On July 9th, there is no new case of new crown pneumonia in Nanjing

Author:Nanjing released Time:2022.07.10

Epidemic notice

According to the Provincial Health Commission released on July 10, at 0-24 on July 9, 2022, there were no new local confirmed cases in our city, and there were no new local infections.


Recently, the state issued the "New Coronatte Pneumonic Pneumonia Prevention and Control Plan (Ninth Edition)" to further improve and optimize specific prevention and control measures. At present, there are no high -risk areas in Nanjing, but the risk of input and associated epidemics in foreign countries is still high. Citizens are requested to continue to strengthen their awareness of prevention and insist on good personal hygiene habits such as washing their hands, wearing masks, constant ventilation, less gathering, and using public chopsticks, and meal systems. It is necessary not to go to risk areas and areas with local cases. Pay attention to the official release of the authoritative information of the epidemic, the dynamics of the domestic epidemic, and the changes in risky areas, do not believe in rumors, do not spread the rumors, always maintain vigilance, strict prevention, and support control measures. Once symptoms such as fever and dry cough occur, it should be treated in time in a timely manner under the premise of personal protection. There are people who have the history of living in the county (cities, districts, flags) in the county (city, district, and flag) of the high -risk zone or a local epidemic. The community (village) or hotel reporting, actively cooperate with the implementation of relevant epidemic prevention and control measures, and deliberately conceal or fail to report in time, which will lead to the spread of the epidemic spread and will bear the corresponding legal liability.

Source: Healthy Nanjing

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