"Live Live in Shaohua Guojun Action" Torch Special Live Live Live Recruitment Fair was held in Shenyang High -tech Zone

Author:Rui Technology Time:2022.07.11

On July 7th, the second game of "Shaohua National Employment Action" Torch special network recruitment fair was successfully held in Shenyang High -tech Zone. The event was sponsored by the Ministry of Science and Technology and the Central Radio and Television Station. With the support of the Science and Technology Talents and Science Division of the Ministry of Science and Technology, the Torch Center jointly hosted by the central video, SDIC manpower and other units, in Chengdu, Shenyang, Wuhan, Guangzhou, Guangzhou, Guangzhou, and Guangzhou , Xi'an, Shanghai Zhangjiang and other high -tech zones held 6 games. The purpose of the activity is to thoroughly implement the party's central and State Council's stability and employment decision -making and deployment, give full play to the role of the national high -tech zone and high -tech enterprises to stabilize the employment demonstration, promote the accurate docking of employers and talents, and promote the accurate employment of college graduates.

This webcast recruitment fair was played to the entire network through the central video app. At the same time, it was also synchronized with Bilibili, Douyin, Kuaishou, Today's Headline, Zhihu, Tencent Video, Tencent News, UC browser, Baidu APP and other platforms. live streaming. At the live broadcast recruitment fair, Zhang Guiyong, deputy director of the Management Committee of Shenyang High -tech Zone, introduced the development history of Shenyang High -tech Zone, and the talent policy of the Hunnan Science and Technology City of Shenyang High -tech Zone. Six park companies including precision, Linlong Technology, and AVIC Gas Gaspigs have conducted "cloud recruitment". Relevant persons in charge of enterprises have introduced the development status of enterprises, key R & D fields, corporate culture, talent training, welfare treatment, characteristic training system, and special training system, and special training system. The selection standards and other situations have released nearly 2,000 high -quality employment positions for graduates of colleges and universities, attracting tens of thousands of job seekers to watch online.

In conjunction with the Torch special network live broadcast recruitment fair, the Torch Center also opened the "National Hiring Action" National High -tech Zone Torch Special Network Recruitment Fair on the "State Employment" website recruitment platform (www.iguopin.com) The special recruitment area will provide services such as college graduates recruitment information, talent policies, job release and other services. As of July 7, 2022, more than 110 national high -tech zones have organized nearly 700 central enterprises, local state -owned enterprises, high -tech enterprises, technology -based small and medium -sized small and medium -sized small and medium -sized small and medium Enterprises such as enterprises and other technological attributes have released nearly 4,000 positions and 32,000 persons to help to accurately docking for corporate job seekers in high -tech zones and college graduates across the country.

(Source: Torch Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology)

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