The ancient tomb of the barbaric king has become a residential vegetable land, and the cultural protection department: remove illegal vegetables this week

Author:Changjiang Daily Time:2022.07.12

The Yangtze River Daily Da Wuhan Client July 12 (Reporter Zhao Jiaxin) The tomb of the barbaric king is located in the dormitory area of ​​the postage in Hongshan District. It is a cultural relics protection unit in Wuhan. But not long ago, some citizens reported on the message board of Wuhan City that the cemetery was planted by nearby residents, and there were a lot of garbage around the tomb, which severely damaged the cemetery environment. In this regard, the Cultural Insurance Department stated that the waste and illegal vegetable fields were removed this week.

On the front of the tomb of the barbaric king. Reporter Zhao Jiaxin Photo

On the morning of the 12th, a reporter from the Yangtze River Daily came to the tomb of the barbaric king, which was located in the dormitory area of ​​the Academy of Posts. Turning from Lu Yu Road into the Academy of Post Sciences, and then walking along the road of the dormitory area of ​​the Department of Post Academy, walking for about 20 minutes, the tomb of the barbaric king is located by the fitness square of the dormitory area.

The reporter saw at the scene that there was a archway outside the cemetery, which was written in the four words "Tomb of the King of Man". The archway indicated that the construction time was 1999. There are three words "Barbarians" in front of the cemetery. In addition, there are "Wuhan Cultural Relics Protection Units" and "Wuhan Municipal People's Committee of Hubei Province on June 10, 1959" "Wuhan Municipal People's Government" and other words.

There are a lot of dishes behind the tomb of the barbaric king. Reporter Zhao Jiaxin Photo

The reporter noticed that there were some garbage on the beside the cemetery. Through the steps to the cemetery, some places were planted with crops such as pepper, eggplant, tomato, pumpkin and other crops. The closest place is less than two meters away.

The reporter knocked on the two doors next to the cemetery, and no one answered. At this time, a passing uncle learned that the reporter came to the intention that he heard that it was because the tree on the cemetery covered the sunlight, so the tree was cut after being cut off.

The reporter contacted the person in charge of the Cultural and Tourism Bureau of the Cultural and Tourism Bureau, Wang Jiansheng, and Wang Gengsheng said: "The origin of the barbaric kings is clearly recorded in the literature. After being rebelled in the barbarians, more than 7,000 people moved to the Jiangxia area after being suppressed. The "Jiangxia County Chronicle" in Qing Tongzhi said: "A Magishan one came to Wangshan (Nankangshan), in the northeast of the county, there is a barbaric king. The grave of the grave was originally tied for Sanzuka, but both mounds were destroyed. Now the remaining is a mound in the east. "

Wang Gongsheng said that he had noticed the information about the vegetables on the tomb of the barbaric king and asked the relevant responsible units to dispose as soon as possible.

Wang Hua is the deputy director of the Mushan community and the person in charge of the security of the Manzuka Cultural Relics. Wang Hua told reporters that they are preparing to jointly rectify the environment near the tomb of the barbaric king within this week.

【Edit: Wang Yujin】

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