WeChat: These behaviors will be blocked and frozen accounts!It is related to everyone →

Author:Shijiazhuang Daily client Time:2022.06.14

On June 13, the WeChat Security Center issued the latest announcement, which will further strengthen the in -depth management of the platform's illegal and illegal behaviors. In response to the emergence of illegal acts such as fraud, gambling, pornographic vulgar, and illegal marketing information, WeChat official Severe levels are undergraduate. However, recently through user complaints, WeChat officially found that some users have repeated violations, such as:

Nitched, restricted or prohibited from using some functions, continued to carry out illegal acts

Re -register for a new account after the ban and continue to carry out illegal violations

Use multiple account associations to carry out violations of laws and regulations

Delicate using various means to maliciously fight the security strategy of the platform

In order to regulate the information release behavior of WeChat personal accounts and ensure the security and legitimate rights and interests of WeChat users, the WeChat team continues to refine the governance of illegal and illegal acts in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and the "WeChat Personal Accounts" and "WeChat Payment Service Agreement" in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and the "WeChat Payment Service Agreement" Work. For the person responsible for malicious confrontation, repeated violations, and the main responsible person responsible for illegal circumstances, WeChat officials have also taken strong treatment measures:

Those who violate multiple violations and serious circumstances will increase the punishment. Depending on the violations, it will adopt but not limited to all relevant account numbers with the subject, freeze the confirmation of the illegal payment account, and have the right to refuse to provide services to the subject of the illegal account;

Submit the public security organs for evidence clues to be suspected of illegal crimes for criminal crimes;

For indirect participation, assisted by illegal crimes such as fraud, and providing relevant criminal gangs to provide relevant criminal resources such as damage to the platform environment, WeChat will retain all the right to pursue legal responsibility.

Hope WeChat users

While polishing your eyes and avoid being deceived

Actively and effective complaints, provide more clues

Once you find fraud and other illegal behaviors

You can via the WeChat client entrance and applet

Tencent Guardian submits relevant evidence information for complaints

It is easy to discover the bad guys earlier

Client complaint guidelines

Personal account complaint: WeChat dialogue window ➛ in the upper right corner of "..." ➛ Complaints ➛ The reason for choosing to complain about this account ➛ Submit a complaint evidence

WeChat group complaint: WeChat group chat window ➛ in the upper right corner of "..." ➛ complaints ➛ The reason for choosing to complain about the group ➛ Submit a complaint evidence

Complaint of Friends Circle: Long Press the avatar : Complaints ➛ Choose the reasons for complaining about the circle of friends ➛ Submit the evidence of complaints

Source: WeChat Security Center

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