Tianjin helps graduates employment: The principal of the secretary took the lead in visiting the enterprise to expand, and various forms of "targeted" assistance students

Author:Internet message Binhai Time:2022.07.13

Employment is the largest people's livelihood project, people's heart project, and foundation project.

At present, the employment of college graduates in 2022 is in a critical period. Faced with the severe employment situation of 10 million college graduates exceeding the first time of the 2022 college graduates, and due to the superposition of multiple factors such as the new crown pneumonia, the employment work of college graduates this year is facing many challenges.

The reporter visited for a few days and learned that the city launched a series of real moves and real moves, and went all out to do a good job of employment and entrepreneurship of college graduates, including expanding the supply of employment positions, improving the quality of employment services, optimizing job hunting employment procedures, strengthening youth employment gangs Support, strengthen organizational leadership, etc. All colleges and universities in our city are actively innovating the working model, starting with graduates to develop employment channels, enhance employment capabilities, and provide employment guidance ... A series of employment recruitment plans and actions are being promoted in full swing.

Masters to help college graduates employment and choice, provide opportunities and creative conditions, have gathered the joint force of the whole society.

The principal of the secretary took the lead in visiting the enterprise to expand the job and expand the employment channel of graduates

Promoting employment and stable employment is an important prerequisite for pioneering positions.

All universities in our city have implemented special actions of the secretary and principal's visit to enterprises to promote employment. Through the members of the leaders of various universities, the members of the universities actively entered the park, industry, and enterprises, and established employment cooperation channels with relevant units to drive all teachers and students and the majority of alumni to expand themselves. Job resources, consolidate the long -term stable employment cooperation channels, and create more internship and employment opportunities for graduates.

"I did not expect to sign the contract so soon." In May this year, I joined the 2018 student Zhang Kexin, a 2018 student of the Chinese Medicine College of Traditional Chinese Medicine, who joined the Kaile British Life Science and Technology (Tianjin) Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as "Kailaiying"). She is one of the first beneficiaries for the school's secretary and principal to visit the enterprise to promote employment.

On May 10th, Qiu Feng, vice president of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, led the leadership team of the School of Traditional Chinese Medicine and the head of the school enrollment and employment office to Kailaiying to carry out special operations to visit enterprises and promote employment. The endorsement "asked the company to ask for more employment and opportunities for graduates.

"I have been paying attention to the QC position of Kaileying's preparation before, but there are not many recruitment places at that time. I did not dare to apply. Later, the counselor told me that the school launched a special operation for visiting enterprises to promote employment. It was doubled, and the job requirements were more matched with the major of my studies. I tried to invest in resumes, and eventually they would pay for it. "Zhang Kexin said.

"The school conducts special operations for employment to promote employment in enterprises. The purpose is to effectively connect students from the campus to the last mile of society, consolidate and expand long -term stable employment cooperation channels, and dig more job resources for graduates. Enterprise cooperation and promotion of the integration of production and education. "Li Xin, deputy secretary of the Party Committee of Tianjin University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, told reporters that through special actions, the school secretary and members of other school leaders have now visited more than 50 companies More than 400 people.

"This is a very good student who has won many national scholarships. He has strong knowledge, rich practical experience, and strong psychological quality. Your company can consider ..." Recently, the leaders of China Civil Aviation University transformed into a "recommendation officer" and brought with The resume of nearly 700 graduates with a job search intention will be precisely recommended at each stop of "Visiting Enterprises".

From the school's party committee to the college to the class, China Civil Aviation University makes full use of various resources to promote employment work throughout the staff, comprehensive, and whole process. Students who want to employment and willing to work can follow the Dream Star River in their favorite positions and fields.

The secretary of the party committee and principal of Tianjin University of Science and Technology fully played the role of demonstration. All members of the school's leadership team went to the battlefield. At present, more than 140 employers have been visited and graduates are recommended to successfully employment.

During the visit, Tianjin University of Science and Technology was guided by social needs, in -depth understanding of employers' knowledge requirements for graduates, carefully analyzed the development trend and talent needs of related industries, fully absorbed the opinions and suggestions of employers, and for the adjustment of school disciplines and talents. The training plan formulation, admissions plan arrangement, and employment guidance service provides the basis, and continuously enhance the targeted and adaptability of talent training; the school has established the “four -links” employment work of school linkage, college linkage, teacher -student linkage, and school -enterprise linkage Mechanism, promote the formation of all employees participation, full process guidance, and full -scale service "three full employment" work pattern; actively innovate employment service forms, open the "employment live broadcast room" and "campus vocational opening", United Zhilian Recruitment and host graduates videos dual selection The meeting provides rich and perfect employment guidance and online recruitment services for graduates, and promotes the sharing of employment resources in the school and outside the school.

