The scene in Hangzhou District made the owner feel bad: such a hot day, throw it at hand?

Author:Qianjiang Evening News Time:2022.07.12

"Now such a hot day, there are still people throwing garbage in the community, some throw garbage at the door of the unit, and some are piled up in front of the transformer box."

Recently, the residents who live in the Hangzhou Shuluan Community gave Qianjiang Evening News "Reporter Gang" report: Some points in the community, and the situation of domestic garbage was stacked for a while.

On the morning of July 11, the hourly journalist went to the tree garden community.

Live record:

Domestic waste is thrown at the door of the unit

There are similar situations in more than one building

According to the residents' reports, the situation near the south gate of the community is more obvious.

At 10 am, the reporter came to one building on the south side of the community.

In front of a 6 -unit and 7 -unit channel, a bunch of domestic garbage is piled up by the wall, including instant noodle buckets, food packaging bags, leftovers, napkins, etc.

There is a transformer box at the entrance of 3 units. There are also garbage thrown on the ground before the substation, plastic bags, plastic boxes ...

At a green belt on the south side of the community, the reporter also saw two bags of garbage.

There are 3 buildings not far from one building. There is a smart garbage classification pavilion in front of it, which can put metal plastic appliances and paper fabrics and harmful garbage.

There are also a small pile of garbage on the ground in front of this classification pavilion, including watermelon skin, cigarette cases, napkins, plastic bags, and so on.

In front of 23 buildings, 16 buildings, there are also garbage thrown on the ground.

Residents say:

Someone is used to doing this,

Some people think that the distance between the placement point is a bit far away

Why are so many places throwing up?

The reporter asked the residents living in one building.

"There are often garbage dumps downstairs. Some people are used to throwing the garbage downstairs.

Mr. Zhang, a resident, said that there are often people who often throw the garbage on the green belt or downstairs of the unit, "waiting for cleaning to clear the transportation."

He felt that one side was a bit far from the garbage collection. "In the past, the small door on the south was opened, and the trash can under the downstairs. Now because of the epidemic prevention and control, the small gate is open in time, and the trash can is not set."

However, Mr. Zhang also said that there are also some launch points in the community.

"Someone flipped the garbage, and there were stray cats to remove the garbage, and the hygiene was poor. Now it is summer, and it is not a thing to throw domestic garbage. Throwing it next to the transformer box, wet, and hidden safety hazards. Such a random throw In addition to the quality of the residents, the setting of garbage shots is also a problem. "When another resident said this, there were more .

Ms. Zhou, a resident, provided reporters with a schematic diagram of her production .

She believes that a number of residential buildings in the entire yellow area, including one building, lack a convenient spam spots. "For example, the two smart garbage classification pavilions that do not collect domestic garbage next to the two buildings are not high in use. Some people often throw domestic waste here. If you add a few domestic trash cans, it will be much more convenient for the surrounding residents. South 2 2. The door and South 3 gate improved. The daily time is retained with 1 to 2 other garbage/non -recyclable trash boxes. I believe that residents can consciously regulate it. "

Community statement:

Clean "Seven or Eight Trips a day"

Next will strengthen publicity

According to the publicity of the community, there are multiple time -to -time launching points in the community, including 25 tree gardens, 33 buildings, 13 buildings, 10 east, and 21 wests.

The regular setting time is from 7 to 9 am, 6 to 8 pm. At the same time, the 18th side of the building is set up with errors, and it can be put on all day.

Master Yang, a community cleaners, helpless.

"You can clean up seven or eight trips a day. There is no way. Someone is always thrown downstairs. We must inspect it every day and find that the garbage thrown out must be cleaned up. There is an error time in the community, just walk a little. However, if someone is not used to it, throw it at hand. "

In response to this, the hourly journalist contacted the community of the lane of Shuluan District.

The staff said that after the new revision of the community was completed, the garbage was implemented regularly, and the launching point was also set up, but there were indeed some residents who were thrown. The two smart garbage classification pavilions are also set according to the requirements. It is a low -frequency use point in itself. It will only be cleared after a while. "Some residents do not know the situation and throw the domestic garbage there. After, the garbage thrown in the community is cleared in time. Because it takes time to turn over, it takes time, but it will be cleaned up. "In response to the problem setting of garbage classification points mentioned by residents, the staff said that the staff said The point of garbage is required to be recorded and cannot be set up at will. At that time, the traffic was also considered, and at the same time, it could not affect the residents life. There are multiple garbage points in the community to meet the needs of residents in the community. After putting the trash can, there will be residents' opinion. No trash can, and some people feel inconvenient. The error time placement point of 18 buildings is not particularly far away from the unit building of 1 building. "Next, the community will continue to publicize and guide everyone to set the fixed -point placement."

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Source: Qianjiang Evening News · hour journalist Yang Yifan

Editor on duty: Dong Xiaole

- END -

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