Shuxiangzhi entered Xiaochang's love book to send the grassroots -the second season of Shuxiang

Author:Hubei Library Time:2022.06.14

Book Xiang Zhiyuan entered Xiaochang's love book to send the grassroots

——The second season of Shuxiang Zhiyuan Love Donation Series Activities Completely ended

On June 11th, the Hubei Provincial Library Volunteer Service Team, Xiaochang County Library Liannimi Tongshu Reading Museum, Hubei Radio and Television Chu Tian Music Broadcast 105.8 DC Brothers and siblings launched the second season of "Book Fragrance Zhiyuan" love donation activity The third batch of love books was successfully sent to the hands of Xiaochang Hope Primary School children, and also made a successful end for the second season of Shu Xiang Zhiyuan. This is also another new measure for the provincial library to actively implement the practical activity of "lower foundation to inspect the people's feelings to warm the people and warm the people."

Based on a book with a book, starting with love

3000 volumes donation books

150 caring families

8 car cars

Six groups of family volunteers representatives

Six groups of volunteer families are ready to set off

At 8:00 on the morning of June 11, the volunteer family representatives began to gather and set off with love. Volunteer families have organized books, packaging, and car loading, and enlightened 90 kilometers of love journey.

Volunteer family children help carry donation books

Accompanied by books, love has arrived

"Wow, it's so cool here, the air is so good." After 2 hours of drive, this caring team has successively arrived in Zougang Town Central Primary School, handing over the heavy love books to the children's hands.

Arrive in Zougang Town Central Primary School

Children in Zougang Town Central Primary School help carry love books

Children in Zougang Town Central Primary School see the smile on their faces when they see the books

Know the book with the book, donate the scene of the donation scene

Director Ai of Xiaochang County Library and President Mei Mei of Zougang Town Central Primary School received these big friends and children. This donation ceremony.

Donation site

Happy to the book, share interaction and friendship

The student representatives of Zougang Town Central Primary School spoke. On behalf of all the teachers and students of the primary school, all the teachers and students of the primary school welcomed everyone for their arrival and thanked the parents for their love donations. All children have the opportunity to read more books and read books together. The children of the two sides started the game interaction, and the seeds of friendship took root in everyone's hearts.

Student representative of Zougang Town Central Primary School, Wuhan Children's Representative Speaking

Children performing programs

The children of Zougang Town Central Elementary School got a happy smile on the face of the new book.

The children get the books and are happy

Such opportunities for exchanges are very precious. Many parents particularly hope that next time they can have the opportunity to participate, take their children to do public welfare, dedicate love, and let children in the city walk into the mountain villages to communicate with the children there, learn from each other, learn from each other, learn from each other, learn from each other, learn from each other and learn from each other to learn from each other and learn from each other to learn from each other and learn from each other. At the same time, it can provide more reading options for rural children and left -behind children, which can meet the children's extracurricular reading needs, and help rural children and left -behind children in the companionship company to develop "more reading, good reading, reading good books" Good habit.

In the second season, the "Book Fragrance Zhiyuan" love donation activity was launched from the end of March, collecting love books for the whole society. All books are sent to the grassroots in three batches. The first and second batch of books were carefully organized and packaged by the Volunteer Service Team of the Provincial Library, and they have been sent to the hands of children of Zougang Town Central Elementary School by mail. The third batch of books was sent to Zougang Town Central Primary School and met with children.

Source: Ministry of Social Education

Edit: Hubei

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