Two companies in Sanmenxia have been approved by Henan Provincial Postdoctoral Innovation Practice Base

Author:Henan Daily Client Time:2022.07.10

Henan Daily Client reporter Wang Xiaoping

A few days ago, the "Notice on Agreeing to agree to establish a doctoral innovation practical base such as Zhengzhou Public Investment Development Group Co., Ltd., including Zhengzhou Public Investment Development Group Co., Ltd., issued from the Henan Provincial Department of Henan Province. He Sanmenxia Hongxin New Material Technology Co., Ltd. was approved by the 2022 Henan Provincial Postdoctoral Innovation Practice Base. This is the fifth and sixth post -doctoral innovation practice base approved by the Sanmenxia Municipal Human Resources and Social Affairs Department. The training of talent teams, the construction of an outstanding young professional talent team in innovative types has reached a new height.

The establishment of a postdoctoral innovation practice base will make new and greater contributions to attract outstanding talents, improve scientific research capabilities, carry out various academic activities, and strengthen the construction of talent teams. A number of high -level, insights, and valuable research results will be harvested, creating a number of scientific research talents with strong political, business, and positive style. 2. Machining technology high -level talent training pathway, enhance the quality of high -tech talent training, enhance independent innovation capabilities, and promote strong intelligence support for the combination of industry -university -research and the transformation of scientific and technological achievements.

In order to extend a group of "high -precision" talents engaged in post -doctoral research, in recent years, Sanmenxia City has worked hard to fight "policies" and "service", "build stations" and "cited talents", "integration" and "education". A mechanism system that is conducive to the growth of postdoctoral talents. In the next step, Sanmenxia City will conscientiously implement the spirit of the Central Talent Work Conference, focus on creating a "new highland" for the innovation and development of postdoctoral talents, further optimize the development environment of post -doctoral talents, and deeply stimulate the vitality of post -doctoral talents.

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