31 provinces added 67 new local confirmed cases of 304 newly added local infections 304 cases

Author:Golden sheep net Time:2022.07.09

China News Service, July 9th. According to the website of the National Health and Health Commission, at 0-24 on July 8th, 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 112 newly confirmed cases. Among them, 45 cases were entered overseas (12 cases in Guangdong, 8 cases in Shanghai, 7 cases in Inner Mongolia, 6 cases in Fujian, 3 cases in Tianjin, 3 cases in Jiangxi, 2 cases in Chongqing, 2 cases in Shaanxi, 1 case of Liaoning, 1 case in Sichuan), including 6) Examples from asymptomatic infections to confirmed cases (2 cases of Tianjin, 2 cases in Guangdong, 1 case of Liaoning, 1 case in Sichuan); 67 cases of local cases (25 cases in Anhui, 11 cases in Shanghai, 7 cases in Jiangsu, 6 cases in Guangdong, Inner Mongolia, Inner Mongolia Five cases, 4 cases in Gansu, 3 cases in Beijing, 3 cases in Fujian, 1 case of Zhejiang, 1 case in Shandong, and 1 in Shaanxi), including 6 cases from asymptomatic infections to confirmed cases (4 cases in Anhui, 2 cases of Inner Mongolia). There are no new death cases. Two new suspected cases were added, all of which were overseas input cases (both in Shanghai).

当日新增治愈出院病例44例,其中境外输入病例23例,本土病例21例(内蒙古8例,上海3例,江苏3例,山东3例,安徽2例,北京1例,广东1例), 7352 close contacts of medical observations, and severe cases were reduced by 1 case from the previous day.

379 cases of existing confirmed cases were entered overseas, and 2 cases of suspected cases were input. A total of 19,682 cases were accumulated, and a total of 19,303 cases were cured, and there were no death cases.

As of 24:00 on July 8th, according to the reports of 31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, there were 938 confirmed cases (including 1 cases of severe cases), 220,345 cases were cured, and 5226 cases accumulated deaths were accumulated. A total of 22,6509 cases were reported, and there were 2 cases of suspected cases. A total of 43,20056 people were tracked to the close contact, and 70,888 close contacts who were observed in medical observation.

31 provinces (autonomous regions, municipalities) and Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 343 cases of asymptomatic infection, of which 39 cases were entered overseas, 304 cases were input (114 cases in Anhui, 71 cases in Jiangsu, 48 cases in Shanghai, 45 cases in Shandong, Fujian Fujian, Fujian, Fujian 18 cases, 2 cases in Guangdong, 2 cases in Shaanxi, 1 case of Tianjin, 1 case in Zhejiang, 1 case in Guangxi, 1 case of Gansu).

There were 68 asymptomatic infected people who observed medical observations that day, of which 39 cases were entered overseas, 29 cases were in the country (6 cases in Tianjin, 6 cases in Anhui, 4 cases of Jilin, 3 cases in Liaoning, 2 cases in Inner Mongolia, 2 cases in Guangdong, 2 cases in Guangxi, 2 cases in Guangxi, 2 cases, 2 cases in Guangxi. 1 case in Shanghai, 1 case of Jiangsu, 1 case in Shandong, 1 case of Sichuan); 12 cases of confirmed cases (6 cases in overseas input); 2,666 cases of non -symptoms observed in medical observation (379 cases were entered overseas).

A total of 436,7534 cases were notified in Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan. Among them, 340,901 cases in the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (64,707 cases were discharged from hospital, 9410 deaths), 566 cases of 566 Special Administrative Regions (94 cases were discharged from hospital, 2 deaths), and 40,26067 cases in Taiwan (13,742 cases were discharged and 7459 deaths were killed).

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