Shaanxi issues important notice!In this case, decisive work, stop school ...

Author:The official account of Xi'an Time:2022.07.12

Starting July 11th

Rainfall appears in many places in Shaanxi

The high temperature weather that lasts for many days has finally eased!

July 11th to 07:00 on July 12th

A total of 86 stations in Xi'an City appeared precipitation

The maximum precipitation appears in the Zhouzan house house 41.0 mm

While enjoying cool

Pay attention to prevent rainfall that may cause heavy rain

Flood mudslide disaster

Shaanxi Meteor

Today (July 12) 9:38

Continue to release heavy rain yellow warning signals

At present, the 3-hour rainfall of the northern part of Xianyang, Baoji Bureau, and Tongchuan Bureau will reach 25-45 mm. It is expected that the rainfall in the following areas will reach more than 50 mm in the next 6 hours: Weibin District, Jinsai District, Chencang District, Fengxiang, Baoji City, Baoji City District, Qishan County, Fufeng County, Longxian County, Qianyang County, Linyou County, Fengxian, Taibai County, Hanzhong City Nanzheng District, Chenggu County, Mian County, Ningqiang County, Lueyang County, Liuba County Luonan County, Shangluo City, Wangyi District, Tongchuan City, Yintai District, Yaozhou District, Yijun County, Weinan City, Huizhou District, Huayin City, Hancheng, Chengcheng County, Baishui County, Heyang County, and Heyang County, and Heyang County, and Heyang County,, Heyang County, Heyang County, Heyang County, Heyang County, Heyang County, and Heyang County, and Heyang County, and Heyang County, and Heyang County, and Heyang County, and Heyang County, and Heyang County, and Heyang County, and Heyang County, and Heyang County, and Heyang County, and Heyang County, and Heyang County, and Heyang County, and Heyang County, and Heyang County, and Heyang County, and Heyang County, and Heyang County. Fuping County, Tongguan County, Lantian County, Xi'an City, Binzhou City, Xianyang City, Xianyang County, Yongshou County, Changwu County, Xunyi County, Chunhua County, Luochuan County, Yichuan County, Huanglong County, Huangling County, please pay attention to prevent.

After comprehensive research and judgment, the Provincial Bureau decided to increase the major meteorological disaster (heavy rain) level IV emergency response to (heavy rain) level III emergency response.

Shaanxi in the rainy rain area in the next three days

Jialing River, Weihe, Weihe, the Yellow River

There may be disaster floods

On July 11, the northern part of Shaanxi, the west of the Guan and the north, and the western Shaanxi in our province fell to heavy rain, and heavy rainstorms. It is mainly distributed in the Yellow River tributary Balto River, Jialu River, and Wu Dinghe Basin, the upper reaches of the Weihe River and the Fengzhou section of the Jialing River. The heavy rain center is located in Yulin Yuyang, Hengshan, Zizhou, Jiaxian County, Baoji Feng County and Lueyang in Hanzhong.

Affected by the rainfall and the evolution of floods, the northern Shaanxi section of the province and its tributaries have no Dinghe, Puwei River, Yanhe River, and the northern Luo River, the Jialing River, and the Weihe River.

According to the comprehensive forecast: In the next 12 hours, the dry tributaries in the Weinan section of the Yellow River, Jialing River and Weihe in our province will have a small rise in the dry tributaries in the upper reaches of the Weihe River. Considering the forecast of precipitation in the next three days, the Yellow River from the Yellow River from the Yellow River to Weinan, the middle and upper reaches of the Weihe River, the Luohe River, and the Jialing River may occur. Rivers may cause disaster floods in rivers in rainy areas above 100 millimeters.

General Office of the Provincial Government of the Provincial Party Committee

Emergency notice

Do a good job in flood prevention work

Ensure the safety flood of the whole

According to the forecast of the meteorological department, from the evening of July 10th to 13th, there will be regional heavy rain and heavy rainstorms in our province, mainly concentrated in northern Shaanxi, northern Guanzhong, western and western Shaanxi. The General Office of the Provincial Party Committee and the General Office of the Provincial Government issued an emergency notice requesting prevention and response to ensure the province's safety flood.

Notice emphasizes

Implement the responsibility for flood prevention. Always put the lives of the people's lives first, and make all preparations for preventing floods, anti -floods, stealing danger, and saving disasters. Strengthen command scheduling to form a smooth and efficient city, county and town village command system. Leading cadres at all levels, especially the "first leaders", must adhere to their posts, take the command and instructor, and make a bold decision and decisively deal with emergency situations. All counties, districts, towns, and villages (communities) must carefully implement the implementation of flood prevention measures. Widely mobilized party members and the masses to form a situation of strict preservation and group control.

Notice emphasizes

Strengthen forecast early warning. The provincial defense general leadership, meteorological, water conservancy, natural resources, housing construction, emergency and other departments to strengthen collaboration, 24 hours of uninterrupted tracking of rain, water and flood conditions, and solidity and judgment. The first time the early warning information is released, especially before the disaster is a good way to forecast early warning before approaching. The prevention of prevention at all levels should strengthen overall scheduling and command and coordination, adjust and improve flood prevention measures according to the development trend of flood conditions, and effectively do a good job of scheduling flood prevention projects.

Notice emphasizes

Steady investigation. Focus on rivers and lakes, river dams, tailings, tailings, dangerous workers, and key parts that are prone to geological disasters, and immediately investigate and strengthen weak links to achieve early discovery, early reports, and early disposal. Do a good job of investigation of hidden dangers of urban waterlogging, do a good job in road traffic, wading tourist attractions, construction sites and other key places, strictly implement underground places such as subway, underground parking lots, shopping malls, and underground places Prevention and emergency evacuation measures should be decisively adopted to take measures such as stopping work, suspension, shutdown, and production in emergency situations.

Notice emphasizes

Do a good job of transferring risk. Highlight the focus of safeguarding the lives of the masses, take the village level as the command unit, take the personnel withdrawal from risk aversion as the most critical measure, improve the existing people to watch people, prevent the flood prevention plan, and use "who will transfer, transfer, how to transfer, transfer, transfer, transfer Wherever you go to the village and people, once the danger is launched, the plan is immediately launched, and the masses are transferred to a safe area in decisive, timely, thorough, safe, and in place. Strengthen the resettlement management of transfer personnel, and strictly prevent casualties caused by unauthorized return.

Notice emphasizes

Strengthen emergency forces and material reserves.Highlight the pre -rescue forces in key parts to ensure that every dangerous area and hidden danger point are watched, and some people keep them. When emergency situations, they can be dispatched quickly, scientific rescue, and efficient disposal.Equipped the equipment such as satellite telephone to the front line to improve the ability of key towns and villages to report in danger.Prepare emergency supplies and equipment such as sufficient life, power generation, food, tents.Relevant leading cadres and staff are on duty for 24 hours, and those responsible for party and government responsible at all levels must be in place.Source: Shaanxi Release, Shaanxi Daily

Edit: M Jie | Review: Situ roll

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