Wuhan can return to cash by subway. A new round of subway discounts are here

Author:Wuhan Evening News Time:2022.07.12

Recently, some netizens left a message on the Wuhan City Message Board. Is the monthly consumption amount rebate of the subway discount? Is it calculated from each month? Regarding the discount cashback issue proposed by netizens, Wuhan Metro Group responded to netizens that the specific process of the subway ride reward cashback is as follows:

1. Passengers pay attention to "My Wuhan Tong" WeChat public account and bound the Wuhan Tongka number and mobile phone number related information;

2. On the 15th to 18th of each month, the WeChat public account of "My Wuhan Tong" WeChat public account to the rail transit consumption reached 200 yuan for passengers to push the monthly consumption amount and the amount of ride reward;

3. Passengers can go to Wuhan Tong outlets or Wuhan Tong self -service terminal circles (replenishment) by car reward. The specific circle (supplement) method can be searched for the WeChat public account of "My Wuhan Tong" WeChat public account;

4. Wuhan Tongka Binding successfully participated in the discount activities in the month of the month. The unbound Wuhan Tongka did not participate in the car discount event;

5. The consumption amount has accumulated from the month of the passenger tied. Each natural month is a calculation cycle.

6. Passengers can check the rail transit month in the WeChat public account of "My Wuhan Tong" WeChat public account. After verification, according to the Wuhan Tongka provided by you: In January 2022, the subway consumption was 183.6 yuan, the subway ride consumption was 68.4 yuan in February, the subway without subway consumption record in March, the subway consumption in April In May, there was no subway consumption record, and the subway consumption was 85.5 yuan in June. The monthly subway consumption amount did not reach 200 yuan, and it was impossible to enjoy high -frequency ride discounts.

From the Wuhan Metro Operation Company, it is learned that Wuhan Metro Officer WeChat released a new round of ride discount activities yesterday (July 11). Let's take a look at it

My Wuhan Tong APP subway discount method

UnionPay flash payment subway discount method

Cloud Fighting Metro Preferential Method

Agricultural Bank of China subway discount method

Bank of China app subway discount method

China Construction Bank APP subway discount method

Hurry up this guideline

Be a little money to save money

(Part of the content of the Yangtze River Daily's Wuhan client comes from Wuhan Metro Operation Co., Ltd.

[Edit: Yu Lina]

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