[New Era of Entrusted New Journal] New Era] Lintong: Demonstration of the integration of production and cities

Author:Lintong Rong Media official nu Time:2022.07.09

Liu Mingzhi Liu Ruihua

There is no industrial support in the city. Even if it is beautiful, it is also a "air tower"; the industry has no city support, and even if it is high -end, it will not work smoothly.

"The long -term partitions brought by the dual structure of urban and rural areas have caused the industrial, commercial and residential functions in urban planning to be clearly divided. In the long run, it is not conducive to the long -term development of our urbanization." Liu Hongke, Secretary of the Working Committee, admits that the integration of new formats in production and cities must be the integration and development of industry, commercial and residents.

In this regard, Lintong is guided by the needs of the masses, exploring the integration development model of "community substantization, market chain, and industrial characteristics". On the one hand, it gives full play to the role of the government's tangible hand, and it is more effective in promoting the market by government. Release the potential and efficiency advantages of the market, give play to the role of corporate innovation, and make every effort to create a high -end science and technology innovation platform that leads to high -quality development.

The water is deep, and the city is strong and the city is Jiaxing. "Build hardware, activate software, activate the community, and live a beautiful city with the city's integration, there is a clear path and goal." Liu Hongke said.

Community entity--

10 cities communities divide 70 basic party building grids, and form a "butterfly variable effect" that forms a community governance mechanism

"Girls set me lunch for me, and our staff of the people's cafeteria sent me to the door on time at 12 noon, solving our dinner problems, and children can work with peace of mind!" Recently, Grandma Liu, a 81 -year -old in Fenghuang Community, Chengguan Street, lived in Chengguan Street. Praise the "convenience cafeteria" in the community.

The practice of the Phoenix community is the epitome of the city's grass -roots party building in the city. Since the beginning of this year, Lintong has been based on Chengguan Street, and has taken the fourthization action of "refined grid management, precision community service, professional work team, and commonly established commonization". Create 10 new urban communities, refine 141 micro -grids, set up 66 grid party branches, 172 party groups in the building, 597 party member center households, realized the function decentralization, the sinking of the personnel, the service of the service is close, the residents' demand channels are even more channels of demand channels. Unblocked and more precise services, it has effectively opened up the last mile of serving the masses.

At present, there have been 56 of the people's service projects such as the construction of electric vehicle charging sheds, access control installations of Sanwu Community, and pavement hardening of old communities, and coordinated more than 50 conflicts and other contradictions such as pipeline leakage.

"Urban management has always been a blind spot in our grass -roots governance. The method of governing the film is inevitable that there is no problem in management and service." The number of party members was 297, and the urban and rural areas were complex. The citizens could not find the service.

"Divide the 10 urban villages under the jurisdiction of the original work film, and all the remaining commercial communities are placed in the nearby cities in the nearby cities. Public and social services. "Wang Fa Zhou said. After re -determining, in accordance with the requirements of the "Ten Measures on Strengthening the Party Construction of the Cities at the grassroots level", the party members and cadres of the district unit, the leaders of the "two new" organizations, the party members of the property enterprise, and the retired party members have attracted 50 people as part -time members. Participate in community management services.

In terms of specific work, the AB -angle service system and home visit system are implemented. "Make the masses go to the community to enter a door, find someone, and do everything." Wang Fa Zhou said that in the past, the masses had to run to the corresponding department to apply for it. It was inconvenient for some far people. Now, the masses can be handled in the city community administrative service hall.

The organic integration of multi -party forces has transformed urban grassroots governance from "unicorn" to "chorus." At present, more than 60 service activities such as the "Elderly's Nuclear Acid Detection Code" of the resident party members' "Elderly Nuonic acid Inspection Code" and "Safe Inspection Inspection Inspection Institute" have been successfully completed with the help of part -time members.

