Households", "Good Daughter -in -law, Good Mother -in -law" as a specific measure to consolidate the achievements of the creation of civilization, and enhances the civilization index of the masses with cultural soft power. By guiding the town's family households to learn advanced models, assume family responsibilities and social responsibilities, so that each family can truly become the inheritor of the traditional virtue of the Chinese nation, the practitioners of socialist moral norms, and promote civilization, new wind, and harmony. The new style of civilization, promoting the construction of spiritual civilization and reaching a new high.

Source: People's Government of Dongguang Town

Edit: Xie Wenwen

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