Tiejian Youth has won a number of innovation achievements awards

Author:China Railway Architecture Time:2022.07.12

Correspondent Wu Dong


On July 8th, co -sponsored by the Communist Youth League Tianjin Municipal Committee and the Communist Youth League China Railway Construction Co., Ltd., the 2022 Tianjin "Revitalizing Cup" and China Railway Construction "Qingchuang Cup" organized by the 18th Bureau of China Railway and China Railway Construction North China Investment Company "The Tianjin Metro Project Youth Innovation Achievement Contest was organized in the 4th standard project department of the first phase of the Tianjin Metro Line 8.

This competition is the first youth innovation achievement contest jointly organized by the Tianjin Youth League Municipal Party Committee with central enterprises. The theme of the competition is "The Future of Qingchuang Dream Following Dreams" and celebrates the 100th anniversary of the establishment of the group in accordance with the "Hundred Years of Heart to the Party". , Create Tianjin's "Haihe Craftsman" brand to help high -quality development.

Activity site

The competition adheres to the principle of selecting and selected excellence, and 16 young innovation teams are selected from 27 teams to enter the finals. It is understood that the team's innovation achievements cover engineering construction, planning and design consulting, material logistics, etc. The relevant results have achieved good economic and social benefits in the construction of the Tianjin Metro.

The competition is mainly divided into two links: results display and expert questions. The participating team first introduced the team situation, the application of innovation results, and the socio -economic benefits obtained. The judges asked and reviewed them, and combined with the performance of the players, according to the team construction, project establishment, creative results, innovation and excellence, promotion, promotion Applications and commendation rewards 6 dimensions to score on -site.

Reports of innovation results for all units

After 4 hours of fierce competition and competition, the results of the "Soft Earth Quality Long -distance Small Cleansing Tunnel Construction" created by the Eighteenth Railway Eighteenth Bureau won the first prize, and the Shanghai Institute's "Tianjin Metro Line 4 project construction BIM innovation application ", China Railway Construction Bridge Bureau's" Shield Tunnel Construction caused the adjacent strata and the existing structural deformed grouting active control work method "won the second prize. A kind of shield construction residue soil conveying belt cleaning device "and iron construction heavy industry" Research and Application and Application of Key Technology Research and Application of Earth Pressure Balance Shield Machines in Rich Waterfronts "won the third prize, and the remaining teams won the excellent award. The 18th Bureau of China Railway won the "Excellent Organization Award".

In addition to the "competition" at the scene, all members of the contestants also visited the construction site of the 4th standard project of the first phase of the Tianjin Metro Line 8. Efforts to innovate technical means have deepened their understanding.

Award -winning list

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