International grain loss research and development and exchange platform construction action plan for the construction of action plan

Author:Hanting Rong Media Time:2022.07.09

In order to further accelerate the construction of the R & D and exchange platform of international food damage reduction, on July 8th, Deputy Secretary and District Chief of Hansing District Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Party Working Committee and Management Committee of Weifang Economic Development Zone (Core Zone) Wang Yong, a full -time deputy director of the Agricultural Comprehensive District Promotion Office, organized a symposium on the construction of an international grain loss R & D and exchange platform for construction and exchange platform construction. The relevant responsible comrades of the relevant responsible comrades of the relevant departments of the Weifang National Agricultural Comprehensive Zone, the relevant municipal departments and the relevant county and city agricultural and rural bureaus participated.

At the symposium, the relevant responsible comrades of the Municipal Science and Technology Bureau, the Municipal Industry and Information Technology Bureau, the Municipal Development and Reform Commission, the Municipal Commercial Bureau, the Municipal Agricultural and Rural Bureau, and Changyi City, Gaomi City, and Qingzhou Agricultural and Rural Bureau on the construction and exchange platform construction action plan for international grain loss research and development and exchange platform respectively A suggestion was made.


Each participating unit should based on functions, combine Weifang's actual situation, use the full development of the national agricultural comprehensive zone, and try the advantages of the policy first to create a full -chain international grain damage reduction model. Storage and processing have developed a number of new technologies to accelerate the cultivation of a number of new formats and models that promote income increase in grain and reducing grain -saving damage, and contribute Chinese wisdom and Weifang power to achieve grain loss.

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