Just reported!45 were positive here, 31 cases were students!Fuzhou emergency reminder!

Author:Home in Drum Tower Time:2022.07.09

July 9th

Shandong Linyi announced

45 newly adds details

The content is as follows

From 0:00 on July 8, 2022, 45 cases of non -symptoms were added in Linyi City, of which 43 cases of Lanling County reported and 2 cases of Lanshan District reported.

Symptoms of non-symptoms 1-31: Holiday students, Lanling County, positive nucleic acid detection during isolation control.

Symptoms of non-symptoms 32-33: School service staff, native of Lanling County, positive nucleic acid testing during isolation control.

Symptoms without infection 34: Teachers, people from Lanshan District, working in Lanling County, positive nucleic acid testing during isolation control.

Symptoms of non-symptoms 35-36: Driver driver, native of Lanling County, positive nucleic acid testing during isolation control.

Symptoms of non-symptoms 37-39: Workers, Lanling County, positive nucleic acid detection during isolation control.

Announced asymptomatic infection 40-42: Farming, Lanling County, positive nucleic acid detection during isolation control.

Symptoms of non -symptoms 43: Paper factory cleaners, Lanling County, positive nucleic acid detection during isolation control.

An adding asymptomatic infection 44-45: Individual packaging wholesale retail employees, people from Lanshan District, positive nucleic acid detection during isolation control.

At present, the above 45 asymptomatic infections have been closed to the city -level designated hospitals to quarantine and observed. Combined with epidemiological survey, clinical manifestations and laboratory test results, expert group diagnoses as a symptom of infection with new crown pneumonia,

The masses are requested to consciously abide by the relevant regulations of the epidemic prevention and control, do not believe in rumors, rumors, and make rumors, and pay attention to the official information released in a timely manner. Keep personal protection awareness at all times, wear masks, wash your hands frequently, often ventilate, gather less, and use public chopsticks to maintain a safe social distance. If you have symptoms such as fever, cough, diarrhea, fatigue, and weakness, wear a disposable medical surgical mask, and go to the nearest clinic in time. During the clinic, avoid taking public transportation.

Linyi Municipal Party Committee co -ordination of epidemic prevention and control and economic operation

Work Leading Group (Headquarters) Office

July 9, 2022

At a press conference held in Linyi City on the afternoon of the 8th, relevant personnel said that from the July 6th Japanese epidemic situation to 24:00 on the 7th, Linyi City had accumulated 75 patients with positive infections, all of which were asymptomatic infections. Among them, Lanling County had the most infected people, a total of 58 cases. 508 infected middle school students in Lanling County accounted for 50 cases, distributed in Hantang Primary School (49 students) and Hantang Middle School (1 student) in Lanling Town.

According to the official announcement of the official announcement on July 9, 31 of the 45 newly added infected infected on July 8 were students, and one teacher and 2 school service staff were added. The above 34 are positive at nucleic acid detection during isolation control. As of 24:00 on the 8th, a total of 81 students had accumulated infected, accounting for about 67%, and became the most infected group in Linyi's this round of epidemic.

Hantang Primary School is an affiliated elementary school in Ruifuyuan Community, Lanling Town. On July 7th, three areas of Ruifu Yuan Community, Xizhaozhuang Village, and Fangzhuang Village were classified as high -risk areas, and Zangqiao Village, Liushu Wang Village, Hantang Village, Xiaobashou Village, and Xiaqiao Village, Hantang Primary School students Eight areas of Gaotang Village, Xiaowangzhuang Village, Nansheng Mountain Houcun Village, and Caimiao Village are classified as mid -risk areas.

Fuzhou emergency reminder:

Risk -regional entry (return) Rong staff pay attention to


Fuzhou issued the latest announcement:

Persons who enter (return) Rong from the risk area

Need to hold 48 hours of kernel acid negative proof

After entering (returning) Rong, take the initiative to take the initiative as soon as possible

The community (village), units, hotels are reported!

