Zhang Guoyong, the famous conductor of the Yongpai interview: Ningbo's investment in cultural construction is obvious to all

Author:Yingpai client Time:2022.07.11

Ningbo and Qingdao, the "music holding hands" of the two East Asian cultural capitals is underway. Zhang Guoyong, vice chairman of the Chinese Musicians Association and the famous Chinese conductor, and the Qingdao Symphony Orchestra into Ningbo, bringing high -level concerts to citizens of Yongcheng Essence

Zhang Guoyong is particularly good at directing Russian works. It is currently the interpretation authority of the Schistakovic Symphony in China. In the gap between the rehearsal, he accepted an interview with reporters.

Zhang Guoyong.

As an old friend who has cooperated with the Ningbo Symphony for many times, Ningbo attaches great importance to cultural construction, leaving him a very deep impression.

In the construction of Ningbo's "City of Music", Zhang Guoyong gave a high evaluation: "I have come to Ningbo to perform many times. In recent years, Ningbo's investment in cultural construction has been obvious to all, and it can be said that it is very large. Especially, especially. The Ningbo Symphony Orchestra has grown rapidly in just a few years, which is very amazing. "

Lottery scene.

In Zhang Guoyong's opinion, each orchestra has its own desirable features. Different orchestras work together to achieve the effect of long -term and short -term, mutual learning, and common growth.

"Because the personnel of each orchestra constitute the characteristics of the regional cultural characteristics of the city, and the director of each symphony orchestra has its own strengths. Like the Ningbo Symphony Orchestra and the Qingdao Symphony Orchestra, they also have their own advantages and distinctive characteristics . Through cooperation, my personal feeling is that the Ningbo Symphony Orchestra is more delicate because of the south, while the Qingdao Symphony Orchestra from the north is more enthusiastic and rough. "Zhang Guoyong said.

Performance scene.

With the increasing importance to culture in various places, there are more and more urban symphony orchestras. How to better build a professional and high -level symphony orchestra?

In this regard, Zhang Guoyong believes that the cooperation and exchanges between the orchestra and the orchestra are a good complementary improvement method. Different orchestras are not only a communication, but also a benign competition. "Because everyone is willing to show their best level. The orchestra has promoted a good situation of continuous improvement of the orchestra level through continuous training and accumulation and creation of works."

Zhang Guoyong believes that although there is a common thing to evaluate the level of a symphony orchestra, such as the performance level of the orchestra, the technical difficulty of the performance, and the difficulty of the song, but the performance and style of a orchestra are distinctive, and they are also kind and wise. It is hoped that different orchestras will always maintain the state of communication and a benign competitive system to grow together.

Rehearsing the scene.

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