Oil price may be lowered!No. 92 gasoline is expected to return to the "8 yuan era"

Author:Sichuan Observation Time:2022.07.12

After just experiencing a wave of price cuts in the last round, domestic oil prices are expected to usher in the first "two consecutive declines" during the year.

At 24:00 on July 12, the new round of refined oil price adjustment windows will be opened. The institution predicts that the price of this round of refined oil will show a "continuing decline" and usher in the third downgrade of the year.

Data Map: The gas station staff is cheering for the vehicle. Photo by Zhang Yun

Recently, international oil prices have been suppressed first, and the overall trend has shown a wide range. The poor economic data of the United States has exacerbated the concerns of economic recession, and the hedging of market risk has led to a wide decline in oil prices.

Affected by the low fluctuation of international crude oil prices, according to the calculation of the agency, as of the ninth working day on July 11, the average price of crude oil varieties reference in domestic oil prices was $ 107.72/barrel, and the change rate was -4.34%. It is expected that domestic gasoline and diesel have been reduced. The amplitude is 340 yuan per ton, equivalent to about 0.3 yuan per liter of gasoline and diesel. After the adjustment of the oil price in this round, No. 92 gasoline in some areas is expected to fall to less than 9 yuan per liter, and return to the "8 yuan era".

Kim Lianchuang pointed out that during this round of price adjustment cycles, under high oil prices, European and American terminal oil consumption was suppressed, and the growth of demand under the peak season of consumption in Europe and the United States also caused the market to start worrying about the supply and demand pattern. However, in the later period, with the oil pipeline business of the Russian sea pipeline alliance, the market is expected to lose 30 million barrels of crude oil supply in the next January, and anxiety to promote the price of oil prices to begin to rebound.

"At present, the crude oil market still failed to separate the expected economic recession and the supply of supply shortage, and the international oil prices appeared in a broad fluctuation trend under the lower side of the two." Although in the past two trading days, investors' expectations for the shortage of crude oil supply have re -occupied market -led, but with the release of non -agricultural data on the 8th and the actual data is higher than the market forecast, the Fed will raise interest rates again in July to raise interest rates again in July. The expectations of expectations can be strengthened again, which may strengthen the impact of economic factors, leading to a decline in oil prices.

Sichuan Observation (Source: Xinhua News Agency)

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