Based by 2025, a comprehensive management system for full coverage, whole process, and all -weather urban city!"Comprehensive Management Plan for Chengdu" Fourteenth Five -Year Plan "City" is released

Author:Red Star News Time:2022.07.11

On July 11, Red Star Journalists learned from the official website of the Chengdu Urban Management Commission that the "14th Five -Year Plan" City Comprehensive Management Plan for Chengdu "(referred to as the" Plan ") was officially released recently.

The "Planning" is based on the construction of the park city demonstration area that implements the new development concept, to promote high -quality development, create high -quality life, and achieve efficient energy governance as the development orientation. The construction of the economic circle is a strategic traction. Find the positioning and focus in the "three superiority and strengthening", adhere to the management and leading construction, extensive steering, supplement the shortcomings, quality, tree model, and efficiency, and continuously improve urban management management. The level of "scientific, refined, intelligent", accelerate the construction of people's urban management, rule of law urban management, fine urban management, quality urban management, green urban management, and smart urban management, comprehensively promote the high -quality development of urban management, accelerate the realization of the governance system and governance capacity of urban management fields Modernization, in order to sing "Shuangcheng", build a "urban circle", build a "demonstration area", and improve the "Happy City" to contribute to the city management power.


The "Planning" proposes that by 2025, a comprehensive urban comprehensive management system for full coverage, process, and all -weather will be established. Public services have maintained the top nationwide, and the level of modernization of comprehensive management risk prediction, timely discovery, rapid disposal of matters, and resource coordinated modernization are comprehensively improved.

By 2035, the comprehensive management of Chengdu City will basically achieve modernization, comprehensively refine, and the safety and order of urban operations, and the livable and attractiveness of the urban environment will reach international first -class level.

At the same time, the "Planning" clarified the "fine management and administrative law enforcement", "urban quality", "green low -carbon" and "smart urban management" of the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" period of the "Fourteenth Five -Year Plan" period. , Central City> 85%, Yubu County (City)> 75%. Lids category coverage of 100%. The utilization rate of domestic waste recycling is ≥40%. Harmatic disposal rate of domestic waste is 100%. "There is no light and no lights, no lights are not bright" problem dynamic zero zero rate is 100%.

▲ Improve the mechanization cleaning rate of urban roads

In terms of fine management and administrative law enforcement, the density of public toilets (sanitation public toilets+social open public toilets) in the completion area reaches 5-6 square kilometers, outdoor advertising and signature electronic ID setting rates ≥60%, and the standardized construction of urban management law enforcement teams meet the standards 100%, 100%of the entire administrative penalty record (including law enforcement recorder), and the governance rate of illegal construction in public areas ≥70%.

In terms of urban quality, the intact rate of urban roads is ≥98%, the emergency response rate of the manhole cover is 100%, the "two demolition and one increase" rectification point is ≥5,000, and the quality of the back streets and alleys increase ≥600.

In terms of green low -carbon, the number of new energy sanitation vehicles reached 3,000 (2,500 new vehicles); 2,500 new energy construction waste transport vehicles were added. Green Energy -saving Light Source Transformation City Pipeline Road is 100%. Other street lights ≥50%.

In terms of smart urban management, the coverage rate of smart supervision services for the entire life cycle of domestic waste, the coverage rate of IoT perception of IoT in the field of urban management business, the online handling rate of administrative penalties for ordinary procedures ≥98%.

In addition, the "Planning" clarifies key tasks. In normal management, it continuously improves the level of refinement, promotes urban and rural sanitation integration, establishes the overall cleaning and refinement, standardized and quality operations of key areas, and improves the prudent and capable city -to -order management and control system. Strengthen the operation and maintenance supervision of urban roads and bridges, checked manhole covers, comprehensive pipe corridors, and urban lighting, and promote the deep development of the reform of the comprehensive law enforcement system of urban management.

In terms of garbage governance, strengthen the concept of life cycle, improve the management system for the entire process of domestic waste, comprehensively promote the construction of domestic waste disposal facilities, and strengthen the management of kitchen waste and construction waste. In terms of digital governance, integrate the construction of "Smart Rongcheng", build the overall architecture of the "one network management" of urban management, accelerate the construction of support systems and functional modules, promote the optimization and upgrading of cities in the perception system, and explore the development of smart urban management application scenarios.

▲ Concentrated scale treatment of kitchen waste waste

In terms of environmental quality, deepen the cultivation of scenes, continue to carry out special actions of "two demolition and one increase", strengthen integrated management of characteristic blocks, create a landscape lighting scene of "light and dark, low -carbon energy saving, comfortable and pleasant" Outdoor advertising signboards, deepen the application of municipal facilities to maintain the application of pipes and aesthetics. Actively respond to social concerns in serving the people, continue to promote the "toilet revolution", strengthen illegal construction governance, and focus on solving hot issues of citizens such as dust, catering service industry oil fume, construction noise at night, "dirty cars" and other citizens. The environmental governance of weak areas such as the ministry, the railway line, the space under the bridge, and the back streets and alleys.

Red Star reporter Lin Congtu based on Chengdu Urban Management Committee

Edit Chen Yixi

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