Dagang Street, Shibei District, to carry out joint law enforcement operations in Daigang Street, Shi

Author:Popular Net Qingdao Time:2022.06.14

Daigang Street, Shibei District, in accordance with the requirements of the "Qingdao Urban Domestic Waste Classification Joint Law Enforcement Work Plan (Trial)" and the "Notice on the Law of the June of the Municipal Domestic Waste Classification Work in June", carry out joint law enforcement operations in urban domestic garbage classification categories in the jurisdiction Essence

The joint law enforcement operations combined with the "618" shopping season, focusing on conducting law enforcement inspections on delivery companies, express delivery companies, hotels and other units. In response to the surging number of express delivery during the online shopping festival this month, it focuses on whether the delivery company and express companies restrict excessive packaging, implement green packaging, and take measures to reduce the use of non -degradable plastic packaging bags and plastic tape. Law enforcement inspections and industry supervision are carried out in accordance with standards, whether the garbage classification facilities, whether the classification and launch is properly carried out, and whether the propaganda of garbage classification is effectively carried out. At the same time, combined with the "Regulations on the Management of Domestic Waste Insurance in Shandong Province" recently carried out by our city, we adopt the "enforcement+law enforcement" model to distribute publicity materials and interpret the relevant content of the "Regulations" while creating a good atmosphere of garbage classification. Essence

This time the joint law enforcement operation dispatched 4 law enforcement officers and checked a total of 10 delivery companies, 5 hotels, and 10 restaurants. A total of problems were found that the kitchen barrels were not placed with other barrels, garbage landing around the barrel, and mixed investment. Nine places, a total of 50 propaganda materials were distributed. In the next step, Dagang Street will be deployed in accordance with the District Urban Management Bureau's garbage division, combined with the actual work of the jurisdiction, promoting long effects with normal conditions, and strengthening special law enforcement inspections to promote the classification of domestic waste.

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