Lanzhou Chengguan District has temporarily controlled 430 communities and 802 management and control units

Author:Bencai News Time:2022.07.11

"What are the control measures to control the residential building and houses at present? There are so many management and control buildings, how to ensure that various prevention and control measures can be implemented quickly?" Fourth) I was informed that as of 10:00 on July 11, Chengguan District has set up 430 temporary management and control communities and 802 management and control units, involving 28001 households and 69,387 people. In response to these communities and units and units, classification is implemented to strictly implement the management and control measures of "not leaving home, on -site services", "people who do not get out of the zone, misplacement of peaks" and "personal protection, avoiding gathering".

Twenty -two streets in Chengguan District relying on the "Social Work Committee" mechanism to aggregate 2,422 "Social Working Committee" members, 1875 deans, 297 retired soldiers, 1474 sinking cadres, 120 volunteer service teams, 1080 communities Volunteers and other personnel have forces to condense the epidemic.

First, in accordance with the "Prevention and Control Plan (Ninth Edition)", the management and control requirements of the high -risk zone are required, and the community staff and the dean of the building will lead the households to carry out nucleic acid testing by the regulatory frequency. At the same time, the residents of the high -risk zone and the temporary management and control community are free delivery of 6970 bags of Gansu prescriptions for free.

The second is to timely understand the physical and mental conditions of the personnel and control of the building and control through the "Xiaolan Hotline" and social workers, carry out online psychological guidance to alleviate the anxiety and irritability of the special period and special groups.

The third is to provide all kinds of life services and help, and try their best to meet the basic living needs of residents.

Fourth, for special groups such as children, pregnant women, the elderly, and patients, the green emergency channels under special circumstances have been opened.

Wen 丨 Benliu Journalist Wang Sixuan

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