In addition, the street also actively promotes the "one center and multi -site" model, relying on the new era civilization practice stations and other positions, to create 23 places such as a grid and volunteer service station to surrounding radiation. At the same time, social volunteer organizations such as "Sunshine Volunteers" and "Golden Sunshine" are linked to the "home doorsteps" of health consultations, loving three -wheeled distribution, etc. to the residents.

This dual -core driver mode of "branch+team" has achieved the actual effect of "1+1> 2". "In the past, the people were waiting for the masses to come to find business, and now they actively provide services." Wang Fa Zhou was deeply touched. From the perspective of the masses, Wang Fa Zhou could truly work in the hearts of the masses.

Market chain--

Give full play to the role of the government's tangible hand, do a good job in the development of the agricultural industry development, and unblock the double cycles of industries and markets

From March to April each year, it is the busiest time in Lintong's big cherry market. At two o'clock in the morning, when the whole city was still asleep, the Big Cherry Market of Yuezhuang Village, Chengguan Street, has gathered thousands of merchants and big cherry fruit farmers from all over the country. The outside is lively.

In the more than 150 acres of Moon Zhuang Big Cherry Market, the fruit farmers brought the basket to transport the large cherry picked in the morning to the trading channel, and the merchants shuttled between the fruit farmers to find the right source of supply. After a bargaining Cherry was immediately sent to the sorting area for sorting, packing, and pre -cold. Finally, the cold chain car was transported to all parts of the country.

"Although this year's epidemic is fierce, we have made all the preparations, from free isolation to transportation policy, from elimination to nucleic acid testing, all of them are very detailed." Liu Hongke, Secretary of the Party Working Committee of Chengguan Street, said that this year's cherry on the streets of our streets this year The sales volume reached 30 million kg, and the output value was 700 million yuan. Moon Zhuang's big cherry market is the product of the development of industrial scale. "The First County of Cherry Cherry in China", in 30 years, has developed cherries into regional characteristic and advantageous industries, becoming the "golden planting industry" in the eyes of local farmers. However, in the process of development, there are also "troubles of growth".

"Investigation and development, although our big cherry market has initially used the scale, there are still problems such as imperfect facilities and irregular management. In the long run, we must follow the trend to modernize the industry and build a closed loop of a whole industry chain. Only the road to the big cherry industry can go wider and wider. "Liu Hongke said frankly.

Orchard picking, carefully selected, packaged and shipped. From the branches to the tip of the tongue, how to make these seductive and fresh fruits have enough confidence to "go the Quartet"?

Lintong's approach is to build and upgrade the entire industrial chain from the before and after the large cherry industry, to fully understand the needs of the growers, and through the construction demonstration base, sorting center, e -commerce center, logistics park, etc. A series of closed -loop industry chains, combined with the advantages and disadvantages of the cherry industry such as Zibo and Yantai, continuously improved the output and quality of large cherry, controlled the peak sales control, and widen the collective income channels.

In this process, water and fertilizer integration, trimming, and fruit planting protection technology are escorted first; intermediate agricultural capital provides seamless connection; back -end gas -tank cold wind tank, large cherry market cold chain, national sales channel support. At the same time, the new introduction of cherry sorting equipment, high -efficiency sorting high, middle and low -grade fruits, working together to ensure that the rear -end growers sell good prices and collect collective income collectives.

"Only by allowing the surrounding people to be on the 'chain' can they continue to increase their income for a long time." Liu Hongke said.

In this regard, Chengguan Street has planned projects such as "modernization of infrastructure, rationalization of partition layout, diversified market function development, complete supporting facilities and equipment, operating service services, and bright market cultural characteristics". The four characteristics of the large cherry origin trading market, e -commerce base, and logistics park "implement the brand improvement strategy to create a new growth pole of the big cherry.

