"Oh my god! 27 passengers!"

Author:Global Times Time:2022.07.12

Video crazy! Indian Media: India's one -speed motorized tricycle has 27 passengers

Based on the 11th India's New Delhi TV and the Indian Stan Times reported on the 11th that the local police from the North Indian northern state were surprised to find that there were as many as 27 passengers in the car when they stopped a speeding motorized tricycle -according to regulations, this type The transportation is actually equipped with a maximum of 6 passengers. On social media, a video of the police counted the number of people in the car madly.

Screenshot of New Delhi TV reports

New Delhi TV stated that the incident occurred in the northern India State Fathoper, a motor tricycle that was stopped by the local police due to the speed of the elderly and children (excluding drivers), including the elderly and children.

Video screenshot

Some people recorded videos of the number of people in the car, and this video quickly spread on social media.

Production: ring video/Yun Tianhua

Some people commented, "When the vehicle is overloaded, this is how people lose their lives, which also reflects the poor public transportation conditions in the area."

Someone was surprised to leave a message: "OMG."

"Oh my god! 27 passengers!"

"There are many children there, what if an accident happens?"

It is reported that the motorized tricycles involved have been seized by the police.

Source: Global Network/Wang Yixuan

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