As of 7 o'clock on July 9, 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps have 263 high -risk areas, involving 27 cities in 12 provinces; 262 central risk areas, and 32 provinces in 12 provinces.

The general public should deeply understand the complexity and uncertainty of the prevention and control of the new crown pneumonia, and always tighten the string of the epidemic prevention and control, overcome the paralysis thoughts and fluke. In order to accurately do "external prevention input and internal defense rebound" and reduce the risk of input and spread of the epidemic, the relevant matters will be announced as follows:

1. The city's personnel who enter (return) Rong from the risk area take health management measures in accordance with regulations: high -risk zone entry (return) Rong personnel implement centralized isolation medicine observation for 7 days; medium -risk zone entry (return) Rong personnel to implement home Observation of isolation medicine for 7 days (non -qualified transition medium isolation medical observation); low -risk zone, that is, other areas (cities, districts, flags) in the middle and high -risk areas (cities, districts, flags), (return), should hold 48 hours of kernel acid negative nature. It proves that two days of inspection for 3 days and do a good job of health monitoring. The implementation time of the measures is calculated in the risk area. If it has exceeded 7 days, a nucleic acid detection is required. As a result, the negative party can terminate the health management. For details, please refer to the attached table for details.

2. If the citizens of our city are unnecessary recently, please do not go to the risk area (see the attached table). If you really need to go, be sure to do personal protection and accurately record your own activities; personnel who enter (return) from the risk area must hold 48 hours of kernel acid negative proof. The community (village), units, and hotels are reported, and health management measures are implemented in accordance with the relevant prevention and control requirements of our city.

3. Citizen friends are requested to respond to the national new crown virus vaccination policy, especially children aged 3 to 11, and elderly people over 60 years of age should actively cooperate with the new crown vaccination work. Please complete the need to strengthen the needle as soon as possible, protect personal health, reduce the risk of infection and onset, and jointly build a crowd immune barrier. Fourth, please pay attention to the safety of freezing (Tibetan) food safety, closely pay attention to the import food quarantine information released by government departments; frozen (Tibetan) food operators should cooperate with government departments to implement prevention and control measures such as health monitoring and nucleic acid detection.

Fifth, please pay attention to personal protection at all times, maintain a safe social distance, and develop a standard wearing mask (especially when taking public transport and activities in public places), wash your hands, often ventilate, do not gather, do not gather, less, less, less Good sanitation habits such as dinner and meal systems, advocate a healthy lifestyle.

6. If you have symptoms such as fever, dry cough, fatigue, sore throat, smell, smell (flavor), nasal congestion, runny nose, conjunctivitis, muscle pain, diarrhea and other symptoms, we must wear disposable medical masks and above masks. Medical institutions in the popularity (clinical room) were diagnosed and tested for nucleic acid tests. Try to avoid public transportation as much as possible for the medical treatment process.

7. For serious consequences of concealment and lies, accountability is held in accordance with the law.

Fuzhou new coronary virus infection pneumonia

Emergency Headquarter

July 9, 2022

Affiliated table:

A list of high, medium, and low -risk areas (return) Rong personnel health management requirements

Provincial Medical Institution (Fuzhou)
Provide 24-hour nucleic acid detection services
institutional institution list
(2022.1.266 renew)

(View the ups and down, click the picture to see the big picture)

Fuzhou nucleic acid detection sampling point information table
(2022.6.29 update)

(View the ups and down, click the picture to see the big picture)

Fuzhou, county (cities) districts
Emergency Command Public Telephone

(Click on the picture to see the big picture)

New crown vaccine in Fuzhou area

(View the ups and down, click the picture to see the big picture)

Fuzhou City Popular Creed Clinic Summary Form

(View the ups and down, click the picture to see the big picture)

Source Health Linyi, Southeast Morning Post, Fuzhou Health and Health

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