Organized by our city to watch the 93rd epidemic prevention and control of the Provincial Party Committee, Sun Dajun Zhang Guangyong attended the venue of Luliang Branch

Author:Luliang Radio and TV Station Time:2022.07.10

On July 8th, the city organized a special meeting of the 93rd epidemic prevention and control of the Provincial Party Committee and meeting of the provincial epidemic prevention and control work leadership group. Normal prevention and control work. Sun Dajun, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, Zhang Guangyong, mayor, and city leaders Xu Defeng, Zhang Xinning, Tian Anping, Gao Qiying, etc. attended the venue of Lu Liang.

The meeting pointed out that the current global epidemic has continued to develop, and a clustered epidemic occurred in many places in China, especially in the case of a case of Shanghai returning to Jin in Xinzheng County, the transportation city, showing that under the continued popularity of Omikon's mutation, building construction, building construction, building construction, building construction, and building the construction of the mutant strains of Omiko, building the context of the continuous popularity of Omiko, and the construction of the mutant strains of Omiko, built the construction of the Omicor Rongjura. Outside the defense line of defense, efficiently coordinate the prevention and control of the epidemic and economic and social development, the tasks are arduous, and the must not be relaxed. Yuncheng and Xinyi County should adhere to strict and fast, seize the "window period" of emergency response, optimize all aspects of speed, and comprehensively check the risk points and risk people. Strive the chain of epidemic dissemination.

The meeting pointed out that scientific and precisely building an external defense input line is the focus of preventing and controlling the prevention and control of normal epidemic. It is necessary to continue to use good and effective experience, good experience, good practices, persist in people, things, and environmental defense, implement the "first time, first fall point" control, "landing nucleic acid+point -to -point transfer+precision code" full chain working mechanism , Strict measures such as normalized nucleic acid testing and public places inspection, strictly implement relevant regulations such as closed -loop management of international flights, cold chain logistics, and delivery logistics comprehensive warehouses (first point distribution center) management. The special class system is unchanged, the organization is unchanged, and the strength is unchanged. We must do everything possible to effectively respond to the new situation and new problems, conscientiously implement the relevant provisions of the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council, deeply learn from the lessons and lessons of the epidemic hidden communication, strengthen risk prediction, and continue to optimize prevention and control measures. The strict and high -risk zone is in the county to enter the Jinjin returnees and return to the Jinjin personnel to manage and control measures, and implement the requirements of our province's "Notice on Further Adjusting and Optimizing Epidemic Prevention and Control Measures" to ensure that the seamless gaps in the entire chain of all risk personnel are in place. It is necessary to make good use of the national epidemic prevention and control and control platform, strengthen communication and coordination with relevant brothers and cities, further improve the efficiency of cross -regional cooperation, grasp the information of risk personnel, quickly and accurately lock the target group, and strive to reduce the risk of spreading the epidemic spread to the risk lowest. It is necessary to resolutely implement the "nine inaccurate" requirements, continue to carry out supervision and inspection, and resolutely prevent the phenomenon of "one -size -fits -all" and "layer by layer", so that the epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development are "two mistakes" and "two promotion".

The meeting emphasized that party committees and governments at all levels should continue to carry out the political responsibility of preventing and controlling the epidemic, further improve the combined command system of the Plaid War, and compact the "Quartet" responsibilities to ensure that various prevention and control measures are effective. It is necessary to guide the general public to do the first responsible person of their health, consciously abide by the prevention and control requirements of the epidemic, take the initiative to accept the code checking code, participate in social activities in an orderly manner, reduce unnecessary gatherings of gatherings, and contribute to the overall situation of epidemic prevention and control.

The meeting pointed out that departments at all levels must adhere to the prevention and control of the prevention and control and optimize prevention and control measures, soberly understand the current severe situation, strictly implement the requirements of the ninth edition of the prevention and control plan and the country's strengthening of external prevention input work. Optimized measures, more scientific and precisely do a good job of preventing and controlling the normalization epidemic. It is necessary to scientifically arrange the epidemic prevention work in high temperature weather, strengthen the humanistic care of the front -line epidemic prevention personnel, coordinate human resources, strengthen the service guarantee such as heatstroke prevention and cooling, and ensure that the epidemic prevention work can be sustainable and continuous. We must adhere to the goal -oriented, problem -oriented, and result -oriented, and do a good job in various types of supervision, inspections, auditing, inspection and discovery of problems and rectification, and work together to seize the dual victory of epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development.

Reporter: Zhang Xiufeng

Broadcast: Zhang Yiming Zhu Xiaobo

Edit: Feng Ningjing

Trial: Geng Ruishan Liu Limin


New Media Editor: Xue Qinyun

New Media Technology: Cui Wei

New media review: Zhang Yanan

New media producer: Geng Ruishan Zheng Fangmin

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