The former immigration village of Zhuangshang Village, Fangshan County "moved" to "livable"

Author:Luliang Daily Time:2022.07.12

□ Our reporter Liu Peilin Liangyu Correspondent Xiao Jiwang

The brick -and -tiles, open and tidy village roads, and new villages and villages ... The dream of idyllic life in the poetic and paintings is now realized in Zhuangshang Village, Lingdong Town, Fangshan County.

Zhuangshang Village is a new village of the Reservoir Immigration. It has been awarded the "Beauty and Livioval Demonstration Village" by Shanxi Province and was awarded the honorary title of "Civilized Harmony Village" by Luliang City. With the strong support of the town party committee and government in 2008, Zhuang Shangcun implemented a reservoir immigration relocation project based on reality, and carried out unified planning and design of immigrant households. New residence.

After the relocation of the reservoir immigration ended smoothly, in the face of the rural construction work of hundreds of wastes and thousands of village affairs, Yan Haiping, secretary of the party branch of Zhuangshang Village, has his own unique working method: "The work in the village is difficult to do and good The key is that village cadres must ensure fairness, justice, and public. Only at all times with a public heart to face the masses and solve problems, can we well complete the work in the village. "

"Specifically, when building a red and white director hall, the office building of the village committee, the cultural and technological activity room, etc., the village collectively paid special attention to the" openness ', strictly discussed the construction plan through the "four discussions and two opens' methods; When the villagers allocate farmland land, pay attention to 'fairness', and open the fertile and flat land and the relatively barren land to the villagers fairly. When selecting the low -guarantee households in the village, pay attention to the "justice' Carefully reviewing layers must allow the subsistence allowance families to help each household to obtain basic economic guarantees. "Yan Haiping introduced.

In order to make the villagers richer as soon as possible, the two villagers' village committees can achieve the industry rich people through various ways such as land transfer, vegetable greenhouse income, and forest coordination cooperatives. In today's life, the villager Yang Quanxi smiled: "Now I usually work in afforestation cooperatives, and I am not as busy in the field as early as possible in the field, and the income has also increased significantly."

The villager Li Xiuping also talked about his beautiful life: "The newly built housing after the relocation is spacious and bright, and the land transfer has an income of 800 yuan per acre every year. ! ""

Talking about the work priorities of the current stage and the future of Zhuang Shangcun, Yan Haiping introduced the tourism development plan of Zhuang Shangcun in detail. He said that the village will actively respond to the green ecological development concept of "green water and green mountains is the golden mountains and silver mountains". According to the characteristics of the resource endowment of Zhuangshang Village, it is developed to develop ecological tourism picking gardens, cultural ecological tourism parks, and developing characteristic farmhouses. Rural tourism, through active stock resources, activation of the special market, and the way of living with special industries, build a high -quality scenic area village, and strive to build a beautiful new countryside of "livable, suitable for business, suitable for breeding, and tourism".

From the original "immigration villages" to "new countryside" and "beautiful villages" to today's "livable demonstration village", in the long and long time, Zhuangshang Village has developed better and better. Hui's bright pearls radiate eye -catching glory in the wave of comprehensive rejuvenation of the countryside!

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