The largest country?India's worries are more than happy, and the Indian media warns: deal with the "population explosion" to hold to be vigilant

Author:Global Times Time:2022.07.13

[Global Times Special Reporter Cheng Yizhi Zi Zizheng] On July 11 "World Population Day", a father rode a motorcycle with a video of 6 children and became popular in the Indian network. In the video, the police stopped them to remind the overload, but did not punish them. It seemed to be commonplace. In another video, an Indian mother arranged the appearance of a family in a proper attention. On the same day, the United Nations issued a report that the Indian population is expected to surpass China in 2023.

Indian street data map source vision China


According to the report, the Indian population will exceed China in 2023. By 2050, the Indian population will reach 1.668 billion, more than 1.317 billion in China. Some Indian media quoted the United Nations report that the per capita growth of the per capita increase in the per capita growth of Indian population is the important factor in India.

New Delhi reported on the 12th that Indian officials said that the population scale exceeds China and may help India become a permanent member of the Security Council.

India's "Xilong Times" reported that in 2023, India will win a population competition with China. But most Indian media do not have the atmosphere of "joy". An article on the Indian Zeenews website states that on the World Population Day, it is important to pay attention to the "population explosion". This threat is to Indians. India's DNAINDIA website also reports that "population explosion" should be vigilant, because poverty, hunger, unemployment, fragile education system, poor medical services, increasing crimes, pollution, lack of drinking water, etc. The biggest reason behind it is the population explosion.


According to the Indian Stan Times, in June this year, Patt, a senior member of the Indian People's Party, revealed to the media that the government is formulating a population plan policy to ensure that India can better plan and use their population dividends to avoid excessive population. The negative impact on Indian development.

India is the earliest country to implement the population plan. The earliest policies aimed at controlling the number of population in 1952. However, they encountered greater resistance during their implementation and failed to be effectively implemented for a long time.

At present, well -known Indian scholars have spoken to discuss whether India needs to introduce national population plan policies. Dedai, a well -known Indian sociologist and a member of the National Application Economic Research Council, said that the best window period for India to implement long -term stable population plan policies has passed. Now the implementation of the demographic plan policy will exacerbate the challenges of Indian development.

In a commentary article, Desai pointed out that the current public policy challenge of the Indian government is not in the "population plan", but how to guide India's "demographic dividend" through appropriate policy guidance. For example, the total fertility rate of some coastal areas in India has continued to decline, and there will be risks of lack of young people in the future, while the total fertility rate of the central region remains high. Dedai believes that all states must do appropriate policies for "inter -immigrants" to solve regional development and population mismatch.

Another voice believes that India needs to implement the population plan policy as soon as possible, but the policy should be promoted through appropriate encouragement methods to avoid tough punishment measures. Population expert Kemuul said that India needs more detailed population census data and adopt modern and digital management of statistics and population dynamics, which will help the Indian government to formulate a more flexible population plan policy, and it will also prompt economists to truly realize Understand the relationship between economic development and population changes in various regions of India.

Compared to China

India's "Business Standards" compared the population structure of India and China. It is reported that although the number of labor population in India has continued to increase, due to the backward level of basic education and the high degree of development of the industrial chain, the level of labor skills is still much lower than China. In addition, because most Indian women follow the tradition that they do not participate in social labor, the total participation rate of women's labor force is only 25%. The newspaper quoted experts from experts that India needs more comprehensive basic education, and promotes women to participate in social labor, truly promote female liberation, and more effectively exerts India's "demographic dividend" advantage.

Cao Heping, a professor at the School of Economics of Peking University, said in an interview with the Global Times reporter that India may have explosive economic growth in the future, and even shocked the world. However, only by the younger population structure, the improvement of education, and the more skilled technical level can the Indian sustainable growth of the economy. Jiang Jingkui, Executive Deputy Dean of the International and Regional Research Institute of Tsinghua University, said that it is good or bad to become the world's first big country, mainly because of the development direction of this country and the degree of care for the general public. As long as the Indian government can stand the test of social development and government governance, the population growth is not good.

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