The cigarette in the man's car caused an explosion instantly!High temperature weather, don't do these things

Author:Hunan Fire Time:2022.07.13

Recently, Suqian City, Jiangsu Province

A man smokes in the car

Suddenly caused the explosion at the moment of ignition

The power of explosion breaks through the roof sunroof

The windshield of the car is also overturned

Fortunately, the man is not in danger of life

But the power of explosion

It also caused a lot of damage to the man

According to witnesses

The owners' hair was burned out

There are explosive products such as perfume and lighter in the car

Hunan starts the "High temperature week" and alert these "timing bombs"

At present, Hunan is experiencing the longest high temperature process since this year. It is expected that this week's high temperature will steadily occupy the "C" of the weather. The high temperature in Changsha and other places will be almost "full" in the next 7 days, and the maximum temperature will reach about 39 ° C.

Hot weather

When the flammable material encounters high temperature or bright fire

It is easy to cause burning and explosion

It is likely to become a "timing bomb"


real case scenario

On May 5, 2022, in Chizhou, Anhui Province, a car owner parked the car under the sun. A bottle stored in the rear windshield was a refrigerator bottle with flammable and explosive items. The glass was broken, but fortunately there was no one in the car.

On April 8, 2022, when a car owner parked the car in Dazhou City, Sichuan Province, smoke occurred when the open -air parking lot, and the central console was severely damaged. The reason for the vehicle to get angry is that the charging treasure and glasses placed above the vehicle center console were exposed to the sun.

Uncle Lan has something to say

It's really not scaring everyone

Some sudden accidents occur

It comes from small items that are inconspicuous in daily life

Although we cannot predict the occurrence of the accident

But at least you can do a good job of prevention

Make yourself and your family from hurting your family

It's hot

Do not put these flammable items below in the car memory

To avoid the temperature in the car is too high

Fire risk



The main component of ordinary lighters is liquid butane, which is flammable and explosive. High -concentration of butane will explode at 20 degrees Celsius at room temperature. The outdoor temperature is above 30 degrees Celsius. After the vehicle is exposed, the temperature in the vehicle will be as high as sixty or seventy degrees Celsius, which can easily cause explosion accidents. Reminder: Do not put the lighter in the car, especially not to be in direct sunlight such as the dashboard.



The main ingredients of perfumes are fragrance, alcohol, and moisture. The alcohol content is between 40%and 80%. In the case of the closed vehicle space and the air circulation, a small bottle of perfume may be a "timing bomb" under a specific environment and conditions!


Reading glasses

The old flower mirror belongs to the convex lens, and it is easy to gather the light together. If the light is focused for a long time, the focus temperature is too high, and the plastic trim in the car may be baked, and even the vehicle is spontaneous.



For canned sprays such as glue, shaving foam, insecticide, air fresh agent, etc., the reason why the liquid in the tank can be sprayed is because the pressure in the tank is very high. At the same time, the items in the spray spray are also flammable. If they are exposed to the car, their power is even greater.


Carbonated drinks

In the summer, the temperature in the car is very high. When the vehicle is placed for a long time, a large amount of carbon dioxide contained in carbonated beverages is easy to expand, and in severe cases, it will break through the bottle body and cause explosion.


mineral water

In the case of the sunlight for a long time, the light enters the car from the window. After focusing on the light spots through the edge of the mineral water bottle, the temperature is as high as 100 degrees, which will ignite the items in the car.

07 battery, charging treasure

Such items have been marked in the instructions. It cannot be used in high -temperature places. Explosion is very easy to occur when car exposure. Especially for charging treasures, there are many unqualified products on the market. Some illegal merchants use fake or refurbished battles, which is more likely to cause explosion.

Source: Hunan Fire Comprehensive Hunan Emergency Management Hunan Weather Surging News, etc.

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