"Sichuan Good Man" Wang Wenjian: I want to use my own strength to help others

Author:Dazhou Observation Time:2022.07.13

In the second quarter of 2022, the selection of the "Sichuan Good Man List" was recently announced. Wang Wenjian, Wang Wenzi, the Yidianzi Community of Datang Township, Dazhou High -tech Zone. As a disabled entrepreneur, Wang Wenjian is not only a representative of the disabled, but also uses action to interpret the belief of "I want to use my own strength to help others".

It is a new city in Fuxing Town, Dazhou City. When it comes to Wang Wenjian, his peers praise him.

Dazhou Zhongjun Trading Company Cheng Shuang: Uncle Wang is a well -known person here, and often helps us. At first, Uncle Wang encouraged me to work hard with my own deeds, and gave me a lot of guidance during my independent entrepreneurial period. I can now have this small store, and I can have 780,000 yuan a year. I really want to thank him a lot.

Wang Wenjian, 56, is a native of Yantang Township, Dazhou High -tech Zone. He has lost his lifelong disability because of his congenital muscle weakness. Digging coal workers and dry haircuts, stepped out of the countryside step by step towards a wider development space. In 2003, Wang Wenjian opened food and oil commerce companies that specialize in rice, flour, noodles, clean oil and other foods.

"I want to help others with my own strength." This is what Wang Wenjian hung on his mouth for a long time. Not only did he say that, he insisted on doing so. In his opinion, the material is not successful, and it is the real ability to help more people. Adhering to this original intention and belief, for many years, Wang Wenjian has insisted on feeding his hometown and giving back to the society. During the Spring Festival in 2016, with his gratitude to his hometown father, Wang Wenjian donated the daily necessities of rice, noodles, and oil for more than 60 disabled people in the township and 56 elderly people over the age of 80; In the month, in order to give the merchants who encountered operating dilemma in a shopping mall fire, he raised materials and donations for the first time, and did his best to spend his greatest strength and the merchant ... and such a good deed has long become him. A habit.

Wang Wenjian, who was in disabled, relying on the perseverance and selfless dedication, was selected as "Dazhou Good Man" in 2018. Today, he was selected as "Sichuan Good Man" in the second quarter of 2022.

Sichuan good man Wang Wenjian: I am honored to be named "Sichuan Good Man" this time. This award is not only an affirmation of my past, but also inspired me to do good deeds. By my deeds, I encourage more people like me. Have a good life.

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