Profile skills improvement "targeted" assistance students in various forms

At the same time as possible to expand their posts, all universities in the city do a good job of employment guidance services, correct students' employment outlook, strengthen employment policies, help key groups, and use a series of policies and measures to help students improve their employment capabilities, enhance their confidence in job search, escort colleges and universities to escort colleges and universities Graduate job search.

The Employment Guidance Center of Tianjin University of Science and Technology continues to carry out special employment guidance services, and uses the micro -flat platforms that students such as WeChat, WeChat public account, and Weibo to create a three -dimensional characteristic brand activity, and strive to condense employment characteristics based on output -oriented. , Encourage students' employment and personalized development model, and promote the work of education from "fingertips" into the "heart". From the end of last year, HKUST has held an online enterprise expo from 2021 to 2022. It has collected and promoted videos for enterprises, and broadcasts through the WeChat platform of the school's enterprise to provide students with a "cloud platform" for students to perceive corporate culture and understand the needs of corporate needs. The event lasted nearly 4 months, and a total of 11 video exhibitions were launched. A total of 94 enterprises were invited to promote promotion through the school's public platform, providing enterprises with a platform for display images, helping the college students to further improve their career awareness, increase relevant employers to related employers Understand, enhance employment confidence.

"In the past, some students missed employment opportunities because they did not understand the situation of the enterprise. We newly launched the corporate expo this time, unlike the previous forms of recruitment information and hosted a job fair. Platforms, enterprises not only provide students with employment through the school platform, but also set up a comprehensive, multi -dimensional, three -dimensional corporate image from students. "Xu Jing, director of the Employment Guidance Center of the University of Science and Technology, said that the companies selected for the exhibition were all It is the core enterprise contacted by various colleges. According to statistics, 242 of the 2022 graduates of the school signed a tripartite agreement with companies participating in this event.

Guo Shanshan, who joined in July this year, successfully signed a contract with Zhongrong Printing Co., Ltd. through this Enterprise Expo. "The information on the corporate expo is relatively complete. If the company introduces, treats, etc. I want to know, and the professional push is divided into professional push, you can screen the counterparty professionalism according to the large category, eliminating the process of making a large number of screening. It's very convenient. "Guo Shanshan told reporters that after signing the three -party agreement, she recommended the corporate expo to many students who wanted to work." They also felt that the companies they introduced were good and they voted their resumes. "

The Enterprise Expo not only benefits graduates, but also benefits many non -graduate students. "During the holding of the Enterprise Expo, I can see the publicity of some enterprises from the public account every week. As a sophomore student, you can pass the convenient and shared 'micro" platform in advance to browse corporate culture promotion videos anytime, anywhere. Enterprises and recruitment conditions, grasp the employment situation, make up for their own deficiencies, and formulate professional planning that suits them. "Said Hao Jiahui, a student of the School of Economics and Management of the University of Science and Technology.

In addition, the Key Student Employment Guidance Center and the Mental Health Center continued to carry out the employment "Runxin" station series of special group special group tutoring activities, giving the daily psychological regulation of graduate classmates, so that they can adjust the employment psychology through experience and exchange.

Tianjin University of Technology has established a four -dimensional cloud model, giving full play to the role of the school's informatization employment platform and digital sharing platform, and working hard to achieve high -quality employment of graduates with their hearts. Each college uses new media methods to carry out employment cloud services. Among them, Chen Cheng, a counselor of the School of Textile Science and Engineering, used the form of students such as short video community platforms to build a "job as you" new media and sponge brand. Essence The "Enterprise Propaganda", "HR has something to say", "Guide", "Employment Guide", "Fenghua Zhengmao" in the "Enterprise Propaganda" project. Observation, establish professional goals, and build communication channels for both parties; for sophomore students, share employment series of experience, and jointly cultivate comprehensive skills in schools and enterprises; improve students' resumes, simulate interviews, and help public assistance; For senior students, show the advantages of students, and recommend the target of employment to achieve accurate employment. At present, more than 50 graduates have been successfully helped to complete job hunting.

