Deep reflecting digital space risk

Author:China Social Sciences Network Time:2022.07.12

In recent years, digital technologies such as mobile Internet, cloud computing, big data, artificial intelligence, blockchain, virtual simulation have come to build digital spaces different from physical space. In a comprehensive view, digital space is essentially the driver of human beings under its own creativity and imagination, relying on the Internet, cloud computing, virtual simulation, artificial intelligence, blockchain and other digital technologies. New social space. The emergence of digital space not only caused a wave of discussion in the academic community, but was regarded as a possible carrier of a beautiful society in the future. It aroused the rich imagination of scholars. The foundation of a round of productivity reform has attracted many scientific and technological giants to fight for layout. Although the digital space can carry the imagination of human beings to a beautiful society in the future to a certain extent, some potential risks are still worthy of reflection under the imagination of weaving to prevent them in advance.

Private issues

In a certain sense, privacy comes from the birth of "individuality". In modern society, on the one hand, "individuality" does not completely cut off the relationship with the community, but instead obtains its own identity attributes and personality characteristics through interaction with others and even the entire community; on the other hand, "individuality" Maintain a proper tension with the community to reserve a privacy space that is sufficient to live freely. At this time, the public and privacy can be clearly planned. It can be seen that the boundary between public and privacy is an important achievement of the development of civilization in modern society. When the civilization order of modern society enters the digital space, it is a question of whether public and private can still be effectively maintained.

Although digital space can bring more convenient communication, interaction, more realistic audiovisual effects, and richer life experience to human life, we have to worry about it: whether this may be unknowingly set up Foucault's so -called so -called so -called so -called so -called Foucoo's so -called so -called The "panoramic surveillance society" has caused people to be caught in a extremely transparent society without any privacy. In fact, this concern has been fulfilled at the moment. For example, some e -commerce platforms can analyze big data analysis of users browsing records, daily living habits, etc., and then formulate personalized product catalogs to recommend all -weather recommendations to users; even some application software will borrow people without permission. Face recognition, positioning tracking and other functions, stealing user privacy information, and so on. Today, when the digital space has not yet developed, the invasion of digital technology and complex algorithms on privacy is so rampant. Then, when the digital space really covers our lives, how can we avoid the boundary between the digital space between the public and privacy lines Wipe? Of course, some people propose to strengthen supervision to cope with the "sniper" of privacy in digital space, and even think that people who are in digital space will have a greater sense of security. However, how can we ensure that the supervisory power is completely in the hands of the general public. Will the sense of security created by the digital space for us will be an alternative "brain in the cylinder"? These are worthy of us to ask.


Some scholars believe that digital space can create "digital subjects" with the help of digital media technology. So, is it possible for this new type of subject to continue the subjective force and let the transmission power be in the hands of the people? Of course, this is possible. At present, we often hear the saying of "everyone is a communicator", which is enough to show that the people have a certain power of communication. Then, the people who are in the digital space should have more autonomy, produce the content they want to produce, and spread the content they want to spread. However, we also need to notice that the development of digital space continues the splendor of subjectivity, and it is very likely to release the "greedy" "demon".

At present, many technology giants have entered the game to explore and construct their characteristics of digital space. For a long time for a long time, technology giants will undoubtedly be the "main force" of digital space exploration and construction. In a digital social field built by technology giants, whoever master data will have the right to speak. "Data first" is likely to become new power expression. In digital space, the data generated by individual life, work, and learning are controlled by technology giants. Then, the power represented by technology giants may play a leading role for a period of time. In the face of powerful technology giants, the power of individuals is weak, and even further shrinks, which will cause data monopoly on individuals and predictable rights to deprive them. Perhaps, with the development and improvement of digital space, the situation is not so bad, but the existence of this risk cannot be despised.

Human issue

The penetration of virtual and reality is the significant feature of digital space, and the conflict between virtual and reality accompanied by it has also become the focus of people's debate. As digital space continues to change from subjective concepts to reality, we face three basic issues related to humanity.

First, can the digital space expand the social relationship of reality? Marx pointed out that human nature is the sum of all social relations. The digital space will weaken and even eliminate the boundary between virtual and real society, and extend the virtual social relationship we weaves into the real society. Optimisticly, the virtual social relationships of digital space can be enriched and expanded to realistic social relations; while pessimistic, the extension and expansion of the virtual social relationship of digital space are the invasion and assimilation of real social relations. Then, the changes in social relations brought about by digital space need to face and respond to the question of whether "whether to expand realistic social relations or stifle the real social relationship". Second, can digital space enrich people's life experience? Digital space has greatly eliminated time and space barriers, creating functions with free dating, learning, design, operation, trading, competition and other functions for people. Needless to say, the digital space must do it in enriching the life experience of people. However, according to the various problems that are highlighted by digital technology development, we have to question the ability of digital space to avoid the life of the virtual world game. After all, people are realistic people. At that time, humans or were raised by machines -this will no longer be the plot in the movie, but will become a reality.

Third, can the digital space be constructed to a complete value order? In the academic community, many scholars have paid attention to the governance risks of digital space, especially emphasizing that digital space cannot become a "free domain" for evading morality and legal constraints. To achieve this goal, we must do a good job of connection between the value order of the real world and the value order of the digital space. Among them, it is extremely important to grasp the future development trend of the value order of real world, and build the value order that meets the characteristics of digital space based on the value order of the real world. Of course, this is just our theoretical idea. In actual operation, whether the value order of digital space can really be constructed and effectively connected with the value order of the real world, it needs to be explored and further observed. Facing the future, who should the constructive order be executed and supervised? Some people advocate that the value order is entrusted to the intelligent program -this is an inevitable result of dislikes of human nature. But can humans completely trust intelligent programs? Can smart programs lead the future of humans to a bright future? This is a deep concern hidden in the development of digital space.

At present, digital space construction has become an important driving force for future economic and social development. In order to truly make digital space a useful help, we must be alert to the above risks, so that the development of digital space is always under the supervision of the whole society, and let it develop and improve under the review of the "eyes of humanities". Of course, risk thinking is just an attempt. The future of digital space needs to be more deeply reflected, more enthusiastic, and more mature supervision, so as to develop more healthily and bring more benefits to humans.

(This article is the "Research on High -quality Construction of High Quality Construction" (21MLC004) in the "New Era University Ideological and Political Theory Course" (21MLC004) in Jiangsu Social Science Fund)

(Author Unit: Suzhou University Base of the Marxism College of Suzhou University, Suzhou University Base of the Socialist Theoretical System Research Center of Chinese Characteristics)

Source: China Social Science Network-Journal of Social Sciences of China

Author: Zhang Jianxiao

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