The number of cases in Linyi City on July 11 began to decline.

Author:Langya News Network Time:2022.07.12

Langya News Network News On the morning of July 12, the Journalism Office of the Linyi Municipal People's Government held a series of press conferences for the 33rds of the overall epidemic prevention and control and economic operation theme. The reporter learned from the press conference that the number of cases began to decline on July 11, and those who did not find the source of the positive infection were basically clear.

Since the epidemic, Linyi City has grasped the golden period of treatment of the epidemic, and carried out meticulous traceability work for the first time. It quickly discharged control and control of key personnel, scientifically defined risk zones in the areas of immune -related areas and venues, and implemented partition management and control. The risk of spreading the epidemic to the society. Since July 6, after 5 consecutive days of volatility increased, the city's positive infection has risen, and the number of cases on July 11 has begun to decline. The current society has achieved clear zero, and no new positive infection has been found in the high -risk areas. The existing new cases and positive infections come from the key personnel of centralized isolation. Those who have not found that the source is unknown -positively infected. The transmission chain is basically clear. Essence Linyi controlled the epidemic in the minimum spread in a short period of time, and did not cause the epidemic overflow. At present, it can be said that the communication chain of Linyi City is basically blocked, and the situation of the epidemic prevention and control is stable. According to the characteristics of Omikon's transmission, newly positive infections will continue to decline in the future.

With the hard work of various departments, with the strong support of citizens, we have worked together to usher in the dawn of the victory of this round of epidemic prevention and control. However, we must not take it lightly. The general public must also soberly recognize the characteristics of virus transmission and concealment. We must actively improve the awareness of prevention and control, actively take self -control and control measures, strictly abide by community epidemic prevention regulations, and avoid gathery caused by virus transmission. Sex epidemic occurs, resolutely curb the proliferation of the epidemic, and consolidate the results of the hard -won epidemic prevention and control.

Comprehensive collation of reporters from Lingbao Merchants

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