The School of Computer and Information Engineering and Software of Tianjin Normal University has recently launched a series of educating activities for cloud employment empowerment with Kirin Software. From the perspective of entrepreneurs and employers, more than 300 students from all grades are analyzed through examples, and the enterprises have been interpreted in detail. Choose only for employment standards.

"After listening to the lecture, I not only learned how to make an excellent resume, but also learned how to deal with the questions raised by the interviewer freely in the interview. It is very helpful for future job interviews." Say.

According to He Lu, secretary of the School of Computer and Information Engineering and Software of the School of Computer and Information Engineering, the School of Computer and Information Engineering and Software Institute of Software jointly declared with Kirin Software at the end of 2021 and received the first phase of the Ministry of Education for the employment and education project of the Ministry of Education. "In the future, we will fully rely on school -enterprise cooperation platforms, and continue to organize series of employment empowerment training in different directions such as career planning, recruitment training, and actual combat of interviews to transport qualified IT talents for enterprises."

How to write a resume that makes HR heart -hearted? What are the requirements of the world's Fortune 500 companies? Why choose to study after employment first ... In April of this year, Tianjin University of Foreign Languages ​​asked the Honorary College to launch the 2022 spring recruitment job search training camp. the problem we are facing.

"We have adopted a new measure of" job search training camp "this year to specialize in the instructor from a professional training company to design a training plan for students to design employment and entrepreneurship in a comprehensive and targeted manner. Participate. From the current survey of the satisfaction of training camps, many students have expressed their contents of the quality of the curriculum content and the practicality of teaching '; after training, the cognition of the job search skills and career development has been improved'; the content of the curriculum is Among them, the "school recruitment policy interpretation and acquisition of famous enterprise offer skills 'and' resume writing skills '' is rated as 'the most helpful'. Many students reflected after class. Through training camps Understand. "Li Wei, deputy dean of the Honorary College of Honor, told reporters that in addition to the coaching of job search course, the college also invited the seniors and sisters to the senior sisters to share experience through articles to push and share experience according to the problems of the fresh graduates in the job search process. for reference. "Since 2020, we have implemented one -to -one employment assistance on all graduate students since the autumn semester. Basically, we have conducted twice a month. Carry out full -process employment assistance and guidance, including recommending posts, relying on class teachers and professional courses for students who prepare for the postgraduate students, to understand the psychological state of the students, etc., until they graduate. This year, our school graduates of this school More than 5,800 people, teachers have continued to provide assistance services for more than half a year. "Chen Yue, deputy director of the Employment Division of Tianjin University of Commerce, told reporters that the full -process guidance effect is obvious. 'The number of people has increased by nearly a hundred people from last year. "

Sun Kexuan, a graduate of the School of Biotechnology and Food Science, who has admitted to graduate students in Sichuan University, said that he is the beneficiary of this assistance measure. "Each of our students has a teacher who is responsible for. The teacher responsible for my teacher knows that after I want to take the postgraduate entrance examination, we invite many of our students to participate in the experience exchange meeting of the last senior sisters. How to choose my own way. Later, there were twice a month. My instructor would come to ask my learning progress and whether I was nervous, and asked me if I was difficult to study in my normal learning. I would also help me analyze which school is ideal. In the comprehensive information of various aspects, give me a systematic explanation. Sometimes I can't find a suitable self -study classroom. The teacher also lent me the office ... Later, I entered the retest and instructed the teacher to tell me how to take the test from the perspective of professional knowledge. "Sun Kexuan said "I think I can succeed in the postgraduate entrance examination, and the help teacher's help to me is the greatest."

Mobilize all parties to help graduates employment

In -depth excavation of alumni resources and giving full play to the role of alumni bridge bonds is an important measure for Tianjin Vocational and Technical Normal University to promote the full high -quality employment of graduates. The school has established an employment practical education platform for alumni to participate in talent training by establishing an alumni long -term mechanism and the establishment of alumni corporate practical education and employment internship bases to achieve a win -win situation for alumni enterprises and students to employment.