At the e -commerce center, the reporter saw Peng Zhichao, an "e -commerce master". "Our own Jingdong store, this year's order volume is 117,000 orders. June 2 is the peak period of 618 pre -sale delivery. When the South China region is opened to pull the straight line, we will take 15,000 catties of fruits a day, and continuously After five days. "

Peng Zhichao told reporters that they have been committed to building a B2B2C platform. On the one hand, they are the supply chain acceptance of large local supermarkets and agricultural markets. Provide wider channels for big cherries.

"Provide farmers with the highest quality agricultural products, help farmers plant the best -quality agricultural products, and allow high -quality agricultural products to sell the best price." It can be seen that Lintong's big cherry is gradually constructing a closed -loop of the industry. New technologies and new standards serve agriculture, rural areas, and farmers, helping the "Lintong Great Cherry" to radiate the country and create a key value for the revitalization of rural industries.

Industrial characteristics-

With scientific and technological innovation and green development as a fulcrum for leverage high -quality and high -speed development, it won the world's first in 50 days.

"Walter Magnetic Electric's first largest 5 -meter intelligent stand -up high gradient magnetic selection machine has been successfully offline!" "The world's first, the world's largest 2 meters intelligent (cyclical) electromagnetic slurry high gradient magnetic selection machine is successfully put into application! "Two products provide key technologies and equipment guarantee for the development and utilization of national strategic mineral resources.

Entering Walter, a small -scale enterprise has built 8 provincial and above R & D platforms such as the "national character" industrial base, the national post -doctoral research workstation, and has 226 national patents. It hosts and participate There are 23 industry machinery standards.

The results of Lintong County in the field of equipment manufacturing have made people praise the reason why their jumping changes is also witnessed: insisting on scientific and technological innovation and green development as a fulcrum for leverage high -quality and high -speed development, so that the county's "specialized new" The "invisible champion" enterprise group has continued to grow and the quality of development has continued to improve. At present, Chengguan Street alone has a total of 18 special special enterprises at or above the municipal level, 8 municipal hidden champion companies, and 20 high -tech enterprises.

On June 30, the annual supplier conference and awards ceremony of the Manjumol Group were held in Manjumol headquarters at the Manhumur head of Luthema, Germany. The Marriott Group Longde Technology has only set up five global awards to win the "Global Excellent Supplier" award of Manhumol Group with excellent products, high -quality services, and fast customers.

"On the one hand, we support the transformation and upgrading of traditional industries, promote the deep integration of the innovation chain and the industrial chain, and accelerate the transformation and development of traditional industries with the connotation of enterprise." Liu Hongke said, on the other hand, we strengthen the construction of the carrier platform platform to solve the industrial development in all aspects Demand and technical bottlenecks, promote the effective connection of the innovation chain and the industrial chain, and achieve the same frequency resonance and priority transformation of advanced technology and industrial development.

The reporter learned that more than 80 high -tech enterprises in the county accounted for a quarter of the city. Liu Hongke told reporters that we have exerted local advantages. For small and medium -sized enterprises, we implement the strategy of strong science and technology enterprises, maximize the potential of scientific and technological potential, enhance the core competitiveness of SMEs, and promote the industry to the middle and high -end. For example, the "Plastic Steel" long glass fiber technology and products independently developed by Dadi Auto Parts reached the national advanced level and became the first -level supplier of FAW Jiefang and JAC. Central Asia, Southeast Asia, Africa and other markets.

It can be seen that in Lintong, many traditional companies rely on scientific and technological innovation to achieve new rise. In order to make this new rise, at the Lintong County Entrepreneur Conference held on April 25, 30 policies for the benefits of enterprise enterprises were introduced, involving industrial file upgrades and upgrading, technological research and development innovation, and other aspects.

The good policy inserted the wings of the industrial quality and efficiency. In the first quarter, among the 13 main indicators of the level of economic development, 11 growth rates in Lintong County were higher than the city's average level, and 7 growth rates ranked among the top 5 in the city.

Source: Volkswagen News • Volkswagen Daily client

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