Tianzhu County held a meeting of flood prevention and drought resistance work

Author:Tianzhu County Rong Media Cent Time:2022.07.11

On July 10, Tianzhu County held a meeting of flood prevention and drought resistance.

The meeting requested that townships and departments must adhere to the people's supremacy and life first, and resolutely adhere to the bottom line of the people's lives and property safety and the high -quality development of the county's economic and society. It is necessary to highlight the key points and implement the measures of flood prevention, drought resistance and disaster reduction. Highlight the prediction of disaster monitoring and early warning, improve the ability to forecast early warning of territorial storms, and strengthen the management of rumors disaster monitoring and early warning systems. Highlight drought resistance and disaster reduction work, make every effort to ensure the safety of drinking water in urban and rural people, play a good role in drought resistance of water conservancy projects, carry out artificial rainfall operations in a timely manner, and increase effective precipitation. Highlight the safety of the reservoir safety, and it is strictly forbidden to operate the water level during the flood during the flood season to ensure the safety of flood discharge, and strengthen the duty of the flood season and damage to check in danger to ensure the safety of the downstream people downstream of the reservoir dam. Highlight the investigation and rectification of hidden risks. Focus on key links such as the flooding, exit, curve, high water tall, narrow section, bridge culvert and other key parts such as the flooding of the flood roof, the exit, the curve, the high section, the narrow section, the bridge and culvert. Leave blind spots, discover early and deal with early. Highlight the defense of the flood disasters, the risk is in place, the monitoring must be in place, and the transfer must be in place. Highlight the improvement of emergency response capabilities, strengthen the drill of flood prevention plans, strengthen rescue forces docking and material reserve management, strictly implement the 24 -hour emergency duty during the main flood season, leadership class and information reporting system. It is necessary to strengthen organizational leadership, strictly implement the responsibility of the first responsible person in the flood prevention work, and achieve "before the rain to the grassroots and the rain on the front line", "Wherever the heavy rain is, where the cadres go early", "Where is the major dangerous situation, and where the leading cadres are ", Promote the responsibility level, the measures will be landed one by one to ensure the safety of the flood and the loss.

At the meeting, the person in charge of the County Water Bureau, the Agricultural and Rural Bureau, and the Meteorological Bureau reported on the county's recent meteorological research and judgment and water -drought disaster defense and drought resistance.

Reporter: Yang Jinlam

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