Zhang Qiongqiang, who is currently the manager of the R & D and technical department of Beijing Yuefang Technology Co., Ltd., is a 2018 graduate of Tianjin Vocational and Technical Normal University. He had come to this work unit with the help and recommendation of the school teacher. "Since 2019, our company enrolls fresh graduates internships, and I have contacted the school teachers to help me recommend interns. After the internship, we will invite them to work in the company. It has been last for 4 sessions, and several fresh graduates from their alma mater have been admitted to each year. "Zhang Qiongqiang told reporters that their company is quite favored by people with strong hands -on ability, creative ability, and experimental experience and skills. "The school -enterprise cooperation will often exchange the status of students, which is conducive to normalized employment assistance. In these years, I found that the professional training direction of the alma mater is closely following the development of the industry. The curriculum is flexible. Resources, etc., so the student 'foundation' is already available, and they can soon be able to get started to complete the project independently. This also makes our company trust the students from my alma mater and form a virtuous circle of 'alumni with alumni'. "Zhang Qiongqiang said.

Huaiyuan, a graduate of the 2022 graduate of the School of Self -Vibrant Dynamics, was officially admitted to the company where Zhang Qiongqiang was located in July this year after one year of internship. "At first I felt that the work content was more consistent with the majors I learned, and there were several alumni in the company, which was very kind and came to an internship. Later, I found that the employment opportunities and development platform for fresh graduates here are rare. , So decide to join the company, "Shang Huaiyuan said.

This semester, 30 alumni at China Civil Aviation University conducted employment training for schoolmates and sisters in the alumni Simpling Lecture Hall. Through workplace growth stories, employment guidance and preaching, etc., they guided graduates to further establish the correct outlook on employment. "I hope that our experience sharing can help students and schoolgirls combine professional knowledge with the direction of practice to make the best choice during employment." Alumni Li Liang said. Hou Xiaxu, a counselor at the school's vocational and technical college, said that the event was initially carried out for students of the college. With the popularity of online lectures and the expansion of the brand's influence, it has covered the entire school.

The Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts recently held the 2022 graduate work exhibition, and more than 3,000 works were exhibited through online and offline connection models.

"Holding the work exhibition of graduates is not only a platform for the establishment of the talent training results of the college, but also a measure to promote the employment of students." Jia Guangjian, Dean of Tianjin Academy of Fine Arts, said that the creative graduate work exhibition is not only for art colleges and universities A centralized test of teaching results is also for the supply and demand and two -way choice of graduates and employers. It is understood that through the exhibition of the graduates, dozens of graduates have reached employment intentions. Mastery to improve students' employment quality

Faced with a record high and relatively severe employment situation in the face of graduates, routine employment guidance courses and general employment education may not be ideal, and it is difficult to meet the needs of college students today. "With the official entering the workplace after '00' college students, what they need is more diverse, systematic, and more layered employment planning and guidance." Wu Yajun said.

Faced with realistic challenges, the practice of Tianjin Zhongde University of Applied Technology is to start on the basis of the regular employment services of college graduates, start with the employment pain points of students, try to establish new employment education ideas, and help graduates to establish scientific and rational rationality The ultimate goal of employment and employment is to improve the employment ability of graduates.

"We made many investigations on students in the early stage. It was found that for applied undergraduate students, they need not only the popularization of knowledge, but also the understanding of industry, industry development, and the real situation of enterprises. Therefore The teacher base, not only the school's professional course teachers, but also the master craftsman, Jinmen craftsman, well -known enterprise head, or HR as an extra -curriculum expert instructor. Poted. "Wu Yajun said.

These out -of -school expert tutors moved and inspired each student in simple language, so that everyone can believe that they can also do a big career in ordinary posts. "I am most impressed by the story of the Tianjin Aerospace Long March Rocket Manufacturing Co., Ltd. deputy director of the assembly and test workshop, what he and the Long March Rockets. From his telling, I realized that the skills were reported to the country and deeply realized the craftsmen. Spirit. I have a clearer understanding of my future, and I hope I can also become an excellent skill person. "Li Baiyue, a 2022 graduate of the aircraft manufacturing engineering, said that he has successfully joined the Chinese People's Liberation Army 572 Factory.

Because of the "Double Division", graduates have improved "professional cognition, industry cognition, and job cognition." At the same time, Tianjin Zhongde University of Applied Technology transformed curriculum teaching to training teaching with a variety of employment activities. In the first half of this year, the school held a "7 -day job search training camp" activity, of which 8 unable to employment graduates. Through special activities, they gradually clearly positioned themselves and improved their ability to write resumes and interviews. At present, these 8 graduates have successfully succeeded Employment.

"We also provide career consulting services for students, one -to -one help students solve personalized problems, do employment education with temperature, and do everything possible to improve the quality of employment of graduates." Wu Yajun said.

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