Meizhou Island: Learning experience and promoting improvement!Make grass -roots social governance more effective and warm

Author:Putian released Time:2022.07.09

On the morning of the 6th, Meizhou Island Organization personnel went to Jiulong District, Xialin Street, Chengxiang District, and Houhuang Community, Xitianwei Town, Licheng District to visit the pilot "party building leader, ramming the foundation" project. Nearly 40 people from the district, town, and villages from Meizhou Island Group, political and legal systems, and villages attended.

Entering the Kowloon Community, the party building red elements can be seen everywhere. The party and the masses are connected to the heart, the pioneer of the party members, the party building propaganda column, the cultural wall, and the heart pavilion ... Through these touching and visible learning carriers, everyone can build a strong end party organization system for the party branch of the Kowloon Community and let the community make the community. Contacting the people's more accurate and effective issues and other issues, have more understanding.

Houhuang community is beautiful and ecological livable. During the visit, everyone carefully listened to the introduction, looked at the highlights, and looked at the characteristics. By listening to explanations, field reading, and on -site talks, everyone has further clarified the work goals and ideas.

"Through this visit, we have a deeper understanding of the" party building leadership, ramming the foundation and benefiting the people "project." Tang Changqing, secretary of the Party branch of the back of the village of Houxiang, said that Houxiang Village will combine the actual situation to solve the problem of the masses. Party members are required to make their identities, the responsibilities, and promises of the duty, and give full play to the role of party members in rural governance, and effectively improve and improve the construction of the end organizational system.

Zheng Zhihui, Secretary of the Party Branch of Dongcai Village, said that this visit to the study has benefited himself a lot. Dong Cai Village will closely focus on the requirements of the "party building leadership, consolidate the foundation and benefit the people", to find the gap in advanced standards, and weave and weave and weaving. Tightening layer governance grid. Let the masses in the grid think of the grid long and units, and make party members and cadres a "waiter" around the masses, so that "small things can not be released from grids, and big things cannot be out of the village".

Since the beginning of this year, Meizhou Island has implemented the "party building leadership, ramming the foundation and benefiting the people", and in accordance with the principles of "easy management, easy organization, convenient service", and comprehensive governance grid and minimum unit settings, the island is divided into 289 networks into 289 networks. The grid is subdivided into 1650 units. Each village establishes a grid WeChat group, and a communication platform for villagers and grid long and unit length.

The relevant person in charge of the Organization Department of the Meizhou Island Party Working Committee said that through the party building, the power of the grid of the grid, promoting party members to serve the masses, participate in governance, and make each grid party group and each party member contact the accounts. It is effective and more temperature. If you do n’t go out of the village, do n’t go out of the town, so that the party ’s leadership is strong, strong, and effective at the end of the grassroots level.

(Source: Fujian Daily · New Fujian Client Reporter: Chen Shengzhong Correspondent: Li Linwen/Picture Editor: Xu Yixuan)

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