"God of War" Liu Yudong, Putian Ambassador to Drugs!

Author:Putian Evening News Time:2022.06.14

Healthy life, green and non -toxic. On the morning of June 13, Putian City held the launching ceremony of the "Mazu Ai · Drug Forbidden Love" national anti -drug propaganda month. You Wenjie, deputy director of the Fujian Provincial Anti -Drug Office and Captain Directors of the Public Security Department, Chen Wenrong, director of the Putian Municipal Forbidden Drug Commission, Deputy Mayor, and Director of Public Security, Yu Jianzhong, Executive Vice President of the Chinese Mazu Cultural Exchange Association, Wu Haiduan, Secretary of the Meizhou Island Party Working Committee, and Guests such as Liu Yudong, former national basketball team player and "God of War", were invited to attend.

In his speech, Chen Wenrong said that our city took the "6 · 26" international anti -drug day and anti -drug propaganda month activities as a carrier. "The morality, deeply cultivated the concept of" healthy life, green and non -toxic ", created the Putian anti -drug image brand, setting off a new round of anti -drug propaganda boom in the city. It is necessary to focus on building a large pattern of Putian anti -drug propaganda and continuously expand the coverage and influence of Putian's anti -drug propaganda. Efforts to create a good brand of anti -drug propaganda in Putian, with the help of Mazu's belief and Lin Zexu's feelings in the country, and overseas, and organically combine Mazu's spirit with Lin Zexu's anti -drug sentiment, integrate them, carefully cultivate, continue to work hard, continue to work hard, strive to come up early Achievement, called a brand. Efforts to form the "cloud" effect of Putian anti -drug propaganda, establish the work concept of "everyone is anti -drug propagandist, all of which are anti -drug spokespersons", education and guidance and more people are spontaneously integrated into the overall situation of anti -drug propaganda work. For merit, help the city to build a green, non -toxic, stable and stable social environment.

According to reports, for a long time, under the strong leadership of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government and the scientific guidance of the Provincial Ban Drugs Commission, the city has carried out severe blows, propaganda prevention, and comprehensively promoted the comprehensive governance of drug problems, promoting the formation of "party committee leaders and government responsibility for responsibility , Subject to cooperate, social co -governance, and public participation ". In 2021, the city's anti -drug work realized the "five significant improvements" of the party committee and government attaches importance to the degree of importance, the construction of anti -drug facilities, the effectiveness of anti -drug strikes, the achievements of anti -drug propaganda and education, and the in -depth coverage of anti -drug concepts. "Historical achievements.

At the scene, the leaders and invited guests who participated in the ceremony co -consciously ignited the torch. Chen Wenrong presented the former national basketball team members and "Bayi" basketball team captain Liu Yudong to issue anti -drug image ambassadors and honorary certificates. Liu Yudong said that he was honored to be a anti -drug image ambassador to his hometown, and actively participated in the anti -drug propaganda activities of Putian City, drove more public public to participate in anti -drug causes, and issued an initiative to "cherish life away from drugs". The event also conducted a collective oath of anti -drugs. On -site singing, broadcasting, and displaying the series of original Putian anti -drug theme songs, public welfare promotional videos, positive paintings, and "The Story of Lin Zexu and Mazu" of Putian Anti -drug Commission. And issue an honorary certificate to the creator representatives.

▲ The four -screen Chinese painting transfer ceremony of "Lin Zexu forbidden to smoke and Mazu"

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Weng Liangda, Deputy Secretary -General of the People's Government of Putian City and Director of Drug Control Office, said in an interview with reporters that the idol Liu Yudong, an idol of the majority of young students, was appointed as the Ambassador of Putian Anti -drug. And Lin Zexu combined with the smoke -forbidden campaign under the inscription of Mazu's spirit, so that Putian ’s anti -drug work will go out of Putian, get out of Fujian, and go nationwide.

Source: Putian Evening News reporter Xu Boying

Responsible editor: Yang Meiqin

Editor: Lin Rongyou

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