Human first deep space universe full color picture release
Author:Global Times Time:2022.07.13
Our reporter Liu Yang, a special reporter Zhang Yifan, appointed
Editor's words: On July 11, the US President Biden announced the image of SMACS 0723, known as the "Weber First Deep Field" in the White House. Infrared image, the image is also the first full -color image taken by Weber telescope. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) released a large number of photos and spectrum data taken by Weber Space Telescope at the Goda Space Flight Center in Maryland. What information of the early universe can be seen from the first precious image? What is the performance of the Weber telescope from it? What enlightenment of other aerospace mirrors for the flagship spatial telescope for the United States?
Cable TV News Network, "Washington Post", Reuters and other media reported on the release on the 11th. Among them, because of the strong scientific charm of this photo, but also because of the President Bynden's release platform for Weber's first color image.
Reuters reports that the first full -color photo taken by Weber Space Telescope is an image of a galaxy group, allowing us to see the clearest early universe ever in history. This image released by the US President Biden Biden and NASA Director Nielson shows a galaxy cluster of 4.6 billion light years and named SMACS 0723. Its combination quality is like a "gravity lens", which distorts the space, which greatly enlarges the light from the far away galaxy behind it.
"Our outlook on the universe has just been expanded." The Associated Press said on the 11th that the first image announced by NASA New Space Telescope was full of galaxies and provided the deepest cosmic scenes that have been captured so far. The first image taken by Weber Space Telescope is the farthest image seen in time and distance in the history of mankind. From the colorful pictures taken by the universe, there are many glittering galaxies in the dark space, and this group of photos can be called the farthest galaxy map that humans see in time and distance. NASA Director Nielsen said that in this photo, hundreds of white, yellow, orange and red light spots, stripes, spirals, and vortex are just a small part of the universe. These lights were issued 13 billion years ago. Now today It was taken by the Weber telescope -and the Big Bang occurred 13.8 billion years ago, that is, the galaxy in this photo almost traced back to the starting point of the universe.
US President Biden said this telescope is "a new window entering our history of the universe." NASA Director Nielsen said that the Weber telescope is very accurate, which will enable scientists to see the chemical composition of planets in the depths of space and infer whether they are suitable for biological habitats. He said: "We will be able to answer questions we don't even know yet."
The Weber Space Telescope is the largest and most powerful astronomical telescope in space, which has been launched in the history, and can observe a deeper universe before it. The project was originally planned to cost $ 500 million, but for various reasons, the project was seriously overdue, with a total cost of more than $ 10 billion. Originally planned to launch in 2007, and the launch was completed at the end of 2021.
What information can be seen from the first picture
The New Zealand Herald said on the 12th that NASA announced the first photo taken by Weber Space Telescope. This photo is synthesized by different wavelengths taken by 12.5 hours nearly infrared cameras. It takes a few weeks to reach the deepest vision in the depth of the Hubble Space Telescope in infrared wavelengths. The galaxy group SMACS 0723 in the photo contains thousands of galaxies, 4.6 billion light years from the earth. The near -infrared camera of the Weber Space Telescope clearly focuses on these distant galaxies -they have a small and blurred structure that have never been seen before, including star groups and man -shot features. As Weber looks for the earliest galaxies in the universe, researchers will soon start to solve more galaxy quality, age, history, and composition. The first picture emphasizes Weber's scientific research ability, and its huge gold mirror and scientific instrument's ability to shoot spectacular images.
National Observatory researcher Chen Xuelei introduced to the Global Times reporter on the 12th that the first observation of astronomical telescope was called "First Light". It can test the performance of the telescope through the early light. In -depth scientific analysis requires more quantitative calculations. Initially, the first photo taken by Weber was very good. Compared with the first light of the Hubble telescope in the United States, the celestial bodies selected this time are more It is attractive, and by comparing the photos of the same star group taken with the Hubble Telescope before, the photos this time are clearer and have richer details, indicating that the telescope performance is more superior. The first photo selected the astronomical body is the galaxy group SMACS 0723. The Galaxy is a galaxy containing a large amount of stars, and the galaxy group is a larger structure, consisting of a hundred thousand galaxies. Many red light arcs in the photo are caused by gravitational lens phenomenon. They are also some galaxies, but they are not SMACS 0723 galaxies. You can see more far and darker celestial bodies through gravitational lenses. You can also push the internal material and gravitational fields of the galaxy group in the light arcs, and how much dark substances such as dark matter are included. These light arcs are often red, indicating that there is a red shift. Weber telescope is an infrared telescope. It is taken in infrared images. In infrared images, it can also be divided into different colors according to the different wavelengths of light. The galaxies represented by these red light arcs are in the older universe. What are the inspiration to China
What role can Weber play in finding external civilization and discovering extraordinary life?
Weber Space Telescope is a joint project of the European Air Bureau, Canada Aerospace Bureau and the National Aerospace Bureau. It can provide higher infrared resolution and sensitivity than Hubble telescopes, and observing the brightness of the objects of the object is 100 times lower than the weakest object detected by the Hubble Telescope. This will make a wide range of research in astronomy and cosmic fields possible. The task goals mainly include four, that is, the first batch of stars and galaxies formed in the universe after the Big Bang finds the formation and evolution of the galaxy, the formation and evolution of the research galaxy, the formation of star formation and the formation of planetary systems, research on the planet system and the origin of life.
Chen Xuelei said that at present global scientists have conducted a lot of observations of external planets, and some scientists have proposed to find out -of -the -life life on the outer planet. Some scholars have proposed some measurement methods to find extraordinary life, such as observing the atmospheric components of the planet to find signs of life, observing the environment around the planet to infer whether there may be life existence. The Astronomical circles expect Weber telescope to produce a lot of research results in related fields.
Is the development and application of the American Temple Telescope, what is the inspiration of the construction of the Chinese Tianji telescope? Chen Xuelei said that as a researcher in the field of astronomy, of course, I hope that China can also have similar large space astronomy observation equipment. However, there are many types of international astronomical observation equipment. The US Weber telescope is an observatory. It is characterized by high investment and complete functions. It is a flagship equipment. In addition, there are special equipment that is very suitable for research in a certain aspect. Weber telescope has been brewing from the project, launching on track, and then returning to the beginning of light. After a long time, the advantages and disadvantages of this observatory -style space telescope are the experience and lessons that China needs to absorb in order to find the heavens that are more suitable for China. Development model of foundation astronomy equipment. ▲
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